Tell us about your day user.
Comfy thread
It was shit. Been trying to help my folks with their stuff because they would not shut up about it, but i'm too autistic to get anything done, or I need some time at least. Ended up being yelled at for my slow working ethic
Put my two weeks in at a job that makes me want to kill myself, I only have $2000 in my bank and I'm going on vacation soon so I'll probably have about $1000 to my name when that's done. This was my first job and I've been there for 2 years, kind of scared of finding a new job but I have to so I can put more weights in my /homegym/.
woke up at about 9:00 PM, didn't really do much. pretty boring
I'm a Burger, so I just woke up. I'm probably going to go biking, play video games, and or read later. How about you OP?
>Asking for help and complaining about said help
The state of boomers, man
Was up till 4am watching yt videos and playing on the phone, woke up at 2pm drove to subway to eat with a friend and home, just laying in bed with a laptop and on YouTube again. My apartment looks like shit and have zero desire to clean or do something productive.
I'm unemployed for now and in this circle for 2 months now, to scared to leave the house or even go on the balcony to smoke, most of the time, so I smoke in the toilet. Nearly crying everyday.
Hoping if I start to work again it somehow gets better. Thou I know most things won't so I'm trying to just accept it slowly
>So I smoke in the toilet
I know what you meant, but I can't help but imagine you sitting in the toilet bowl while smoking a cigarette
Everything is so boring. I have nothing at all to do. I feel like I'm in purgatory, and something big in my life is about to change. I'm just stuck waiting for the moment to present itself. It's weird because I'm in love and know what I want but it's out of my reach right now. I'm waiting for it to come into view so I can seize it.
I've been reading more poetry lately. Keats is very comfy and nostalgic for me.
I slip into daydreams too easily.
I'm meeting with a psychiatrist tomorrow. I'm nervous. I'll have to be completely honest if I want an accurate diagnosis. I don't want meds but I want to put a name to what's wrong with me. I prefer doing the work to stabilize and improve myself, without a chemical aid.
Best of luck to you user with your diagnosis. If it makes you feel any better, the anime girl you posted is a cute
I live in a house full of middle aged women i cant have sex with. Pretty shitty. God i wish my parents gave a shit about me during my youth and made me get in shape so i could be in the army away from these fucking females already.
What's stopping you from getting in shape now?
Time. I started 3 months ago and honestly the fact i am low test is pissing me off.
I think I'm missing your problem. I don't see why you can't continue until you're in shape and then leave for the military
I woke up early and spent the morning and early afternoon walking in the hills around the city. It was raining a bit so casuals were home and I was nearly alone in nature for hours, it was perfect.
The problem being that i have to be around them until that time comes thats what. I cant stand females,especially when theyvare in groups because for some fuckin reason when they group up they become super dykes with the worst personalities ever.
That sounds beautiful, user. I wish I had places to walk to from my house
woke up
cleaned room and bathroom
went for a run in the park
did some bodyweight exercises
tried to do homework
now procrastinating on my data analysis assignment
will make dinner soon
then sleep
That sucks user. I haven't been around a group of females in so, so long. Best of luck in getting in shape though.
Sounds like a fairly nice day, user
It was, I'm between jobs so I'm going on hikes nearly every day. Starting to know the area really well.
Can't you take a bus to a random countryside place and walk back ? I guess it doesn't work in a big city.
indeed fellow pokemon poster
i'm still very tired from my run, i feel like i will sleep well for once
I actually live in a suburban/rural area, but the nearest park is ten minutes away and I can't really walk there unless I want to risk dying at a four-way stop.
t. Burger living in an area with no sidewalks
I do biking on the weekends and I find that I sleep a lot better during days that I bike. Speaking of Pokemon, what's your opinion on the Dexit thing with Sword and Shield?
>woke up and went to nearby gas station for an energy drink
It rained and I went barefoot which was fun
>watched some anime
>microwaved some meal and ate it
>before noon shaved my face, vacuum cleaned my room, cleaned the floor and took a shower
>went to nearby groceries to buy some random things
barefoot, of course
>watched some anime again
>went to nearby place for a pizza and ate it in my room
>watched an episode of anime
>went for a walk around nearby river bank
>watched some more anime and browsed web
I love my days off because I don't have to wear shoes
I also love to be alone
>>woke up and went to nearby gas station for an energy drink
[Bommer drinking Monster Zero Ultra goes here]
I haven't played any post-BW2 pokemon games and so I'm not as involved in the franchise as I used to be but I still like to keep up with the news.
As a kid, my main goal when playing pokemon was always to try to catch them all. It's the main appeal of the franchise and loosing that is honestly disheartning, especially considering that they have nothing to compensate for or justify it. The game looks like close to no effort or care was put into it.
Fuck, I'm retarded
I really feel sorry for you guys. Here in the UK public pathways are everywhere and walking is a religion - for some anyway..
>I haven't played any post-BW2 pokemon games
X and Y are really easy, but Sun and Moon are really, really good.
>It's the main appeal of the franchise and loosing that is honestly disheartning, especially considering that they have nothing to compensate for or justify it
Yeah, it's really stupid that the 3DS which came out 8 years ago can contain all 807 Pokemon, but the cutting-edge Switch won't
Yeah, it sucks. America was designed with cars in mind, not people (outside of cities I should say).
>Here in the UK
This might be a little bit of a stretch, but are you that one Welsh guy from a few comfy threads ago that posted that picture of that one hill?
Driking, playing vidya watching movies is the only thing that keeps me cool.
I can't stand this FUCKING HEAT
I keep masturbating to that girl that gave attention back in November
No I'm not, sounds comfy though.
It was shit. Today I wanted to do a lot, but I was lazy as hell and didn't wanted to anything at all. Hot as hell outside, no rain, no hopes about future, home still feels like a prison to me, lots of work to do outside and other shit to deal with. At least I got a chance to play Runescape today and completed few quests.
Woke up around noon. Mom made lunch for me. About to play Dungeons and Dragons when my friends get here
>to scared to leave the house or even go on the balcony to smoke
Are there niggers or mudslimes outside?
When I read these threads, I always admire how easy-going some anons are, when they write how they went for a walk and then went to a store to get something to drink or eat and then spent some more time outside relaxing.
For me, it is almost impossible to do something spontaneously. I plan ahead for a few days usually, making sure to buy enough food and drinks and leaving even for half an hour totally puts the rhythm of my day out of order.
The only time that I can live similar to these anons is when I'm at uni and there is a break, then I wander around, get something to eat, sit down in some park and enjoy the nature etc.
But when uni ends, I immediately go home and spend the rest of my day lethargically in front of the computer, pitying myself.
How do I get the motivation to do something, anons?
Walk outside now
Nothing the like, just my shit brain that gets paranoid somehow, if I go out alone its only when I have to or late in the night where I'm alone
Having pretty bad neck and shoulder pains for about 2 weeks but aside from that I'm doing alright with my studies and recently I started doing some crunching and sit-up exercises to try and get rid of some embarrassing belly fat I have
>lounge around
>snuggle pillows and read a little
>watch through Sarazanmai, it was okay
>study lots of maths
>get called into work
>work for 5 hours and mostly talk to my co-worker about books, films, music and the like, surprisingly very comfy
>get my staff pizza, drive through maccies for a frappe and go home