How does a jobless NEET meet people his age? Im honestly thinking of going to college just for that but Im 24

How does a jobless NEET meet people his age? Im honestly thinking of going to college just for that but Im 24.

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if you are an autist and have no social skills, even if you go to college, you wont meet people.

Give up. You were expected to foster relationships and forge connections with peers before this point.

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just practice smiling in the mirror. obviously you will still feel nothing but at least yoy will pass

I'm a bit of a schizo by nature but a future with 0 (0) friends or relationships seems bleak.

You will pass what?

try to join a local city/town discord or social media group, try to not get banned, try to talk to people with similar interests, fail an hero

I mean I can try and be your friend, user, but I doubt I'm close enough to you.
Nobody ever is.

Not him but what if you're a person with average social skills who's just become isolated because of circumstance. I made friends easily enough back in the day, even managed to talk to girls decently and stuff (though I always dropped my spaghetti when trying to make a move) but in the last 5-10 years I've found it incredibly hard to meet new people, it just seems like the social venues for that have evaporated and it gets especially hard after 25.

dont listen to this cunt, it's never too late OP!

>jobless NEET
>go to college at 24 for social life
generally the socializing happens in the first two years and its among the 18-20 year-olds. Anyone else at colleges is just trying to get their degree done.

any advice for my dyre situation then?

fucking for get it, you idiot. "pass being normal" was the obvious answer to that post. youre beyond help.

well, you gave yourself an answer, you have become isolated and because of that lost social skills. For me it was a matter of choice since i never really cared about forming bonds with other people in real life, but i always knew how to pretend and behave in social situations and still do, i guess faking it is easier than actually having social skills.

dire*** srry

Too many tranny threads obscured the meaning sorry.

I haven't even lost them that badly, when I DO rarely manage to find myself in a social situation I'm a bit awkward but not too bad, it's just that those are really hard to come by. I used to use anime conventions to meet like-minded people but those have become normie as fuck. I went to a niche gaming convention last year and had a ton of fun, and hung out with a bunch of people (things were definitely facilitated by copious alcohol too) but that's a once a year thing and this year it's not even in the US so I can't go.

If you can drink in a controlled manner then go to trendy bars. Not sports pubs but the craft bars in your down town. That's where the 20 to 30 somethings who don't have their whole life and friend circles set in stone. Try to find a DnD group on facebook or craigslist.

Not him but that definitely depends on area. Here in LA bars are antisocial as fuck, people only go to them with premade groups of friends and think you're a weirdo if you try to talk to them. The DnD group is a cool idea though.

This, I went to two different schools and a University, didn't find a single good friend. This is what autism does to you.

I see. Why not try to fake it like i did until you get full confidence back? I mean, you might feel a bit awkward at 1st or weird, but eventually will get used to it, and if you really care about having social skills and making friends and bonds with people, you will naturally stop faking it.

I don't know, that's what i think, i might be wrong.

It's mostly about WHERE to meet people. There just aren't a lot of good venues for that where I am and the few that exist are full of people that I don't really have anything in common with. Also, "fake it until you make it" has never worked for me, "be urself" has but only in limited situations where I'm around people who actually jive with the person I really am and those don't really seem to exist anymore.

>people come in friend groups and are antisocial at bars
It's not necessarily easy. Sit at the bar and chat lightly with the bartender. This can lead to a three way conversation with other patrons. If you are chatting lightly with a person or group ask them if they want to play pool. Ask them if they want to go to the next bar down the street.

But yeah find a local DnD group and they will very likely not be stuck up. Or post your own DnD classified if you have a place to do it.

well, then i dont know what to tell you, keep searching and stuff or just embrace the isolation, you will get used to it or it will make you insane until you decide to off yourself.

I've done stuff like that but as I mentioned in I live in a really antisocial city, LA. I think it's an artifact of the "celebrity culture," it's kind of an unwritten rule that you don't fuck with them on their downtime and everybody here's a wannabe celeb so it's bled down into normal life. I'll see about the whole DnD thing though.

That sucks. I'm in a big west coast city, too. Why can't I just have a cozy green, little New England town?

I know, right? I want to move to Providence or some shit, I liked it there the time I visited.

When I minimum wagecucked I could and did live where ever I wanted. But trying to start a career you have no choice but to go to whatever cyberpunk 2077 city has openings.

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I really think if you're out of college or didn't go to college your only option is online. I straight up stopped looking for people in real life. The only ways it seems you can meet new people as an adult is if you meet them through friends or you're social enough to actual start conversations at bars. I really hate when people bring up the bar thing on this website. If you're here, you're for sure not the fucking Chad bar-goer type that can pick up women like that

I was born in this one myself. Hard as fuck to compete as a native because people come from everywhere else to take the jobs. Not gonna shit on them (you) for doing it though.

same here. live in Austin texas. on both tiers of the economy there is massive competition: ph.d's from all over the world for the advanced jobs. squatamalans from all over the world for the 5$ an hour jobs.

In Providence?

lol I have a friend who just moved to Austin to work at Rooster Teeth conventions and try to make it

No, I meant LA, I'm the one who said I'd like to move to Providence or whatever.

Yeah, Austin seems to be turning into nu-LA. I was there last year and liked it but I can't imagine it'll stay cool for that much longer.

It's impossible to meet a girl at bar but it's not impossible to make guy friends.

>born in LA
my condolences

Yeah, it's a pretty shit lot, but the upside is that I suddenly become normal/almost a chad when I go anywhere else, because the level of play is so damn high here.

so the "California 6 but midwest 10" meme is true?

By going into places where people share your interests. So go into a place where your hobby/passion is the object of interest, i'm sure anime and gaming aren't the only things.

You don't.
It's a good thing if you are a misanthrope and have nothing but disdain for other people.

t.32 year old NEET

Pretty much, at least when talking about LA. This place is crazy, it's such a nexus for the chads of the world that it drives the standards up and it's a nightmare to compete. You can find whole bits from famous comedians and actors and shit who talk about how they came from NYC or wherever to LA and couldn't get laid. Being normal isn't enough here, you have to be super high energy, super appearance conscious, etc. all the time to compete and it's fucking insane. I spent a lot of my life thinking I was the deepest darkest kind of pathetic robot and then I grew up and started traveling and realized that, holy shit, people in these other places will actually talk to you, they're actually interested, they don't expect you to put on a huge show like some kind of human peacock all the time, etc.

his/her odds aren't very good.

This actually gives me warm fuzzies thinking about the good places of the country that have actual humans. But then you're stuck in the mouse utopia experiment where they start chewing each other's tails.

What would happen if instant teleportation was invented and they changed tindr settings so that you had access to all possible partners around the entire world?

I'm just waiting for someone to shill his stupid discord server so i can trash it at this point.

>robot on robot violence

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