If you are white you have no reason to be single right now

if you are white you have no reason to be single right now

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Tfw semi white. God I hate being a spaniard

STFU, black people are taller and stronger, white men are sissies

Race has nothing to do with inceldom

what if I'm white and ugly

>even the ugliest White Man can give the non-white women beautiful babies

I just want to say that guy has some really good facial structure, he looks german. What a chad.

Da Whye Manz Cummin 4 Yor Wimmin, Dark Boi.
An Thear Nuffin U Kan Doo Abowtit!

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just find an asian woman
they worship white people

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I live in a relatively poor city. Most of the nonwhite girls are trashy, uneducated and poor. My family may have crawled out of Appalachia fifty years ago, but I sure am not marrying down into that kind of filth again. I have an excuse, all thewomen nearby suck major peepee.

I'd like to add that semi-whites (southern euros) don't have the same halo effect as more pure whites. Asians would rather pick the blue eyed german over an italian, greek, spaniard, etc

Because no matter how blue,how blonde,or how pale i am it will never change that i am 5'6.

>it's another "white boys can automatically get dark gfs thread"
If that was true user, I wouldn't be as sad a sack of lonely shit as I am.

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>"i'm ugly"
>"asians, bro, they worship white people!"
>posts webm with some chad
Yeah, GOOD LOOKING white people

Girls don't like me because im legally retarded

this guy isn't that good looking

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White people, especially men, have no excuse to be single, jobless or poor but today's onions boys want to be victims so badly lol

They don't know any better. Being tall is enough to get them wet.


white incel went to thailand and got 3 good looking women in a day

Why do you think such thoughts?

>Black men are stronger
Cope. Every single worlds strongest man is European, even with less muscle white men are stronger. Niggers are just good at running because they've been doing it since they met whitey.


>Muh BBC
Cope, white interracial dating is the lowest of any race, all studies which try to confirm average size difference little tangible evidence to back it up. Enjoy being used as a tool in Jewish propaganda. Besides what good is your dick when you're too dumb to avoid chains? Let's be honest. Chinks are going to rule you or whites are going to rule you, time is numbered.

>implying i have money for a trip to another continent
>also, enjoy your shemales I guess

White men run the world. White men always want to see their own dominating in every way. White men literally only have to walk out their house and say "This is mine. I want this thing." and they'll have it faster and easier than any other group on this planet. You lot talk of supremacy but want to act as if there's any reason to fail besides personal fault and laziness?

>STFU, black people are taller and stronger, white men are sissies
really now?

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Not everyone is part of this super secret social club you think exists. You can also so that about chinese people too but you dknt because they arent white. You just want to a reason to hate all of us when the fact of the matter is its a class issue not a race issue. It isnt white men. Its rich people who subject us to this shit.

I'd hate to be living in your head, yikes buddy. You should really go back to your ancestors country if you're so hateful yet want to leech off white mans society. Make up your mind.

What if no race is inherently weaker or stronger but everything is the result of genetic selection for racial propaganda and sport capitalism reasons?

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>mfw all I attract are Asian girls
>mfw all I want is a white gf
Why the fuck is fate so cruel.

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Why do you perceive truth as hate? White people are superior, is that not what you've taught the world you conquered? If you feel hostility towards me because I brought up the whole laziness thing then think again because wasting your inherit racial and social benefits is your own cross to bear, guys.

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>lyrical at his computer

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Oh you are one of those guys. Ok. Well,have a nice day and Moloch's blessing man. Just,take it easy. Stop taking life so seriously and im sure youll be a happier person who gets shit done.

I just feel bad for you, I can't imagine making my life fantasy victim hood when there's literally a war on white men right now in their home country. Being a minority (besides dating) has never been easier, whites aren't allowed to have a cogent historical identity without being fired from every job you go to as a white supremacist. Honestly wish you guys would just fuck straight off and stop leeching off of the Wests success at the expense of whites. I can't describe minorities in the current political climate as anything but parasites honestly.

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>mfw I don't attract any girls
You always could have it worse, user

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Like a friend said, "if you get picky you don't get fucky"

Spaniard from actual Spain? Both parents Europeans? Then you're white you retard, stop complaining scumbag

I lived in the mediterranean coast of Spain for about a year and the women are actually very good looking, compared to the US. Also more easy going, and dress way better.

But I don't want to produce angry hapa kids anons. That would be cruel.

Hello newfag

Hey I do tons. What can I do if whites take all the rewards and credit...because they feel that people like me don't belong in a better world while they're living in it... Can't help but be serious about life since I gotta do so much to even be allowed any piece of it at all.. But hey you too are one of those guys so I wouldn't expect you to understand. Enjoy your blessed life.

>I can't imagine making my life fantasy victim hood when there's literally a war on white men
If that isn't the pot...never mind I guess

>in their home country.
But your home country is... Again, never mind

>Being a minority (besides dating) has never been easier
I'm pretty sure being in fear of and experiencing the thread of racial attacks, hate crimes and discrimination isn't easier but never mind

>whites aren't allowed to...(be)... a white supremacist.
>Honestly wish you guys would just fuck straight off and stop leeching off of the Wests success at the expense of whites. I can't describe minorities in the current political climate as anything but parasites honestly.

