The world is unfair...

The world is unfair, brutes and inconsiderate people get rewarded purely for having assertiveness in the package while truly kind, caring, and intelligent people suffer for being shy/awkward. What's the solution.

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the solution is to commit suicide

That's the solution for me yes, but what's the solution for the world?

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you can't change reality, you either make your own through drugs, coping mechanisms or kill yourself, it's that simple

it took you a while to figure that one out, didnt it?

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In better societys where people behave and follow the rules, shy and intelligent people are rewarded and appreciated much more.
Japan is the only country with this and south-korea to a degree(though they have other problems).
The west isn't evolved enough.

Unironically taking the pink pill or just outright suicide. I've thought about this for a while and the situation seems really fucking bleak for you guys.

Genocide user. Genocide is the only answer.

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That would go against virtues I claim to possess.

Weightlifting until you are so big people dont even challenge you.

that's not the whole picture though. some people pull this off because they genuinely have things to be confident about, like looks or talent.
if you're just a dickhead and don't bring anything else to the table you might impress a few losers but nothing more.
the real winners are kind, modest, and assertive when its necessary.

for you to commit suicide

Being """nice""" is not a personality trait. you blame others for assuming stuff about you, yet you assume stereotypes about "Assertive" types of people.

Let's get all the shy and intelligent people together and kill off all the normies. Rebuild a more logical society from scratch. Only the truly strong shall survive.

Changing yourself is the only solution.

normie gtfo, if being nice is not a trait that nothing is

Suicide, even most people in our situation think we're in the wrong.
There's no winning in this reality. No one could care less when they've got their cake already.

i know, its complete hell, i keep thinking about the fact that the person perfect for me (an autistic furry gf) is probably being taken advantage of by some faggot rn.

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>truly kind, caring, and intelligent people suffer for being shy/awkward

If you're so much of a pussy faggot that you won't open your mouth and participate in a common enterprise, your kindness and intelligence possesses exactly zero value.

Assertive people may be inconsiderate brutes X% of the time, but they still have better odds of getting something worthwhile done if only because they're taking the initiative. Sitting in the back of the room hiding and hoping to hell that no one talks to you accomplishes precisely squat.

That's dumb and doesn't address the real problem. The kind of people OP is talking about wouldn't have to "just put yourself out there bro" if other people valued the right things.

>The kind of people OP is talking about wouldn't have to "just put yourself out there bro" if other people valued the right things.

Nothing about you has any value to me if you won't tell me about it...because "you're shy".

>"Yeah, well, if you just make a huge effort to cater to me and make me feel safe, maybe I'll squeak like a mouse and participate A LITTLE."

I'll expend more energy and effort trying to make you feel secure than you're going to contribute doing your squeaking, so it will be a net loss for me.

lmao, no wonder you're alone.

Your kindergarten teacher got paid to FUCKING BEG YOU to speak and make a contribution. I don't get paid to do that, so I'm not going to FUCKING BEG YOU. I'm just going to let you be a shy pussy twiddling his thumbs, while assertive people are actually doing stuff and accomplishing things.

user has a point, I know for certain that my ideas are sometimes significantly better than what's presented but it doesn't matter because I can't sell it, or even speak up like some other people do.

Still I think Op is underestimating people and, personally I think believing that everyone is NPC, is ironically an NPC trait, but maybe I'm misunderstanding his perplexity of his argument

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Ever played Guitar Hero? Assertiveness is like always remembering to strum when you hit a note. Kindness, honesty, intelligence, goodness, etc are like being really good at the fingering. You can hit every single note, no matter how fast, slow, or tricky. But you aren't strumming, so you make no noise. Meanwhile, even if the brute hits only a third of the notes right, every note he intends comes out loud and proud. Despite his shit technique, he still makes more sound than the one who doesn't strum.

Learn to strum, user.

>try to strum
>either lightly graze the strings or pluck them way too loudly
>also have cheap guitar
>everyone tells you to stop playing
>Chad Thundercaster butts in and shows off his flashy but untalented guitar playing
>preconceptions about sucking at guitar are only strengthened

>I'll expend more energy and effort trying to make you feel secure than you're going to contribute doing your squeaking, so it will be a net loss for me.
selfish asshole

Be like your hero The Rodge

sometimes naive, kind people prosper on accident and sometimes horrific sociopaths sabotage themselves in life. life isn't fair enough for your premise to be true.

