Why are so many incels pedo?

I've seen alot of incels advocating significantly lowering age of consent or abolishing it alltogether

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the younger they are the less resistance there is.

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Incels are often trap lovers, gay or closet gays.
Gays make up 70% or pedophiles.

I think a lot of incels regret missing out on sex and relationships in high school, and they just want to have the opportunity to fuck a 15 yo because they think everybody else has already done it.

This. Plus younger women are more likely to be inexperienced like them.

Idk, user. Most of the dudes caught on TCAP were trying to hook up with girls.

They think that if they are able to get a younger girl who is inexperienced she won't realize how objectively awful they are.

It's a desire to not have to compete.

because pure, unconditional love can't be found after a certain age.

How do incels know this when they have zero experience on the subject?

This is true. Also most of the men who were trying to meet boys gave off a heavy "prison gay"vibe. Like they completely gave up on ever having sex with a female and are gay as a last resort, which is kind of something you can see happen in real time on r9k.

Well, I've been loved once.


also trannies make 99% of pedophiles

They don't like the fact that most women have more experience than them in sex and life in general so they search for purity. The purest females out there are children. They begin to fetishize their youth.

Also, a lot of (((incels))) are porn addicts. Porn addiction is known to morph sexual tastes and make the addict search for shock and anxiety rather than arousal, so a lot of the time, they develop an addiction to alternative age porn. Mad Thad claims to have gotten rid of his child fetish when he was in prison.

He also turned into a massive faggot

Because America is the only country on Earth that considers teenagers with tits and ass from 14-17 to be "pedophilia."

Most European countries have the age of consent set at somewhere between 14 to 16 but since the Americans have it at 18, any discussion on the internet about sex has to automatically be filtered through that lens and if you so much as talk about a 16 year old hot thot, then you're a pedo for some reason.

If you don't have a problem with a 30 year old fucking an 18 year old, you shouldn't have a problem with a 22 year old fucking a 16 year old.

Actually the 70% thing was a poll, not a statistic. 95% of child molesters are straight. So actually gays are underrepresented since they're about 10% of the population.

What kind of retard seeks out bad sex?

>alternative age porn

gets me every time

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>pedos are 95% straight
>majority of pedo cases are old men wanting to diddle 13 year old boys
I dont know about those numbers adding up, user.

Age of consent is stupid and arbitrary. Teens should be responsible for their actions. Nobody babied me when I was a teen, and I always took full responsibility for the dumb shit I did.

If a 15 year old roast has sex with a 40 year old, then regrets it, the 40yo shouldn't go to jail because the dumb cunt couldn't keep her legs closed.

Age of consent is unnecessary because horny teens will fuck anyway and rapists will rape anyway.

New flash everyone's a pedo inside. You can't deny that a supposed normalfag hasn't peeked a look at a hot 14 year old. They just lash out at other pedos to feel better and because they hate themselves.

Virgins don't know what bad sex is.

Because the second part of your post wasn't a number. You just read too much pol

But you turned into an incel pedo . Maybe you needed babying.

I'm not a pedo nor an incel, I'm asexual and repulsed by sex. Stop projecting.

Aaexuals don't exist. They're just losers coping