Mfw even discord fembots ghosts me

>mfw even discord fembots ghosts me
guess it wasnt meant to be anons. should i just give up?

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>even discord fembots ghosts me
That's literally all that discord fembots do, ever. Why would you expect anything else?

discord is for thots

I don't know man, Ive tried every other platform of dating. I thought maybe they would be different.

online dating is a real meme

grow some thick skin and find an outside community

Real life dating is just as much a meme spread through shitty romcoms and Disney movies

Who is she and why did she ghost u

I've been hurt badly by discord ghosts in the past. the only solution is to collect fembots so you have abundance mentality, that way it hurts less when they ghost.

Online dating is a meme. Meeting people outside is a meme. Romance is a meme. Everything is a lie. When the house has stacked the deck, the only thing left to do when you're broke is to walk away from the table.

Someone that added me in a r9k thread. We talk for almost all day about stuff and I thought it was going well. And suddenly she just stopped responding a couple days ago. Guess I was wrong

this sounds par for the course with fembots. you have to remember that almost all young women have a fuck ton of options (even fembots), so unless you really click and are exactly what she has in mind the ghost is more or less inevitable since you're unironically competing against dozens of guys. she might only be speaking to a few but dozens are easily in reach. basically they pick the one of those dozens that suits her fancy the most.

overall it's just a numbers game user, don't sweat getting ghosted, because the only two things that matters when it comes to discord thots is 1. shooting your shot and 2. actually talking to enough of them to find one who likes you beyond a superficial first day discussion where it's impossible to fuck up since you literally have everything to talk about.

You would think you would get used to it. Everytime one ghosts me it's not only just one more person who doesn't think I'm not worth their time, but its another person that I guess I'm not interesting or good enough for.

give up expectations for everything.
just live, try momentary pleasures here and there and die. thats all life is about... coping.

im giving it to you blunt. there is where it ends, thats the final truth of finite life in infinite existence.

I can't convince myself to take the blackpill just yet

So basically just cast a big net?

Id be up to talk to you but by this point youve probably heard that line too many times

Sure why not. discord tag?

the le black phil is the final pill and dont even call it that. its a fucking disgrace to nihilism which is the turth of the universe.

the universe is infinite but uncaring, to literally anything. even if all this life vanishes away the movements it makes will continue, life and death are eternal.

you can still have some personal pleasures alone, you should take on nihlimil and duel with it a bit to understand it, nothing can beat it. not even hope, since hope is just luck in infinite universal chaos.

life for every life form besides survival is cope in their preferred way till death. this is a fact.

>tfw you ghost every fembot you come into contact with
>tfw some of them fell in love with you
just helping make sure you losers never get a gf.

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Nice larp fagwad

Are you OP or someone else? also i was muted for this

Yeah I'm op and I was also fucking muted for this

>tfw no discord fembot to entertain

They would just get bored and go to the next guy in 10 minutes