>you now remember your cringy Jow Forums phase
You now remember your cringy Jow Forums phase
While everyone went to pol to go through a cringe phase I went to int and had a weird xenophobia cringe phase.
>you now remember that time you became anti American just because some burger was rude to you
>the time you started hating brits because you didn't get banter
>the time you started to hate your own country based on memes
>the time you started getting mad at immigrants because of larpers and blacked memes
Luckily I went through mine in middle school. Everyone was a shithead when they were 12-18, so I don't have to worry about it.
>had an ultra liberal phase
>now hate trannies and gays
anyone relate
Honestly glad my Jow Forums phase lasted only like 6 months and while I was still underage
>you now remember your incel r9k phase
Then I had sex and started posting on Jow Forums to talk about REAL issues
>the time you started getting mad at immigrants because of larpers and blacked memes
Not hating immigrants is very, very silly. Ingroup preference and outgroup hostility is the only strategy that builds successful societies--this is repeatable, demonstrable and backed up pretty much every study done on the topic, ever.
>REAL issues
Not even going to comment, just going to stew in the retardation of this statement.
>anyone relate
Nope. I've never not hated gays and trannies. Though in recent times my disdain for them has grown, probably because of how much they're crammed down our throats.
>why yes, I am an irl national socialist political activist, how could you tell?
I went through mine when I was in my late teens in the early to mid 2000s. That was even before I discovered Jow Forums.
America should be closed borders. Not just demographics, but they bring the wage down and crate too large of an worker pool. If we hadnt have taken in so many immigrants in the past couple decades wed be making much more for the minimum wage.
I never had a pol phase
Same for me. I always tolerated them but the massive push for pride shit is awful
Have gay sex and dilate, tranny incel
I have met a number of immigrant people and can savely say I didn't hate them, but also many I did hate.
The group separation thing solves itself usually because people are just different though I find exception less group hate silly.
That all doesn't mean immigrants where I live are troublemakers collectively seen and everyone would profit if retarded eu politicians were more strict on law enforcement and immigration law
>goes to Jow Forums to bitch about Jow Forums
>gets btfo
>goes to other boards to bitch about Jow Forums
>gets btfo
What is this gif supposed to describe?
Jow Forums is actually what got me onto Jow Forums, except I never actually posted, I just laughed at all the shit there
It's a simulation that looks at different social cooperation strategies. It demonstrates that humanitarian societies often have an initial advantage (i.e. cooperating with other agents) but ultimately are dominated by the most ethnocentric members of that society (people who only cooperate with people of their own group and exploit the outgroup).
An analogy is like a game of soccer (football for Europeans). If your team passes the ball to both your players and the opposing team, but the opposing team ONLY passes to it's own players---they're probably going to win and crush you even if your team started with better players.
Similarly if stupid humanitarian culture like Sweden gives food and housing to people from a culture that hates Swedes---those people will accept the food and money, exploit the Swedes and much as they can, kill and rape the Swedes as often as they can and ultimately completely replace the Swedes and their values completely.
Anybody who believes that it's a good idea to try to coexist with people from a different ethic group are literally begging to be exploited and replaced.
so basically you're saying white people are dumb cowards and deserve to be replaced by more powerful ethnic groups
Well I'm saying that hating immigrants is not an irrational fear of "things that are different" but a highly evolutionary advantageous trait that guarantees ingroup success. I mean if you fed your neighbors dog instead of your own starving children I think your family lineage wouldn't last very long.
But yes. White people are dumb cowards and will be destroyed.
>it's a simulation
so not the real world
>those pics
Is there one bit of proof that these are actually real?
That's only if you're a thuggish numbskull who believes in social darwinism.
If you believe all races have an equal right to exist, then no, they do not deserve to be replaced.