Have value just by existing

>have value just by existing
>get sex and love easily
>have a slightly harder time getting a job
>have a much easier time finding a partner who'll earn all the money for you so you don't need a job

And women think men have it better?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>get sex and love easy
Not true. All the good guys are taken already. The ones willing to have sex treat you like shit and definitely arent willing or able to love

>All the good guys are taken already.
This is just roastie high standards. Chad is already taken, but there are tons of kind and loving Normans and Melvins. You're just not willing to settle for them.

>Have to expunge their womb every month
nothing could get me to switch to female

The kind and loving Normans are what I am aiming for. Chad is unappealing in every way.
All Normans are already taken

Plenty of boys waiting for marriage. Not as many women though.

>have a slightly harder time getting a job
kek even a moderately attractive woman has no difficulty getting a job

Heck, even an average bitch can cam a few hours a week for a good amount.

women have a higher floor men have a higher ceiling
ones not better than the other just different
accept it you bitter cuck

I dont want to wait for marriage necessarily but hopefully my first bf will be my last bf

And if he dumps you you're fucked, in more than one sense of the word.
What reason is there not to wait for it? Not a virgin?

>have value just by existing
so like rich people childs and such

>get sex and love easily
Haha. Men are incapable of love user.

>ones not better than the other just different
You just admitted that women have it easier, though.

>Men are incapable of love user.
Who hurt you?

women are weak and emotionally dependent, they act like children and they're pretty much forced to serve cock to survive

I'm ok being a beta male and living on my own, women aren't even humans imo, they're secondary species after men

Men, obviously. Come on now.

If they get love easily, how come there are more singles than ever?

they don't get love, they get dick,remember the 20/80 rule

They get love from betas, they just don't want it.

Yeah because betas are just desperate for pussy. They dont actually care about you at all. Being ugly has made them spiteful

OP here, and desu, killing myself tonight Jow Forums, ive finally had enough
>gf hates me
>family hates me
>dad molested me when i was 5
>get gang stalked and people constantly look through my window
>brother recently came out as transgender and said he has feelings for me
unironically not dealing with this shit anymore.
since you guys have given me a home, and kept me entertained, ill return the favor.

Stream link & quick rundown:


Thank you for always being my favorite board btw.


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Maybe lower your standards, instead of trying to hook up with Chad.

I'm pretty sure you get a ban for posting that again

So they don't get love then.

No, all men are incapable of love.

>No, all men are incapable of love.
Define love

Top kek. What a freudian slip.

Deep romantic affection.

Why do you make it hard for me to love you?

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What is your idea of romantic affection? Because that is pretty subjective.

I guess I'd call it romantic empathy. Men are biologically programmed to fuck and evacuate ASAP, pair bonding isn't really built into their brains, these days they've convinced themselves that wanting to fuck someone twice is the same as love, but in the end its still the same.

It's the reverse. Women are leeches. Take everything and then leave when they have what they want.

Because this one is genuinely stupid (I'm not the "girl" you were talking to just a normtard) why the fuck would you want to wait until marriage unless you are a bitter bottom 20% cuck? You marry some miserable bitch because your weird culty family pays her family a couple goats or whatever and you are now both locked in for life and what if she has a smelly pussy or never moves during sex or makes gross noises? Vain concerns you may say so lets go deeper, what if she isn't the dream girl you imagine but instead a real woman who might undermine you, nag you, make you miserable in any number of sitcom cuckdad ways and let's be realistic
>you aren't chad you're the cuckdad constantly harangued by the ol' ball and chain
Alternatively, fuck her, move in with her, get a pet together, and run a relationship for a while to see how it is instead of setting it in stone with no out

>not having a vitriolic hate for the whore, the slut, and the roast
>no revisiting the litany of bad memories that you've been through every time you get within even 10 feet of a female
>not being a literal fucking blackhole of contempt for everything that has a vagina
Fucking normalfags.

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How do you explain the men who stay in relationships then?

>have a slightly harder time getting a job
uh nope. Not women.

They lack the resources, charisma or status to inseminate a lot of women - given the chance, they still would, and the more resources and status they acquire, the more likely they are to cheat on their partner - that's why older men are vastly more likely to cheat on their wives.