Sounds like you need to strum.
Tried strumming and it went well?
Strum some more.
Did you suck and fuck up?
Sounds like you need to strum.
Cant seem to find your guitar?
Strum anyways.

TL;DR strum

On an unrelated note, would you happen to know anyone that I can fuck in the asshole for 5 years if I promise them I'll lube the tip a bit on the 6th year?

your worship of bootstrapping blinds you. not everyone can strum well enough for it to help them through life.

Matters how much you're gonna pay.

Why Camu?

Believe me, im not the bootstrap kind, i very much so understand that some people have it harder and easier than others. But you have a guitar, and your song wont go on forever, so strum now, and one day you might just find youre more of a virtuoso than you realize. But you wont know if you dont strum.

Stop bitching, stop being other peoples bitches, show kindness towards people who deserve it like yourself instead of shitheads, get power, build up assertiveness organically by becoming better than others.

If you're truly intelligent than you have power. You can do shit that other people can't do. Exploit that power instead of crying about being shy and awkward. Build up strength and watch as your enemies pass their primes in their teens and 20s as you keep getting stronger.

Some people can never be as happy as others. They are damned. Yet sitting idle only leads to suffering slowly getting worse and worse and worse. People who work harder are less happy in their 20s but more happy later in life.

It's not about having the expectation that you can ever have a good of a quality of life as others. Working as hard as possible (Even working hard at the things preventing you from working hard like illness) is approaching the problem with intelligence instead of adolescent whining and bitching.

why. everything amounts to piss and shit. the only real reason to want power is so that others dont dominate and control you. the world sucks.

> the only real reason to want power is so that others dont dominate and control you.

Precisely. If you are submitting to everybody else you are just a bitch and will be treated as a bitch and the life of a bitch is horrifying.

>the life of a bitch is horrifying.
h-how so?

Those assertive brutes help out shy and awkward people often with their rewards. If they're even slightly friends

but I just want to be alone and read and play video games.

My friend is a jobless, bigoted bully who thinks he knows everything. He has so much social and romantic success. I have absolutely none. He's good looking and I am ugly.

You're dominated by the shittiest people in the world who nevertheless see theirselves as above you and treat you like trash. You think you're better than them but then you realise that absolutely nobody else does. You internalize how others treat you and become deeply insecure and mentally ill. You end up in a negative spiral feedback loop where you act like even more of a bitch to avoid the pain which leads to even more pain resulting in a need to act like even more of a bitch.

Then you get older and realize that everybody who does treat you kindly is going to drift apart, get old, get sick, and you're going to be alone and mentally ill. You realise that all your peers matured, you're still a bitch, you're old, and that the hell you're in is truly bottomless and if you don't start climbing out you will only delve deeper than you imagined was even possible and you know this is true because of how many times you thought things couldn't get worse and they did. Suicidality rises for men every year they remain alive.

Your only hope as an intelligent shy awkward person is to see where the ball is rolling and steer yourself... not to a good future... but a better one.

I'm not that guy, but I'm not even intelligent. If I were intelligent I would have gone for therapy or medication years ago, but I didn't because I thought I was inherently unlikable and nothing would fix it. Now I'm in my 30s and I feel like life has passed me by completely. Everything I've worked so hard for is pointless with nobody to share it with. I keep thinking that if I change my situation more, I'll be able to make friends, but I never will unless I change myself completely, because who I am is repulsive to everyone else.

Some souls suffer. They must work hard regardless yet they will never be rewarded with more than avoiding a worse fate.

OP however has strength in his intelligence and is still crying about how everybody else has everything.

user, you're weak and call strong people brutes and inconsiderate, stop being a sore loser.

Also therapy and medication are objectively not that great. Exercise and diet are better.

But you're not kind or caring because you resent others for the success you failed to achieve for yourself. You're not intelligent because you can't create success for yourself. The solution is to look in the mirror and re-evaluate how you view yourself.

>people should expend effort for no reward
>calls other people selfish
Truly, the existence of the incel is one of extreme cognitive dissonance.

Maybe, but that probably depends on whether someone is depressed chemically, or because of their situation. I don't think I'd be depressed if I had friends and some form of romantic prospects. It's normal human psychology to feel bad when you lack these things for extended periods, I've seen many sources say it's basically like being a chronic smoker in terms of physical impact of loneliness on the human body.

