Anyone else lonely as hell? Tell me about your lonely day.
Cute pic for other lonely anons.
Anyone else lonely as hell? Tell me about your lonely day.
Cute pic for other lonely anons.
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i just want a friend. I want someone who wants to talk to me! I want to talk to them! I want to spend time together. I want to be happy with thme. I want to share our feelings together. I'm sitting here willing my phone to ring with anything, any kind of message, from anyone, just a human being who WANTS to spend time with me, with ME! I want to know how they feel. I want to know how their day was. I want them to tell me. I want to tell them too. Being alone sucks but the worst part is that we can't even be alone and suffer together. maybe then it would be tolerable at least.
I don't think it would work very well. You want one special person and that person would be probably overwhelmed by your expectations. Normies have a net of social contacts, so they end up meeting with a particular person only once in a while, get to say one or two things to them and that's about it until the next meeting. What you're thinking of is a very, very close relationship that's not very common even among lovers.
I just can't deal with living anymore, anytime I hear people talking about their life experiences or activities they did last week I just feel rotten inside and wish someone would shoot me.
I feel so completely isolated, as if I hardly exist in anyone else's minds at all. I don't have a single person to relate to, not IRL, not even on fucking Jow Forums. Seems like all there is here are normalfags, attention whores, and people who claim to be robots but have made plenty online friends or whatever. Every time I make an attempt somewhere my black hole of a personality ruins it.
I know how you feel. It's like somehow they know you're different. I can play at being normal long enough for short interactions to go well. I can ask them how they are doing and they ask me how I am doing and we exchange the normal pleasantries. But then they realize there's something wrong with me and we never speak again or speak long enough to develop a real connection. I don't know what it is. It's like a smell that never washes away no matter how often or how long you shower.
Realized that my childhood friends I've known for nearly +10 years haven't spontaneously contacted me a single time since we've finished HS.
Now in college, made some good friends but I'll be going to another university starting next year so I kinda know already that they'll quickly forget me as well. Repeat ad infinitum
Life sucks
Yeah, that's a pretty accurate description user. It's probably pretty obvious to people that what I say has no depth to it and I'm just saying it to flow conversation along. Basically all of my interactions with people are done based on imitating how I see others interact.
you're not alone in this, I've been like that since middle school, I don't know how to socialize at all anymore, anyway, let's not be friends
>move to opposite side of the country
>wow user we're all gonna miss you!
>nobody ever contacts me
>try and contact some of them
>haha user that's nice
>okay i'm busy now but ttyl for sure!
i just wish i existed for other people and that they thought about me and reached out, even if only sometimes, the way i sometimes think about them and reach out.
I know it's not them, it has to be me, because no matter where I go it's always the same. In different states, in different countries, it's the same. The closest I've felt to a real human connection is when I saw a spider climbing down a thread along the side of the wall of my hotel. I thought to myself I'm just a little spider weaving my own little web in my own little corner of the world. When I looked back the spider was gone.
the last time I met with friends is maybe eight years ago.
Loneliness is like a crushing millstone grinding me into dust and the longer I am alone the more I am ground down and deformed and twisted up into garbage. It's like suffocating a hundred miles under the sea and it doesn't matter which direction you swim in because even if it's up you'll never get there in time.
thread themesong for anyone else who wants to listen too.
>ask some people to go out eating with me
>no response
>go out and come back alone
>oh user how was the restaurant who did you go with
>just went on my own
>oh really? why didn't you go with your friends?
>I thought they were my friends
I don't know what was so crushing about it. Maybe it was the way he so casually assumed that because they weren't my friends I had other ones.
I don't know, I feel like if I had someone else to lean on and rely on and who leaned on me and relied on me too I could be okay. We could support one another and be friends. But it's so hard to keep swimming alone.
I can't even comprehend how normal people form relationships with friends and lovers so swiftly as they go through life, it just baffles me how it even happens, it's like they got the script at birth and I didn't. Seems like everyone I meet regardless of personality or appearance at least has a bunch of people in their lives.