I disagree but let's just assume you're right, what's stopping you from taking a man who lacks ressources, charisma and status then?

Why bother? Either he'll stay boring, sexually disinteresting and milquetoast - basically just a more expensive dog that is less empathic, or I'll spend my own time and resources building him up and then he'll go cheat. I'd rather become a witch tbqh.

You could just admit it's only Chad you're after and that "boring" men are subhumans in your eyes.

I see you have either not read or not understood what I said. Well done.

Where am I wrong then?

Me being after "Chad" (who doesn't exist even), when I literally just said I'd rather stay by myself.

No, we understand, you just waffle back and forth between wanting Mr. Perfect with an incorruptible spirit and infinitely pure intentions vice admitting that an average Male who didn't cheat could fill the bill, but is still disqualified because he "is only faithful because he doesn't have the opportunity." In either case, get the fuck off my board, y ok u disgusting fucking roast beef. Get out. You're done.

status, money, charisma aren't things you could help a beta to aquire by investing your time or "resources" into him.
Love him like he is, Chad cock thirsty whore.

Are you having an aneurysm? Calm down.

>have a slightly harder time getting a job
Nope they're 18% more likely to be hired than men. 40% more likely if it's an entry level job.

You seem to want love or you wouldn't have complained about it in the first place.
Also you equal a man who lacks ressources, charisma and status to a subhuman status, even though alot of men and women are lacking in atleast some of those categories.
Time to accept you only want Chad.

Shut the fuck up, you obnoxious fucking parasite. Hundreds of other fucking websites that will suck your asshole dry and you have to come here and contaminate the board with your rancid cooter. Get out!

>just love my cheetos crusted porn addicted fatass femanon, I'm beautiful as I am ree

Thanks but I think I'll stay. I've been here longer than you and I'm having great fun making you seethe.

Systemically, men do "have it" better.

Unless you were one of the first 800 posts in 2008 on the first Robot 9000, you haven't been here longer than me, harlot. I hope you get maimed.

yikes.. pasty incel detected

The top 20%, yes

Euthanize yourself so we can be spared from your shitty posts.

I'm not taken cutie

It's another episode of "user thinks only attractive women exist because he ignores the existence of ugly girls".

Ugly girls still have vaginas and get the vagina privilege

literally get out of your room and have sex incel

Ugly girls are still having sex, user. Far more sex than an ugly man.

Women have it easy in times of peace and when the societies they live in have grown efeminate and comfortable from peace and male enterprise.

Women cannot internalize the fact that they are effectively dooming themselves and their daughters though.

Liberal societies that are weak, egalitarian and force equality of outcome, tend to self-destruct or make it easy for them to be invaded and destroyed from within.

Let's see how women like Sharia law in a couple of decades. Who are they going to be blaming during the transitory period? White conservative men that were against immigration and open borders? How are they going to rationalize it, I wonder.

It's another episode of "user is clueless as fuck"

The nazis didn't despise their own women user

"As air to a bird, or the ocean to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible."

Imo sharia is better than the liberal west

when men love women,they worship them
when women love men,they respect them

the sooner you understand and accept this,the better

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I didn't realize the bottom 80% of men run the risk of being assaulted for not smiling at strangers on the tram.
So good to be Chad

Depends on how black/arab your society is.

Sounds like you should really, genuinely and truly have sex racist loser

>The ones willing to have sex
What the heck? Are you ugly?

The cuck checks his male priviledge. So brave.

Are women incapable of devotion and unconditional love?

Towards men yes obviously, why love such a creature
Towards their children, no

Women don't have a harder time getting a job. Think of any of the most common jobs: retail, child care, teaching, office work. All female dominated

Women have much easier time getting a job
If you ever had a job you would know that if there are 2 equally qualified people (or even not equally qualified) the woman will get the job

Women are guaranteed to get any office admin job they apply for.
Two possible reasons:
>male boss wants to surround himself with women, because office life is boring
>female boss wants to surround herself with women, because they won't take her job

That's the most retarded thing I have read today. You've never had a job have you?

actually it's men that are the only humans able to bond. look at soldiers. they have incredibly deep bonds to the point of brotherhood. it's essentially pair bonding. males typically do want those type of undying love, brotherhood, disney movie love bonds with women but somewhere along the line men wake up and realize that it's just a disney fantasy and women are actually incapable of the love that they desire. women are forever resistant to it with their shit testing because men can always be thrown into the trash and used like atms or war machines to be sent off to die and women can always find better.

