Post anime girls that are literally you irl
Pic related: me
Post anime girls that are literally you irl
Pic related: me
Im confused where am i
I wish I was yomi
This is me, this is so totally me! I love to scromch on toast!
Op here im also kanna
i wish i was shirai kuroko
i have a joseph joestar body pillow
tomoko. ive never seen social anxiety represented so accurately before and I love it
we shouldnt have to make 0riginal comments for pictures imo
You rarely stand up for yourself, do what people tell you to do. You're dependable, but not special and you can turn people into tang? Relatable
+1 for not so popular character from Azumanga Daioh, but Yomi really?
Sakaki is perfection and does everything Yomi does better.
Good choice user. I only wish Sakaki wore glasses
I don't smoke, but I guess I'm pretty close to Reki
Probably the closest I'll ever come to being similar to an anime character
No you are not that angel you nasty faggot
Tomoko niggas
ackstually original
unironically me in real life
Also, me.
Sorry but I don't have disgusting anime girls in my folders.
truth be told, i am the real life Frederica Bernkastel
this girl is actually a fembot
I know, guilty pleasure
I too am a brown bully
>I too am a brown bully
Nope my race is
this is me, literally me, no other character resembles me so well as this particular girl does
h-hi anons, pls no bully okay
Teenaged Mutant Neutered Poodles
I resemble her a lot, I think.
She is a based character but why her?
>literally you irl
pic related
Not an anime girl, just a girl, in anime style.
I relate Madotsuki so much
Why do you think so user? Are you a good person?
Me on the left, I loooove hugging people!
What is she from? Looks very familiar.
>toast w/ jam
Patrician taste user, I bet your mom spoils you with nice breakfast snacks.
*hugs and snuggles your face* Very cute user, would bring you home food from work.
Best jojo, great taste user.
I'd have to check first to see if you're Rei by poking your cheek until you get angry.
Know someone who has a backpack with the clothes she wears (Senketsu iirc), its very cool.
Sakaki is such a great character, mind Daioh is brilliant in not relying on overly on overly-cute, synthetic character designs and tropes but rather more down to earth characterization compared with other CGDCT.
What anime? Do you need a hug?
>I resemble her a lot, I think.
be gf
Well this is literally me
but more autistic
I relate to her problems and feelings a lot, motivations as well. I don't know if I am a good person.
Are you into role reversal? I can be your gf then.
what kind of role reversal user?
This is me yes... super oregano robot
Gender roles reversal. I am biologically male.
how is malexmale reversed?
Prez is literally me, but cuter
Are you like Kyouko in general or like loli Kyouko? Best yuru in any case
>recognizes Sakaki but not Yomi
it would have to be annie
>it would have to be annie
alright can you step on me mommy?
Another based Haibane Renmei poster
I'm a rude bitch. Just like her
Its been a while since I watched azumanga, also you posted Prez, I'm gonna squeeze you tight! *squeezes you tight*
I'm not sure why, I just have a thing for Yomi. I respect your preference though
I wish I wasn't, honestly