If you enjoy torturing and killing cats and dogs, are you still a robot?

if you enjoy torturing and killing cats and dogs, are you still a robot?
if you enjoy dog-fighting and participate in breeding dogs so they fight each other to the death, are you still a robot?
if you enjoy torturing the weak, are you still a robot?
if you enjoyed bullying and making fun of shy autistic kids in school are you still a robot?
if you were a ruthless bully, are you still a robot?
if you eat meat, are you still a robot?

i say no to all of these. if you're not a vegan ur not a robot i dont give a fuck what anyone says

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Yes to all. But people who make "you're not a robot because muh ideology" thread are not robots.

Dont be a hypocrite. You torture and kill plant life

Hes gonna give you some bullshit reason about them not feeling pain in the same way. All lifeforms are not equal to this cuck just the ones that he can relate to.

Thats very arbitrary. Hes a scumbag hypocrite that doesnt care about life, hes just on some fad diet and virtue signaling.

dude you have to be so fucking disingenuous and such a rat of a human being to say shit like this, honestly

plants arent sentient. they dont have a brain and they cant feel pain. are you going to cry whenever someone chops up a potato



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So predictable its kind of sad to be honest.

They're still life.
Living and breathing creatures.
You kill them to sustain yourself, pain or not.
You're still a murderer to the eyes of the great cosmos, it doesn't matter if what is being killed is suffering while you do it or not.

this fucking faggot again, will you die already god damn

Its funny to me because he uses the exact same logic as the meat eaters he so despises.
>Eating animals is ok because theyre not human so I dont care.
>Eating plants is ok because theyre not human or animal so I dont care.

Im not the one who acts like a hero for not putting some random food group in my mouth. If you argue that you dont support killing, you cannot eat plants. End of story. No potatoes you fucking retard. If you worried about pain then you would eat all animals who didnt die painfully.

suck my asshole FAGGOT im going to keep making vegan threads on r9k because im the hardest robot in this fucking board

ALL you faggots are either less of a robot then me or on the same level. 28 kv neet been on 4ch since 2006 and r9k since 2008 before it was deleted. this place is my fucking home more than any other place

sentience, consciousness and having the ability to suffer is what gives something moral significance. plants dont have the ability to suffer. neither do rocks, neither does bacteria

are you telling me im immoral whenever i wash my hands with anti-bacterial soap and kill millions of germs who wanted to live?

germs cannot suffer, arent conscious and sentient, in the same way that plants arent

dogs and pigs on the other hand are sentient. do you think its okay to go around killing dogs for fun? do you support laws that protect dogs and cats?

if so, why care for dogs but not for pigs? pigs are literally more intelligent than dogs

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>he keeps making contradicting arguments
So you support eating animals who dont suffer? Got it. Either that or you cannot eat anything that was alive. Plants are complex enough, stop making stupid rules for why you are a hypocrite


>If you worried about pain then you would eat all animals who didnt die painfully
its not just about the pain, its about the killing. killing sentient animals who dont want to die is immoral, especially when its done for your amusement

plants on the other hand arent sentient. they have the sentience level of bacteria

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>abloblowooo im the one having the hardest life here ;_;
You sniveling faggot.
I'll keep eating meat and murdering animals for food and pleasure, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Plants are still killed. You are a hypocrite and putting plants in your mouth does not make you special.

>proud of being vegan
Yep, no surprise there

you have a point, we shouldnt treat a animal different from others
we should eat dogs too


yeah im what you call a robot, unlike you and everyone else in this thread

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It takes much more plants to make meat for humans to eat than to just eat plants

People wouldn't be turned into vegetarians if there wasn't so much suffering in the production of meat.
They take it a little farther than they have to but they're morally superior to the ones who are fine with letting animals suffer unnecessarily to get cheaper meat

Hes arguing that any eating of killed life is wrong. If I ate fewer animals then he will still be a bitter virgin about it. But then he goes and tortured and kills plant life. Its just not a rational position. He claims the barrier between human and animal is nonexistent but fabricates one randomly for plants. Most fish notoriously dont feel true pain. Smaller invetebrates dont suffer. He is a brainlet and Im just fine knowing that hes never accomplished anything except saying no to meat.

Maybe your fad diet is morally superior but this clown says hes a jobless leech. Im morally superior by hundreds of thousands of dollars of value per year. He saves a pig sometimes.

here i added a title to this so you understand what the paragraph is talking about

you guys i kinda wana join a vegan protest, but i feel uncomfortable with the amount of roasties who are vegan. why?


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Keto diet is a better philosophy. Cooler people, too.

its easier for me to do vocaroos instead of typing shit out and i feel like people understand me better than when i type a long paragraph out


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Thanks for your life story. Seafood is amazing.

Fucking retard, consuming animal products kills about 15x more plants. So going vegan doesnt just save animals but also plants.
There is absolutely no reason not to go vegan besides being an egocentric cunt caring about "taste"
Animal industry leads to suffering, environmental destruction, destruction of your own health.

If your iq is above 20 you would realize that going vegan is the only rational, logical choice. ethics don't even matter really