>being outgoing isnt that hard if you arent autistic

>dont be a fucking tard

This is also why it bothers me that society is so completely uncaring towards people who have social problems - this is essentially a public health crisis, but I'm not sure what should be done to fix it.

Maybe more is being done to tackle this than we thought. The UK has appointed a Minister for Loneliness. I wonder if other countries will follow.

Love this analogy, thanks for making my day slightly better strum user :)

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you autistic and/or furry yourself?

Let the world genocide itself and escape to mars.

inb4 Chad detected

Easier than it looks user

There's no fucking solution, faggot. This world and universe don't answer to insignificant human actions that in the greater scale of the cosmos are just equivalent to the flatter of a fly to us.

Stop asking for some reward from existence just for being whatever or punishment to others for being whatever too. This is honestly so fucking lame.

As if bruh

So you're basically saying 'kill yourself'. Nice.

The evidence points to exercise being the closest thing to a magic bullet. It takes time and effort... but mental illness is exhausting and time consuming... so its a wise investment. You really have to take a holistic approach to mental illness and attack it on every front simultaneously. Still exercise is the gold standard of treatment... that "chemically depressed" shit was literally pushed by drug companies in advertisements that used shoddy science... that's why people believe in it... chemically depressed people respond better to exercise on average.

Happy meds come with shit side-effects. If they work for you great but they're not good enough to be considered a first-line treatment. They're popular because they don't take time & effort. Not because they're worth jack shit. Most of the time they don't work.

I went through the worst hell of my entire life on SNRI's and I still have flashbacks. I'm reliant on amphetamines & caffeine to bring me up and weed to bring me down all of which have shit side-effects. I'm a big fan of psychadelics. I've taken an outlier amount of drugs and if you really understand drugs you'll understand none of their positives come for free. Amphetamines are a literal hard drug and the side effects are excruciating and have induced suicidal ideation multiple times yet I take them because they enable me to work harder.

Psych meds are some cursed monkey paw shit. I mean a cursed monkey paw can be useful but you know what lets you better cope with medication side-effects? Exercise.

Society has increased the amount of resources for the socially majadjusted every year for decades. People do care about it the problem is that shit like social media is causing mental illness faster than people can reasonably be expected to treat it.

because he stated that thinking that the universe cares about what you do, that your actions have consequences beyond the human scope, that you will be rewarded for being "good" or punished for being "bad" is a seriously absurd belief, because the universe doesn't give a fuck about us and it doesn't makes any sense at all. He said that the meaning that life can have it's the one we decide to give it to it.

>truly kind, caring, and intelligent people
Because you can't be all that while being assertive?
Seems like a cope, you weak fags do.
Don't mix up cowardly attitude with kindness.

Nah, not really. Camus said the were two choices after realizing what I pointed out: indeed, commit suicide, or rebel. He thought rebelling to the absurd of our traditional concept of the universe and life (that there's a meaning to it's and our existence, that our actions have transcendent repercussions, [i. e. going to heaven for being good or to hell for being bad, or karma]) it was to try to live our life being in peace with the assumption that there's nothing after we die, that there's just one existence and this is it, and that anything we do really matters in the greater scale of the universe, so we look for a meaning for ourselves that can lead us to find some happiness on this fast and futile existence we were thrown off to.

This is probably true to some extent, but I haven't heard about it. What resources are available, for example, to help adults with autism and other social disorders engage socially? I don't know of anything like that.

Every time I hear about social problems entering the mainstream consciousness, it's about people who have many acquaintances and occasional romantic success, but can't seem to develop deeper connections with friends due to lack of time and exposure. I would consider it the biggest achievement of my life to even make it to that level - I don't have anyone to even text or call, much less a good friend or partner.

Stop being selfish and everything falls into place
>that's fucking stupid
but really think about it

>The world is unfair
Cry me a river, titty baby.

>What resources are available, for example, to help adults with autism and other social disorders engage socially? I don't know of anything like that.

High functioning? Very little. Most of the resources are aimed at youth and mid/low functioning. It's mostly groups for you to engage with others in a similar position yet I would suspect you would feel like a big fish in a small pond in such a group. Also fundamentally you can't escape that you are literally getting tard wrangled.

I would aim for nerdy yet social places like board game shops if you wanted to find a place where you could meet people. Ultimately if you want a social life beyond a certain level you must strike it out on your own.