Thing is, I am scared to talk about my past for some reasons. The other day I met irl with a girl I had known on Tinder. She asked me what I had studied and where. I was too scared to talk, so I answered fast and looked at my watch. She thought I am an autist and we didn't talk anymore.
We don't need no stinkin subtitles
At the very least they probably assumed that you have plenty of other friends as they do. Most normalfags have dozens upon dozens of friends so if one friend blows them off it's not a big deal because they can just contact the next friend on the list.
I joined a study abroad group and thought we would all become close friends and get to know one another, having only each other in a new country. Somehow only a few days in all the friend groups coalesced and it's like everyone has known each other all their lives now. They're all close friends and I'm the only one without anyone. I don't know how it happened. It happens so quickly and it's like I'm so slow and got left behind.
This happens fucking anywhere I go. I think I'm getting along well with a new group of people but then I find out they've been chatting with each other all the time, hanging out without me and they all know details of each other's personal lives. I just get left behind so quickly.
I experienced something similar, I went to an erasmus 11 day trip, I thought I would make friends but I was wrong, everybody made friends immediately and I was left stranded in a different country for days completely alone, it fucked me up pretty badly because I feel it to this day
>I was left stranded in a different country for days completely alone, it fucked me up pretty badly because I feel it to this day
I feel like the same thing is happening to me now. First it was only a few hours in the afternoon where everyone else was hanging out and I was alone, then it was the afternoons and evenings, now it's the mornings too, and I can tell that soon it'll be the whole day I'm just immersed into this misery I can't climb out of and I'm desperately trying to stop it, reverse it. I picked up smoking so I could stand in the smoking sections and stand near other people, even if we don't speak the same language or look at each other it's some kind of human proximity. I'll go to the convenience stores and just buy a bottle of water or tea or coffee or ask which aisle a certain food is in just so I can have someone talk to me and I'll say thank you and feel a little more human again.
Only ever really connected with really connected with one person my entire life. I almost wish i never did.
It was like winning the golden ticket or escaping hell and getting out of the dirt pit to be able to live in the light actually enjoy life for once. Then they leave. And after forgetting how awful things used to be it hurts so much more having to relearn it. I almost killed myself so many times.
Then here i am finally getting back to normal and that person comes back, making everything better again. I don't want to let them in. But i also don't want someone else to steal them...
Like one person is enough. Its so much of a difference. But i won't live through that pain of loss again. It's too much.
Ive given up trying to make friends irl or online so ive just accepted my life of playing my childhood games on stream to random people. Its comfy.
You are socially underdeveloped.
You lack the complex social skills.
You low sexual market place value in the eyes of your peers.
Being around you will reduce the value of everyone else. Nobody will want to fuck with themselves like that.
You need to start building yourself from the ground up.
cool after developing my "sexual market place value" I'll clean my room, thanks jp.
Ok. What kind of response do really want?
I'm venting and want empathy, go back to Jow Forums if you want to play drill sergeant and feed people platitudes about how if they pull themselves up by their bootstraps they'll become popular. Whatever shit you feel, you're just posting here like the rest of us.
I don't want to sound like a bitch but it was a life changing trauma, wish you the best
Empathy is really hard to give here.
Thanks. I'm working really hard to get out of it but it's hard. It takes a lot of effort to not sit down in my room and just give up every night. At least I'm making sure I go out and be around other people and talk to them daily. Being in a new country where the only people you can really rely on for company leave you out is fucking hard and painful, it's not at all being a bitch to be traumatized by that. It's like being dropped into the middle of the ocean and realize your lifevest won't inflate.
I've been alone in a new city for several weeks now so I haven't had anyone to talk to except my internet friends. Not like I had friends back home really but now I'm even more lonely. I'm going to go to the zoo later today by myself. Maybe I'll find someone to talk to there. At the very least it'll be a fun time out on my own.
That's a good idea. The subway by my hotel goes to a zoo, so tomorrow I think I'll go to a zoo too. Even if it's alone it'll be okay. It sounds hokey and dumb but thinking about another user going to the zoo alone helps too. For now I'm going to finish my barley tea and go to sleep since its midnight here. Goodnight, user.
Sweet dreams and have fun at the zoo!