Is there a single woman on planet earth into forced feminization? I hate having this fetish

Is there a single woman on planet earth into forced feminization? I hate having this fetish

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I'm kinda rough and tumble so I'd put you in a dress and make you my housewife, if you were worth it.

What makes someone worth it to you?

You got good homemaking skills? You good looking? Can you take care of the kids while I support us? You Christian? Oh, and white.

Not in a sexual sense, but i think boys wearing dresses/skirts is cute.

>You got good homemaking skills?

>You good looking?
I guess so.

>Can you take care of the kids while I support us?

> You Christian? Oh, and white.
I'm not religious and I'm hispanic so there goes that

I just want to wear elegant and beautiful dresses without being hated for it honestly. If someone appreciates it in a sexual way or in a platonic way either would be amazing for me

Ah shame, I'm sure you'd have made a good housewife and make up the feminine side where I fall short. Oh well.

Why would a christian want a male housewife?

because he's LARPing obviously

Yeah, they're always fujos tho

yes, trust me OP, I've been with several

How do I find people into it?

Do you know any pale women with bad hygiene who are always talking about femboys in anime?

My one and only girlfriend in college asked me to wear her clothes a few times as well as some other things. I don't know if that's the same thing. We did a lot of weird stuff.

No. I don't watch anime personally. Honestly I don't know how people even make friends after high school

Because I run a farm and I know a lot of guys these days don't have outdoor skills. I wouldn't *want* a male housewife but I could tolerate one because I do all the work already anyway.

i feel you op that ones really difficult. i knew this one tomboy ish kind of dyke i wanted to try to feminize as a kink thing. they're usually man haters tho and tell me im really gross. although it's kind of hot when they tell me im gross because i sort of got a thing for being a gross masculine dude banging a femme girl

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I honestly dream of having a qt sub bf on a daily basis, and I wouldnt mind catering to his fetish if he were into forced feminization. Im not necessarily "into" it as in doing that would give me any kind of sexual gratification, but its definitely something Id love to try, because it looks so fun lol Id probably be into it to be honest, now that i think about it. Im into femdom so being into forced feminization isnt that far of a stretch.

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You the same one from the pegging thread?

yup, thats me oops

>pic related
did she dead?

>Wanting to raise children in a gender-inverted environment for the sake of a fetish
This is way too degenerate, anenne

Again, never said I want that specifically. Just that if the guy was worth it in all/most other ways, he was a good all around husband but he happened to want to be girly, then I'd be ok with it.

If he's just a useless twink who has no skills and just wants to be a NEET pretty "girl" dommed by a girl, I have no use let alone interest in him.

The homemaking and child-rearing is what I take issue with. Just because it has become acceptable does not mean that it is desirable and healthy. It's just an outcome of the vile culture progressives have conspired to create. Gender roles are important. Bedroom fetishes are completely fine, but letting them bleed over into your life is corruption.

>You good looking?
Are you seriously asking that on this board? Most people here think they're hideous.

>Good homemaking skills
Not the best, but I have fun with that kinda stuff. Cooking is one of my only hobbies

>Good looking
I'm on r9k, so no lmao

>Take care of the kids
Yeah, that'd be fun

Atheist but still go to church and recognize the importance of religion in keeping the moral fabric together


I suggest you seek mental help.

>a useless twink who has no skills and just wants to be a NEET pretty "girl" dommed by a girl
this is me, but I'm actually a graduate student

>Gender roles are important
In what way are they important, in what way are they useful in a society with advanced medical science and little need for physical labor?