Why don't you have a girlfriend, user? What's really stopping you?

Why don't you have a girlfriend, user? What's really stopping you?

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I'm not the reincarnation of Jesus Christ who wanted to save his people to create a 1000 year reich who got stopped by the Jews once more.

I dont want one and I dont deserve one.

I'm with you on this

I irrationally hate women, so yeah.
They'll go ahead with their lives and I'll go with mine.
I'm not bitter and I don't think I'm entitled to anything, nor am I an incel, I just prefer having nothing to do with them

I'm afraid of losing my virginity because of the chance I'll be terrible in bed and I also think I matter to people so they're going to Gossip about me being bad at sex. I also feel like there's pressure on me to know how to talk to girls because I have good looks so people think I'm experienced when in reality I'm as autistic as everyone else here

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my pride be my downfall

Theres no excuses guys. Im pretty fat and not good looking but I have a gf. But ofcourse I only want yhe best for her so I am improving myself

I am already a seething ball of anger and women just make it infinitely worse.

Women are followers, they loved Hitler because he had power, now they hate Hitler because he lost. Whatever society deems acceptable to love, they will love such as marvel and the celebrity of the month, whatever society deems they hate they will hate.
None of this is about why i don't have a girlfriend though that's just because i have been silly busy with resettling into my new life, i will probably get one within a year or two.

Anyone can get A gf but that doesn't mean they're going to be attractive at all. I'd rather have no one than someone unbearably ugly, maybe that's shallow but how am i supposed to love someone I'm not attracted to.

car crash, now I am forever alone

my fear of people

I've spent so much time alone I prefer it. I wonder how deep I have to dig to find an inkling of desire for companionship. I'll bet the fact that my day-to-day is a sausage fest doesn't help.

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>What's really stopping you?

other than being a short fucking fatass virgin who can't get along with people for very long? not much i guess

fucked up brain chemistry makes me absolutely detached and desireless.
I'm in peace and i don't want it to change

You have beaten me to it desu

Because I never really learned how to talk to women without looking like an idiot. Pic related.

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because i'm too lazy and if i tried I probably would be in one

Social anxiety is my issue

My brain is fucked and i don't connect with people at all, never in my life has anyone treated me like they do others or shown any signs of enjoying my company. Most i get is ridiculed and i've got no idea why that is. Starting to think it's undiagnosed autism or something like that cause there is something fundementally wrong with me as a person that's obvious to everyone but me.

Badically. Im subhuman

Same feeling was you shun by them or you just didn't try

I'm a real robot and i'm incabible with everyone that's not anime
i'll be alone forever

I genuinely dont know. I asked my friends previously and they also said they dont know. Girls included. I think I'm judt cursed to be alone

Too nervous so I never tried

Dont know how to lead conversation with woman, never tried, talking with people is boring anyway so I have no urge to go and search
if I could get gf without conversation I would have one

I'm afraid that I'm not good enough for any girl or that they won't think I'm good enough. The fear has kept me from ever trying. And unfortunately the longer I go without trying, the more I'll be not good enough.

I'm not in a place where I can handle a relationship. I have no job nor motivation to improve my life. Why would I make things worse by bringing a relationship into this?

What's sad is that I could get a gf if I wanted to.

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I have a girlfriend. she is a solid 8 and playing skyrim. I might dump her. when i call her lazy or give her criticism she always says ' what do you mean??'. prefer my hand.

I wish I had a girlfriend that would buy me shit, pay for me everywhere, sexually satisfy me under the threat of being called "now womanly enough" by everyone she knows. I wish she would constantly have to improve herself, spend more money on me, become more important in the society or I just exchange her for a more successful new girlfriend.
Without all that, what's the point in relationships?

I'm want to teach in east asia so I haven't been looking for girls to date.

i don't want an american woman / americanized women

their mindset is toxic for relationships and don't see you as a significant other

a combination of poverty, uglyness and having uninteresting hobbies

I want a gf who looks at me like those thots look at Adolf Hitler.

I know this feeling intimately. I really wish I had an answer for you, but I don't. It's an awful feeling, seeing all of the people you encounter on a given day living human lives while you're forced to endure a hollow facsimile that's just solid enough to look real from the outside.

I try to act like they do, using the words, tactics, and approaches that seem to work for them... but I never get the same responses.

I try to distract myself from the emptiness, but every day more and more things find a way to chisel through to remind me of my unlived life.

I spend so much time and energy in my head, trying to see where I'm going wrong. Self improvement, construction of hobbies, even socializing.

For what? I have made no progress. In fact, I feel further away now than I did when I started. Maybe it's just that I can more clearly see the distance between my experience and everyone else's.... I can't believe that it was like this for them. Somehow they just knew what to do, they could interact and connect with people from the start. They were born important to people and they continued being that way. But I'm different. I'm missing whatever it is that allows it.

If this described you too, I am so sorry user. I can't honestly give you words of encouragement when I no longer believe in myself. Please find a way to live.

I'm a socially inept manlet with angry man face

I've had girls say they'd date me but i'm too short. Also had girls say they'd talk to me but I scare em. Oh well I can't relate to most people so I struggle to hold convos. I'm cool with it tho never really bothered me just how its always been

I managed to narrow it down to two things:
I am afraid of intimacy and I hate/fear women.
That is all

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Your pic is basically me except for the sex part and the MPDG thing god I hate this term

i'm not in a position to desire or be desired

>uncomfortable with flirting and touching and have turned down girls over this
>no confidence, afraid to approach or talk to women
>no natural features, talents or accomplishments to be my source of confidence

I don't think I bounced back from getting bullied in school.

I don't want one and probably can't get one even if I want to. Women and relationships aren't worth it in this age.

>just talk to them bro its all confidence
Stop feeding these people lies. Its very mean.

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>have a job now so barely any free time
>friend group lives 2 hours away now
>friend group is all male anyway
>hobbies are mostly things I do by myself
>moderate amount of social anxiety
>might have generalized anxiety as well
>very little experience even talking with girls my age
>afraid of rejection
>average to below average looks

>What's really stopping you?
I have no friends who could introduce me to girls. My hobbies are solitary so no interaction with girls. My workplace involves manual labour so can't even date a female coworker (there are none). When I make online dating accounts I do not get matches (I don't think I'm ugly, just not attractive enough for online dating).

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I'm just a little bitch that can't open up to people. I'm also constantly afraid I'm going to fuck things up

Dont know any females. Havent talked to one in over a year

Funny you should say that when pic related has a gf.

I'm retarded and boring.
Also a huge pussy.

Because I want to cut them and make a barbecue out of them. Sadly you go to jail for such things.

I have much bigger problems than not having a great, I'm neet and socially inept, I have a lot of barriers to pass through before I get a gf