Also don't forget the realpolitik of relationships and their transactional nature and cynical truths. Autist or not people will be more interested in you if you are a more interesting and skillful. They like people who can give them stuff. They like hanging around more attractive and clean people. People will like you more if you have a clean home for them to come back to, can take them places. They don't like burdens. At the same time people aren't heartless and they will support an underdog who is really trying their hardest...

Yeah, there is basically nothing available for my demographic except good old fashioned therapy, which I've had bad experiences with in the past.

>Also don't forget the realpolitik of relationships and their transactional nature and cynical truths.
I definitely haven't forgotten, but it just makes it seem worse.

>. Autist or not people will be more interested in you if you are a more interesting and skillful.

I have an interesting, high skill career. I don't think it matters at all if you don't have sufficient social skills. I've seen extremely judgmental guys with no job be very successful socially. I'm not seeing much of a correlation here, but people always insist it exists. It just seems like people projecting their just world fallacy.

>They don't like burdens
I do my best to not complain. I know better than to tell people about my troubles, it has never helped in the past and only pushes people away.

>They like hanging around more attractive and clean people.
I'm clean, thin, and ugly. I don't have a lot to work with genetically.

>At the same time people aren't heartless and they will support an underdog who is really trying their hardest...
Maybe so, but I haven't seen it personally. If anything, people say that if you try too hard, you're desperate, which is apparently really bad. I guess it's because it implies that you're a loser?

It's a similar problem to someone who's been out of a job for decades, and trying to get a new job. Everyone wonders why they had that gap in their resume, and thinks less of them for it, which almost ensures that they can't get that big break to get started.

Oh, about board game shops. Maybe I could try that, but I've never had any interest in board games. I can't help but think that I won't get along that well with other people who are way more into board games, more socially skilled, more attractive, etc. than me. What could I possibly have to offer that everyone else there can't provide more of? Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll consider it.

Thanks man, i quite like it myself

true social hierarchies are all based on sadism so is the energy pyramid
look up emodynamics

Nihilism, existentialism, absurdism, and MAYBE solipsism.
Also Zen Buddhism or minimal Buddhism. Taoism is ok, too.

Life is meaningless, but it's ok. Everyone will die, even successful people too. There are no winners on the long run. Enjoy simple things in life, read, learn, have some fun.
Yes, society is fucked up. But this was always the case. There were no utopias, ever.

Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Do what you want, don't care what other people think. Have good hobbies, experiment with stuff, become a new person every day. If you struggle, be like a tough soldier, focus on the moment, be invincible. Or run to fight another day.

I know these all sound generic af, but I have depression and anxiety disorder, and the thing I just wrote help me a lot. So maybe they can help you, too.
Good luck!

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You're definitely not kind, nor caring. Having doubts about the intelligent part, too. Fuck off, you shitty incel

You are either in or out. Having a healthy mindset and workinh out helps

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Being sociable in an inherited trait. It's learned. If you didn't take risks as a child and learn how to socialize, you end up awkward for the rest of your life, because no one wants to socialize with awkward people.

You ended up this way because you were afraid of failure. Just seriously stop being a pussy, it's that easy. You're going to be bad at it at first, and that's okay. Everyone was bad at it at first. They just learned sooner than you did. You're behind when it comes to socialization and that sucks, but it's not too late to change.

The fact that you're blaming it on your nature show your refusal to accept that you can change.

*being socialable *isn't* and inherited trait.
I kinda fucked that up but yeah. The biggest thing is accepting that not everything will turn out the way you want to, but if you never take risks, you'll never improve. Don't be afraid of ruining opportunities, because there's literally millions of them.

>He thought rebelling to the absurd of our traditional concept of the universe and life (that there's a meaning to it's and our existence, that our actions have transcendent repercussions, [i. e. going to heaven for being good or to hell for being bad, or karma]) it was to try to live our life being in peace with the assumption that there's nothing after we die, that there's just one existence and this is it, and that anything we do really matters in the greater scale of the universe, so we look for a meaning for ourselves that can lead us to find some happiness on this fast and futile existence we were thrown off to.
Yeah, but he was wrong. Read de Benoist.
>I would aim for nerdy yet social places like board game shops
You have no idea what that shit is like nowadays.

If you are unwilling to fight then you will always be a slave to those willing to fight. Violence is the only authority.

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