Roastie gets toastie

Only 20 years but at least it's something. A man would have gotten life though.


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Why are women high school teachers like this?
>something a teacher sent me

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Do you think anything will change soon? Like, do you guys still have hope that one day, we'll live in a society that doesn't treat women better than men? That true gender equality will ever be thing? Usually women like this get very little jail time, if any, meanwhile men can have their entire life ruined because of some bitch who admits to being a liar

you know, should probably be bumped. it seems a woman actually got a comparable sentence for a change

>Women will have sex with men 10 years older and 10 years younger than their male counterparts


No, I really don't think anything will ever be equal. The pendulum is just going to swing the other way once more and more women get in positions of power. And personal bias is always going to exist at the hands of lawmakers and judges no matter how much someone tries to deny it.

oroehyeo oer oeroeo hjeegj oglol

Imagine getting 20 years for something so petty.

hahahah 20 years.

Based Mark


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>when will true gender equality happen?

Gender equality will be a blip on the radar.

The true sign of a civilized society will be age equality. When people from the 25th century open up their history books, they gonna view us as savages for imprisioning people for this.

20 years for this, when it should be a quarter of that? America is fucking frightening.

I'm not saying it's not a crime but it's crazy that this situation would be compared to a genuine case of serial or long-term child abuse.

And the grossest thing about this sentence is that under the mask of progressive concern for victims, it's really just the old American puritanism finding a different outlet!

Rerverse the genders and I bet you would think 20years isn't enough.

I can smell your cuck stare from a mile away

Oh and by the way, it's completely obvious that for normies, the increased hate of sexual abusers in recent years is a redirection of the scapegoating energy they used to use to hate on gays back before sheer social consensus, and not ethics, made them decide gay people were acceptable.

>pic related, the IQ80 American puritan

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>it's crazy that this situation would be compared to a genuine case of serial or long-term child abuse
That's because it is child abuse, dipshit.

>Rerverse the genders and I bet you would think 20years isn't enough.
Dude it's every guys dream to have sex with a hot teacher...I know you hate women and want them to suffer, but come on, this is ridiculous.

13 is pretty gross desu. Boys at that age still look very much like kids. If I was a hot female teacher I would not be interested in anyone below 16.

>Rerverse the genders and I bet you would think 20years isn't enough.

Not that guy, but I fundamentally don't accept that creepy old guys fucking teen girls and hot English teachers fucking teen guys are the same crime.

We're all supposed to PRETEND they're the same crime, because of a purely ideological commitment to the notion that the sexes are exactly the same...but they aren't the same crime. The penetrator is never - EVER - at the same risk of coercion or abuse as the penetrated.

When I say

>HURR DURR I wish she had abused me!'s not actually a joke. The core truth of that statement makes it abundantly clear that, on these matters, the law is an ass.

No, the foulness of America's hyperbolic prison sentences isn't gender based.

How do you feel about an attractive male teacher fucking a 13 year old female student?

She should have gotten off scott free, if the female is attractive the male is complicit which is clearly the case here

Improve reading comprehension. Yes, it's child abuse, but not serial child abuse or the most abusive forms of it, which is what a 20year sentence should be reserved for.

Sure, the sentence should be enhanced because she was in the situation of a caretaker, but 20years is beyond excessive.

You know what I find funny?

The man is implicitly blamed in both situations. When he's older, he's taking advantage. When he's younger, he's apparently still in control and can easily get out of the situation.

What a fucking joke.

But what about this idea that somehow having sex is a form of abuse? Where does that come from?

>How do you feel about an attractive male teacher fucking a 13 year old female student?

Because he is the one penetrating her, we can never really be sure if he isn't using undue influence or coercion to get her to go along with it. And this would be true of a gay relationship between a male teacher and a 13 year old male student as well.

I was a 13 year old boy once. UNEQUIVOCALLY, if I got hard and fucked you and came...I wanted to do that. That's the difference in the two crimes: the epistemological certainty we can have that I *wanted* to do it - certainty that my hard dick provides.

>NUH UH you were young, you didn't know WHAT you wanted, you weren't ready to decide blah blah blah blah

Actually, I was.