Imagine being this level of unaware... There's no way the descendants of conquerors would know what it's like to be actual losers. I suppose the only thing you people know how to do is make sure people are losing harder which is why you can't or won't perceive people's need for equality, liberation or simple peace from being reminded that they're relegated to being a lower class of people in every social, political, educational and economical way despite their only crime being born un-European.

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Just make them female, duh. You mean you DON'T practice eugenics?

I'll give you three reasons:

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Look, you're too far up your own ideology to make meaningful conversation it's clear you know nothing so I'm not going to reply after this. Hate crime doesn't exist blacks are 27x more likely to violently attack Caucasians. Media has drummed you into a mindless sheep. Do your own research but I guess you're black/mixed so it'd probably be too painful to steer away from your scheduled programming and no longer be a perpetual victim. History means fuck all quit crying and look at the massive advantages your dumb ass has besides (if you're black) being dumb as shit. P.S I would be completely indifferent to you and not remind you about inferiority/differences if we also had a homeland but instead there's an aggressive invasion with morons crying about not having it good enough over here, meanwhile white genocide in Africa & China recognizing homogeneity is important.

>they're relegated to being a lower class of people in every social, political, educational and economical way despite their only crime being born un-European.

Oh God I wish this was true, I would get every single one of you out of politics. All minorities vote in the interest of globalists, Asians & Blacks & Hispanics. It's literally suicide of a country to have them in positions of power. Honestly they should be guests and that's it otherwise it's dual identity bullshit, no other race except whites leave their national identity behind when assimilating. Blacks run Africa, Asians run China, Caucasians run America.

BLEACH some brown girls, right now

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>if you are white you have no reason to be single right now
I'm white but I'm also a neet

checkmate, atheists

He really needs to get that rash checked out. Does not look healthy.

Based and bleached pilled

If you think that then you honestly dont deserve to be a father anyways b.
Its all in your head. Im sorry you have been demoralised like you have been. You have a broken mind that produces broken thoughts. I am truly sorry for you.

Imagine if bleaching become mainstream raceplay in porn, it'd be O V E R.

Unironically would pay money to see that

sadly I live in a 99% white country

I would love to see some latinas getting BLEACHED

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I'm not memeing when I say this user: I truly feel bad for you, I advise you to seek psychological therapy.

Is there any tags/tattoos for that type of raceplay? Never been able to find a universally accepted term.

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QoH tattoos (queen of hearts). Here is the /trash/ threads
there is also a booru for this, the QoH booru

Yeah you're probably right. I just always wanted a family but I don't think I'm really cut out for it.

Lmao, I finally saw porn of that Pikachu girl. I thought it was some user just being creative, but it's some porn slut. I'll post her gram if I remember

Just,if you really loved your son yould love him no matter what. No natter the race,or stupid shit he would do. Thats what it means to be a dad.

Based and whitepilled, thanks user.

Isn't it supposed to be shit being hapa though? That's what I mean. I wouldn't be embarrassed by having a hapa kid or love them any less but it sounds like they would suffer.

Why do you think that?because of eliot rodger im sure. Listen,he was a victim of divorce and shitty parenting. Not being mixed. Especially in america where everyone is fuckin mixed. Bad parenting will fuck anyone up no matter the race. Thats why bkacks are the way they are,because a mjority of them grow up without dads. Dads are the back bone of society wether you like it or not.

It's just a meme. Asians have ridiculously high birth rates & hapa males can slide either side of more white passing or Asian passing. There is a victim culture around it because some couples are derogatory towards Asian males, so the whole argument is that "If the white father fetishists hating Asian males how will he feel about having an Asian boy?" which they will then cherry pick cases of a single bad father and say all WMAF (specifically WMAF) relations are like this. Be free & happy friend, there isn't a real negative both sides have good genes.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

>massive advantages
affirmative action (which white women get too) and...?

>if A happens to me then B can't happen to you
>bullshit statistics
>imma stereotype you but yes i'm the victim
>imma wish and do genocide, segregation, discrimination to your people but yes poor us white people
>people wanting liberation in their own country and gov't from white invaders is wrong
>You should really, really feel bad for us. And us only. Fuck the rest of y'all tho

I was being incredibly facetious but y'all are fucked up. No kind of empathy. That's a sociopath issue there and it's taught throughout your culture. Wow. So scary. lol

I'm gonna go offline and enjoy every non-European's war on white supremacy making progress and making you racists shit yourselves in fear and play the victim after hundreds of years of white colonial terrorism. Peace. Stay blessed.

Did he really mention that old thing? That mostly goes to white women and Asian immigrants? Lemme not even mention the paradox of white walkers chiding black people for not working hard enough to gain way in life but wanting to criticize and take away any sort of benefit because they believe in the system that says blacks and hispanics stay in the lowest tiers of society.

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its def true, you must have mental illness causing you to doubt yourself or run off th desperate brown/black girls. They ALL want white men which equals whiter babies