What mental illness does African DNA carry to make "people" act like this?

What mental illness does African DNA carry to make "people" act like this?

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I think it's a language problem. Their language is simple and doesnt allow for complex and nuanced concepts to be communicated. Also that womans hair is clearly different in the crowd why would she get savagly beaten???

Some white people act like this too. It's called low iq.

70 to 80IQ average, meaning a good percentage has below 70

who knows, OP? youtube.com/watch?v=7Cq-fmiPJ_8

It really does explain everything.

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That's just normal human problem solving. I bet you are defending the whore because you are the kind of pussy who doesn't solve problems with your fists, you might as well be a white suburban girl yourself. Make sure you never have kids, doctor "DNA"

They have lower IQ.
They have more estrogen.
Their culture is one of the worst.
They are incapable of feeling empathy.
They don't understand the concept of consequence.

But when wh*te people murder a black person it's not mental illness but basedness.

Let alone when a wh*te person cuts off his dick because he can't get laid, or massacres his classmates because he can't get laid, or sodomized dudes in dog-costumes. Well the list of wh*te "sanity" goes on.

How is this any different from an angry mob of whites lynching and barbecuing a black person or a white man walking into a crowded building and killing everyone inside?

the real blackpill is that those are african amerifats with (varying degrees) of white admixture

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How come not all blacks act retarded then? If what you say were the case all blacks would act like retarded, it's only when they have the numbers do they starting wylin'. It's like a cowardice, like blacks are pussies or something.
where's the videos of 25 white boys and girls beating up 1 black girl just because black girls are ugly.

>denying lynchings of black people by white mobs
>denying white war crimes, mass rapes and genocides because people have the wrong skin colour
Fuck off, chop off your dick, and kys.

Bullying is white culture

in the old days white guys had real testicles and would solve their problems instead of just tweeting about it and then dying without any children or brains.

>where's the videos of 25 white boys and girls beating up 1 black girl just because black girls are ugly.
Where's the newspaper article about black people going to a white town, chimping out and burning/murdering everyone there?

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>their culture
This is the culprit
Black American culture turns people into niggers
Blame the parents and the welfare state etc.

white culture turns people into furries, sodomites, trannies, mass murderers and rapists.

you're right, blacks are less evolved you just can't say that because it hurts they fee-fees. pathetic, these people CAN'T evolve.

this. blacks become rappers, whites become trannies, asians become doctors, and indians become programmers.

Most niggers are simply incapable of higher thought and impulse control. African slavery was the worst mistake in American history.

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You're thinking of americuck culture.

This isn't a response to my question. How is the OP any different than an angry mob of whites throwing a bomb into a black church?

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White people are so incapable of communicating that they chimp out and shoot up innocent college students because they couldn't score sex from the sluttiest girls in the universe.

truly whites nuked the wrong monkeys

Its almost 2020, that wouldn't happen these days so stop bringing up old events.

god holy fuck I wish this still happened so badly

>how is niggers chimping out, murdering, raping, looting on the daily any different from [host population] getting so fed up they push back

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Why? Just because it's the past doesn't mean that whites didn't fucking chimp out. What is it in white dna to make them behave like this?

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that's because you're a filthy racist

Where's Rhodesia?

I'm actually pretty well-groomed

They obvioulsy felt threatened by that tiny white girl potential racism, who wouldn't? I hope the blacks are OK

psychological evolution and blacks should know by now how karma works.

You really think that was happening in 1960s Alabama? When lynching people was still considered an appropriate way to punish someone for a crime they may or may not have committed? Whites were just fucking chimping our and decided to firebomb a church. There's no excuse for that.

Does that change the fact that whites also have a history of behaving like fucking animals?

Blacks did it worse and continue it today. End of story.

>You really think that was happening in 1960s Alabama
yes, since it's a constant wherever niggers are since pre-history

How come whites dominate medicine and programming when they're the minority then?

So you have no real response. Ok you fucking monkey.

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>black sanity
The amount of niggers who kill other people because "my nigga"

they dominate boypuccy

I don't get what's so hard to understand. I hate black people. I think the world would be a measurably better place if they all melted into bloody mush at this precise second. I don't get the confusion.

Bullying is human culture*

Fixed that for you.

and now they run our boards.

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>chimping out
This always makes me kek and I don't even feel bad.

that's not true though, negroids have higher % of homos

a common myth. have you ever seen a white guy with a girlfriend? pridefest around the world is all whites

There's no confusion. You're just a fucking idiot lol

>when you lose the argument so badly that you pretend to be your opponent and respond to yourself
Top kek

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oh no! all the planes will plummet from the sky due to all the black pilots! no one will know how to operate the large hadron collider! what will happen to all the doctors and scientists!?
sorry mate i'm calming down, i love all my black brothas and sistas

>statistics are a white racist invention
ok nigger

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>all the planes will plummet from the sky due to all the black pilots! no one will know how to operate the large hadron collider! what will happen to all the doctors and scientists!?
this but unironically, have you looked at any majority black country?

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>i-i-i-im n-n-not gay i j-j-just spend all day with my boys :^D

yeah man i was being facetious

Stop coping dumdum

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> have you ever seen a white guy with a girlfriend?

and you're sure it wasn't another man in girls clothing??

theres nothing gay about slinging crack with your homies

they're just troubled youth expressing thier frustration with the racisim they face on a daily basis

>what is photoshop?
>what is developer tools?

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Look up the actual murder rates and rapes and be shocked when whites are not the highest rates.

Simple, we civilized them while they were still primitive, the more primitive you are in nature, the stupider you are.

mostly because of white privilege.

Is modern society telling black boys and girls to literally gang up and beat up white girls? No? Yes? Either way it proves blacks need to be eradicated from white communities.
I've never earnestly wanted to call an African the n word but you're a fucking retarded ass N I G G E R.

that's just anglos

I'll tell you two facts about your post. 1. those kids are of the retard kind (plenty of those to go around from all races). 2. you'll die an incel.
bonus point; fuck niggers

Back in middle school I spent half a year at one of those charter schools where 95% of the students were black and I can say it was the most hellish place I've ever been. My teacher, some little Indian lady would break down in tears every other day from the kids fucking with her about her accent or looks, and fights and stealing were a near daily occurrence too despite them being amongst themselves. The halls and lunch room were so loud and chaotic, even for a middle school, that I attribute most of my anxiety problems to those five or six months.

I try not to judge people based on things they have no control over like race or upbringing, and instead take them all as individuals... but I still can't help but be bothered since I know how hard that is and that some people will see me the same as them since I'm black as well.

>Is modern society telling black boys and girls to literally gang up and beat up white girls
No. But the fact that society was telling people it was ok to firebomb churches because there are niggers inside and the people agreed is very telling.

It says more when they do it while being told it's wrong. or is it possible they're not being told it's wrong? nobody is calling the boys faggots for 20 v 1 a girl.
then again all black men are butt fucking homosexuals so it wouldn't even phase them to begin with.

In this society, its smarter to solve problems with words you retard.

>Thread about complaining about black niggers
>Filled with white niggers in seconds

>nobody is calling the boys faggots for 20 v 1 a girl
This doesn't make you a homosexual.

>all the wignats itt defending this girl
they're punching her because she fucked a negresses nigger bf

low IQ + low inhibitions

Imagine if there was one white person in the group beating her too kek

lol racism haha am i right haha

So why don't Asians, Jews, Latinos, Indians, etc. commit crime at the same rates that blacks do? Do they have white privilege too?

>well thought out statements
>good grammar
You're more white than anyone on this board.

People don't call the cops on them for just walking around.