Child abuse in its most severe form should be punished with life in prison, not 20 years.
Are you implying you'd be fine with having sex with any woman ever?

>13 years old
Either your a pedophile yourself or like those cops in that episode of South Park who thinks its hot.

>Are you implying you'd be fine with having sex with any woman ever?

Not that guy again, but my simple and absolute protection against having sex with women I don't want to have sex with is that my dick wouldn't get hard and I wouldn't do it, as a result.

pfffft hahahaha, imagine believing this. I really hope this post is bait.

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>certainty that my hard dick provides.

Right. So we behead the male for circumstantial evidence. But a female can torpedo herself into a penis and still claim innocence. After all, the penis is always the "weapon".

It's the perfect crime. The cuck train continues.
>Contrarily, it is possible to exhibit these genital manifestations of arousal but not feel mentally aroused. Indeed, it is even possible to feel disgusted by the genital manifestations of arousal if it is thought to be a highly inappropriate response to the inducing sexual stimuli [such as] getting an erection to the naked body of one's mother or sister or by a violent scenario.

Lots of women get wet during rape, should they stop being wet to avoid rape? And I don't know about your issues with low testosterone, but when I was a teenager and even to this day I get erections at random, for no discernible reason. Hell when I was a child I was molested by an older woman, and even though she was not good looking I still had an erection.

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>lifetime probation


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And yet in upstate ny a bus driver raped a teenage girl and got probation.

Should of been the other way around age did not commit a crime and had a brighter future

>Zamora had a sexual encounter with the 13-year-old at least once at school while another minor was in the room.

>Also in court this morning, Zamora's husband, mother-in-law, and her attorney, who is asking the state to pay for some legal expenses and experts.
Imagine getting cucked by some 13 year old chad kek

>Indeed, it is even possible to feel disgusted by the genital manifestations of arousal if it is thought to be a highly inappropriate response to the inducing sexual stimuli [such as] getting an erection to the naked body of one's mother or sister or by a violent scenario.


Your dick is a much more reliable witness than you, dude.

>"No, I am not aroused by that violent scenario, despite my raging erection. YES I AM TELLING THE TRUTH!!!"

If I have to choose between believing your dick and believing you, I believe your dick. That's pretty much exactly what I mean by epistemological certainty.

It's crazy to think that people like actually exist

>And I don't know about your issues with low testosterone, but when I was a teenager and even to this day I get erections at random, for no discernible reason

Getting an erection is substantially different from maintaining an erection while penetrating a woman, fucking her, and ejaculating into her snatch.

>NUH UH BRO even if I did all that stuff you can't conclude I wanted to have sex.

What the fuck ever.

You fucking losers are reduced to arguing that *being penetrated* is the same as *mounting and penetrating* and you're trying to argue that I'm the one who's low test?

In literally every culture on Earth ever to exist before our current clown world, no one would ever have tried to argue that a teenage male fucking an older woman was remotely the same as an older man fucking a young girl. Not one.

In fact, in just about every culture where the views on this matter are recorded, the act of penetration is an act of domination and the 13 year old in this story would be lauded as supremely masculine. He would be like the young Alexander killing his first man in battle at age 11.

>Older civilizations had stupid beliefs
Do you also recommend we use leeches instead modern medicine?

>>Older civilizations had stupid beliefs

You mean older civilizations like...the United States in 1985?

If you had fucked an older woman at age 13 and went around weeping about it and telling me about how you were a "rape victim", I would consider you a worthless fucking weakling and a faggot.

My consciousness is never false. Ever. If I fucked a chick at age 13, I wanted to. Period.


Zoomers need to fucking all die. To the last fucking one of you.

While I do respect the digits, you have no basis for your claims versus the other user who can pull at least several studies that sexual arousal of the genitals can not and is not consent. You didn't even bother to address my point that female rape victims very often get wet in the assault, by your logic that can not be rape then.