unless you're only referring to r-selected Chad who actually can't settle down because women have let him fuck them over and over and trained him like that. just look for a k-selected Chad. they're out there and they probably aren't banging tons of girls and getting mad money and buying sick sports cars. k-selected Chad is probably working a 60k/yr job with no incentive to move up the ladder because no gf and being slightly depressed that this world is shit while stockpiling money for the future gf he won't get because he's a virgin but he wants a traditional relationship with a girl but no girls want virgins they all want Chad.

That's pocket change

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>be autistic guy
>be khv
>look for information on how to be at least somewhat attractive and get dates
>find autistic women complaining about autist virgin men thinking they have it hard, and claiming that in fact autistic women have it harder because there is little information out there to help autistic women, and they get raped at a higher rate than neurotypical women.
>another autist woman states that autistic virgin men usually have nothing to offer and don't deserve anything, and does this while bragging that she can get any hot guy that she wants
>another autist woman says women have it harder because she doesn't know how to broadcast her information to get multiple side guys because one relationship isn't enough for her.
>another one talking about how men have treated her badly and always try to sexualize her, but she hates it because they don't have above average dicks and are therefore unattractive to her as large dicks are a requirement.

Ok. I mean, it probably doesn't mean much, individual anecdotes and all that. But it still makes me feel like shit as someone who has seen no proof that anyone can be attracted to me except gay guys, who I'm not into.

What is this shit? Your "k-selected chad" isn't even a chad.

im depressed about my penis size

Autistic women are just as sociopathic as regular women, it's just that their autism hinders their ability to hide it.

Women are trash tbqh senpai.

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I woneder how Asian and Black women are like. And maybe some other like Latinas, Middle Eastern & Arab, Paki & Indian women.
I was born, raised and still live in Poland so I have never had any contact with women from other races.

And to add, I wonder about it all because white women really do seem like the most privilaged and full of themselves.
And especially Polish women. Not only does the western feminist propaganda reach them, "men" here still live mentally in the medieval times of chivalry.

Oh it's another boring threads of babby victimizing himself because he's never kissed a girl. Fucking grow up, you probably only want a gf because you've been told to and you never even noticed it.

>chad chaser complains about being pumped and dumped

lol you stupid bitch

of course that's what you'll get when you and the rest of the female population chase the same 5% of guys. Why would a guy that's getting women constantly thrown at will bother "not treating you like shit", let alone settle for a single roastie?

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>Plenty of boys waiting for marriage
>AKA me
>AKA pls hav sex wit me.
You referred to yourself as a boy, though.

It's another retarded anti-incel shill who didn't even read the first fucking post.
I swear, if I could kill you and get away with it, I would with a big grin on my mothefucking face.

If the only reason you value a woman is her virginity, that's why no girl wants you. Because you don't even see them as people, you see them as acquisition.
Christfags are fucking lame. Go back to church camp to "make mistakes" with the other church boys.

Listen to your own advice. Lower your standarts instead of living in your little imaginary world where virgins are fucking perfect.

I get what you're saying.
You're mad because when she talks about wanting love, but being unable to find a good man for herself, you automatically think of yourself as being able to fullfill this role and since this girl is not already at your nice guy feet, it makes you mad that she's still saying there are no good men because you feel like you deserve a chance.
You cope by doing what you usually do: Blame it on the eternal Chad in your head whom you are always losing to. So because she is not considering a betafag like you as an option, you assume she wants Chad dick who doesn't even exist.

>he'll stay boring, sexually disinteresting and milquetoast
yet another chad chaser complaining about being pumped and dumped.
You don't deserve love.

Man I'd hate to be you. Better to be a normalfag.
Imagine being stuck in the past.

>Soldiers have deep bond
That are forged through intensive brainwashing camps. Do you even know what the military is?

Imagine thinking enduring lifetime harassment means you have it easier.

at least you finally showed your true colors, and that you are no different from the average stacythot, you are the reason for your own sadness, and you actually deserve it

yet another user who can't read posts

Imagine thinking having friends and people who want to talk to you is hard mode