Being a nice guy sucks

I enjoy being nice and orbiting my best friend. It's not sexy though. If men weren't designed to need sexual release, beta orbiting would be the most alpha activity.

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There's really nothing wrong with worshipping a woman, it's just that you insist on doing it to a chick that doesn't like you back.
Once you find a girl that likes you you can shower her in affection and give her the life you think she deserves and some will enjoy that.
I say 'some' because not every girl likes the endless affection of a boyfriend that betas seem to lean towards to. *tips fedora*

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I like how it starts with "there's nothing wrong", and towards the end it's "but, only some". It's just damage control.

Being a girl's beta best friend isn't as terrible as people say it is. It's nice to have friends

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Well all you've got to do is to find one that likes the attention.
Look for girls with low ego.

It's very nice to have friends. But I'm not allowed to spend money on other women unless I get her approval first.

That won't matter. High or low ego, beta orbiting is not hot.

It is super nice, she even refuses to take money from me.

That's why i'm saying "find another girl".

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Because you don't give friends money. You don't. It's bad manners. It's the direct implication that you think less of the other one and want to treat that person like a child of yours.

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Revealing post. Thanks friendbot.
You too. But wouldn't it be heartless to just leave my friend?

That's what I dislike about current hypergamy, the solution is always "find someone else". It makes a beta orbiter like me completely strapped, I gotta go full selfish mode rather than orbiting mode, and being selfish feels empty and lonely.

>wouldn't it be heartless to just leave my friend?
You can keep her as a friend. Ideally consider her as a "bro", imagine a dick dangling down there if you must.
Having friends is good and healthy, but from what you've said you've burned too much ground there to get a relationship out of it.
Just see her as a friend as opposed to someone you want to fuck.

Then she's not really your friend, this is a bizarre relationship you seem to be in, user. Why are you throwing money at her anyway? I thought she was your friend not your gf

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Which is why I value my friendship with her, I'm just complaining that it is the opposite of sexy. Being nice makes me unsexy, being selfish is sexy but makes me feel empty you just can't win.

If it were so simple, bro.
I want her to be my gf. But she insists that we are friends. I care for her, it just bites that being nice is the opposite of sexy.

Being nice can be sexy if you are sexy. But you're on here and identify yourself as a "beta" so you're probably not

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I work out. I look okay.

I feel ya, buddy. It's best to just accept your place as just the beta friend in her life and try to find another woman who'll take you as a gf. I know you don't want to do that but it's that or stay alone and single forever while you watch her find someone get married and have a happy life.

You don't need to fuck arround if you don't feel like that lifestyle suits you or your personality.
There are millions of people on the planet and most of them are kinda alike, so even though it probably sounds terribly over used: There is someone out there who likes you. Possibly thousands, ten thousands or millions who would like you not besides of who you are but because of who you are.
You just have to give people a realistic chance to get to know you. It's hard to do that, it's hard to get turned down and it's hard to work out to improve yourself but it is worth it because love is the best thing you can hope for.

I'm a nerd, i've always been, and i've gone through years of self hatred but then i decided that i'd change and i did. Now i've got a girlfriend and as it turns out i get loads of options to cheat nowadays. Not because i have a girlfriend, but because i decided i wanted to be the best version of myself. People (including females) are fascinated with even basic self discipline.

Ya. I would be sad but I would be happy if/when she found a man she loves who loves her as much as I do, or more.

I work out. Yea just work out, get a haircut and do nofap and women turn their heads. But I also need my friendship with my friend, for the emotional bonding. Otherwise its hard to keep going/improving.

Your gf gives you emotional support, perhaps thats all we really need.

At the time when i got to know her i was relatively stable because i was focusing on my education at the moment for the most time and i was working out like a mad man. Both helped me keep a clear head (i also jacked off a lot, so i wouldn't be so brain amputated arround girls). Then i went were girls were and practiced talking to them. As it turns out i was bad at it, but soon enought a nerdy girl got interested in my clumsy advances.

Jacking off isn't good, it's regressive. Working out and nofap is peak progress.
Somehow I suspect it's not nearly this easy,

To be honest i really don't care if jacking off is good or not. The fact stands that i can't think with a boner, so i'm doing this to stay sane and productive. Worked pretty well for me.

>thread title
>If men weren't designed to need sexual release, beta orbiting would be the most alpha activity.
To me it sounds like you're in a platonic relationship with a woman for the wrong reasons. Stop seeing sex as the end all goal of a friendship and you'll have an easier time actually scoring.

I would feel guilty if I "scored" with another woman. I'm chasing a relationship with her, hooking up with someone else is "cheating" on our friendship. Go ahead flame me.

You know what you are, no need for further comments.

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I've been there. Had that feel. It takes a strong push to put yourself over that. You can do it with enough effort.
I'm not going to flame you for being a fallible human being. I want you to improve because I was once in your spot and I managed to get out.

If you really can't see a future without being in a relationship with her: it's time to get out. Don't give her an ultimatum, just get out of that friendship until you can move past that imagined future

Good advice, just quietly leave her. I don't think I can do that either, she needs me. She won't admit it, not even to herself, but she needs me to beta orbit her and take care of her. Being in a relationship with her is just a fantasy though, thanks for waking me up.

No worries man. I see all the negative shit on this board and I'll always be glad to help out someone that asks for it.

Take care bro. I'll keep treading water.