>>Older civilizations had stupid beliefs


>Fucking zoomer NEET trash thinks they knew more about human nature and moral reasoning than thinkers in antiquity

Yeah, sure. Absolutely. I'll take their word over your word too. So in order of credibility, it goes:

>Your dick
>Ancient Greeks, Romans, Persians, Chinese, and Japanese

>20 years

And she wouldn't act any differently knowing the consequences. Nothing keeps a female from Chad.

>does some lucky brat a favor
>gets 20 years
US justice system is fucked

>You didn't even bother to address my point that female rape victims very often get wet in the assault, by your logic that can not be rape then.

That's not my logic.

Penetrating is a positive act; being penetrated is not.

A woman who lies there and gets fucked can at least claim that she didn't really want to do it. You can be pressured or coerced into lying there and getting fucked.

It's the difference between someone grabbing you and pushing a sandwich into your mouth, and you going to the kitchen and making yourself a sandwich, and putting it into your mouth yourself. There is an element of doubt regarding whether you wanted the sandwich in the first case, but there is no element of doubt - at all - in the second case.

Now of course you'll come up with absurd scenarios that have nothing to do with any of these cases where you're tied up and given Viagra and someone jumps on your dick. Even though that isn't what any of these cases are about in the fucking least. In all of these cases, the adult female ALLOWS THE TEENAGER TO FUCK HER. She doesn't chain the kid down and wait for him to get a random erection that is unrelated to her and then enclose it with her xenomorph vagina.

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I've already explained that you get hard when put in sexual situations. You can be hard and not turned on. Your only argument against that so far has been to just deny it with out any source backing you up

>Complains about absurd analogies or scenarios.
>Compares sex to getting a Sandwich made/fed to you
Children, especially a thirteen year old, are not capable of consent under the law because their brains are not nearly developed enough, that much is scientific fact. It does not matter that the kid acted in concert with his teacher, because not only is he too young, but the teacher is an adult in a position of authority, they have an obligation not to exploit that position.
>You mean older civilizations like...the United States in 1985?
You mean at the height of the Satanic child molestation panic? LOL people would have had almost the same reaction as today, even when they didn't have the latest developments in child psychology that we have now.

They both are at least mid-30's and have shit tons of makeup and lighting. Neither to be honest.

Are you asking why women attracted to underage boys go into a field where they will be surrounded by underage boys?

Leeches actually serve a purpose in modern medicine.

dude why are you wasting time here when you could be fucking her?


Based Dubs user

Remember this day gentleman.
Today is the day of a new beginning.
An age where all roasties, get toasty...

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I'm amazed she got real sentence.

I have not looked into this but I will bet money that the judge who sentenced her was an older, ugly woman. She was jealous as fuck at this girl's looks. Possibly also jealous about the way that kid texted her in regards to how much he liked the way she rapes. Would be really surprised if she got such a huge sentence from a male judge.

All women should be property of their fathers until they're contracted into marriage whereby they are property of their husbands. Age doesn't matter. If a father wants to fuck and kill his own daughters, that's his right because he owns them. If he wants to sell them into marriage at age 4 or 11 or 17 or even 30 to a young man who may or may not take care of them, that's his decision to make. It's simple, very simple.

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Fucking Bingo. Called it, right on the nose. Incidentally, this is the same judge who sentenced Jodi Arias.

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explain why women get wet and orgasm when raped, they like rape dont they? they dont actually think they were raped its all a ruse right? the years of therapy for not wanting sex but orgasming when youre raped in an ally is all fake right?

She won't serve her full sentence.

> Jailed for trying to teach a boy the ways out of sex
Why are incels celebrating?

She is a martyr. She will be vindicated in years to come, posthumously. So will R Kelly.

Is this the one who was just married a year ago or is this one of the others?
Fucking bitches all look alike nowadays.

t.paedo faggot

look at this faggot pedo


So if an adult man goes and allows a teenage girl to sit her tiny tight pussy on his dick, is it rape?

what the fuck are you even talking about?
were these 13yo kids pursuing her?
No, she seduced them

fuck her and then call the cops

There used to be a Canadian roast on Jow Forums who liked to slut it up for the robots. She was a coke addict who taught elementary. It's not surprising when "teaching" is seen as a career path for low-IQ thots who "love kids" but will likely never have any of their own. Pic related

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