NEET Daily

Whats your age and what are you doing today?

Im 34. Watching GoT yet again. It relaxes me and allows me to be social by saying everyones lines ahead of time, its kinda my thing.

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27 female

Drinking vodka and watching some guy cross dress. NEET. It's great, gramps.

If I had that much free time, I wouldn't waste it by watching a show that constantly reminds me of its shit-for-brain ending with a retarded, do-nothing-bitch of a cripple ends up on the throne over characters who are actually more interesting than rocks.

Go watch Sopranos. At least it respects character development.

>wearing shoes in the house

only a month back into neetdom, 18 years old (I've been a neet before, for 2 years, age 15-17)
I'm chilling out listening to music while waiting for someone to be available to give me a ride to the mental ward. sometimes randomly crying like big puss puss, not going for depression btw

GoT is shit

>he isnt prepared for any situation that could arise

21 female watching SGDQ and playing the binding of Issac. Currently on a 23 death streak trying to win as the lost.

lol I love that game when I have nothing else to do, do you play rebirth also?

I'm 20, I'm a fresh 2 month old neet, never going back, I was playing games all day

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based and always prepared pilled

Afterbirth +. Ive been neet for about a year now and it's one of the only games I play. Enjoy the neet life fren!

Watching detective Pikachu with my friends.

Be my alcoholic neet friend.

Friend only. Feelings are trash.

trying to figure out how to prepare for bux hearing

what's that? what country?

It's almost 1AM, going to bed, but at the moment listening to MAXIMUM THE HORMONE.

>what's that? what country?
gotta prove your disabled enough

procrastinating on putting in job apps for the third day in a row

21 fuck I wish I was a NEET. Im too retarded to get bux so I gotta go to my shitty ass job to pay my fucking bills and support this freeloading girl I only keep around because it beats being alone.

>Watching detective Pikachu with my friends.
Get out norman

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>>too retarded
nigger you just described a perfectly normal life, you're not retarded enough to get bux

>too retarded
>to get neetbux

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Babysitting puppy during weekdays since March but it's not so bad
Watching shitty music video channels cause there's nothing else on

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That's easy, senpai:

Look up symptoms of whatever diagnosis you're claiming, start practicing showing those symptoms, don't shower/shave/wear clean clothes/brush your hair for a few days or weeks before your interview, have a family member take you to said interview while holding your hand.

I was approved within three weeks of mine. You just have to commit and sell that shit. Don't act normal because they'll assume you can function in society just fine.

If you have any questions anything, just ask.

Here's my first disability check with the maximum 18 months back pay.

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Lower than Africans desu

did you have to go to a doctor?

>Lower than Africans desu

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Nice selfie faker

holy shit why haven't I tried earlier
and I dont even have to fa

18. In Kyoto. Gonna go shopping for souvenirs since its my last day here

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I don't live in my home country so I'm basically illiterate here. Can't apply for neetbux if you can't fill out the form

>Whats your age
>and what are you doing today
going on r9k


I got high and played GTA: San Andreas and Borderlands 2 all day, and I watched Toy Story 2 a little while ago.

whats stopping you from filling out the form? you seem to be literate enough
if anything, get your freeloading gf to fill it out

>5600 and change
>with a year and a half of 'backpay'
what's the monthly stipend? it's gotta be basically a pittance, I take home that amount in like two and a half months

wrong. find a caseworker retard. filling out government forms for actual retarded people is my job

>wrong. find a caseworker retard. filling out government forms for actual retarded people is my job
gib neetbux

22. I'm reading a book. I'm finding it hard to concentrate right now so I'm taking a break, but will go back to it once I feel refreshed.

country? if in USA I can provide relevant resources. if in USA, providing state would be helpful

same age as this robot.

Out of work for the first time in 5 years. Listening to music, waiting for nightfall to roll one then listen to more music.

usa and nc why is state important?

>hmmm yes a case worker, usually uh goes to court with you
>lmao why would my case worker need to be in my state?

18. debating on to sleep, play some more RD2 or read manga.

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programming, playing guitar, dual shitposting on /x/ and /sci/, trying to get enough sleep so that i can effectively work out again. recently quit smoking and drinking liquor all at once, but i have a single tall boy i've been nursing for a day. pretty comfy. moonjuice galactic IPA.

>wearing shoes inside the house
A true incel is detected

>>hmmm yes a case worker, usually uh goes to court with you
they don't here jackass

well then, I'm talking to the dude in north carolina, why did you have to chime in?

either way, you usually have to interact with them or they have to observe you in real life

Neets in any other thread
>I'm a neet and I'm so poor I have depression and I'm gonna kms soon ;__;
Neets in this thread

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How the fuck can I become a NEET in Argentina? The economy went to shit, though there wasn't real welfare to begin with.

Been working the last 6 years and 2 months consecutively and while it's nice having my own money, NEETdom is missed dearly. I miss scoring painkillers every once in a while rather than having money to buy them when my dealer has them. I miss playing COD while smoking weed all day without any worries or responsibilities.

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You can't a NEET when your at that age. That's called being a teenager

20. read 2 chapters of the great gatsby, lifted some weights and have played trash ultimate. also tried making california rolls but just ended up folding them in half, kind of like sushi sandwiches. normally I enjoy cooking but I lacked the patience today as I've felt very flustered all day.


worked on some music, went for a bike ride around town. will now eat some spicy sausages and then play some X plane

29 and just took 8 shots after finishing watching spiderverse

s o y