Pepe is mainstream and should now be rejected by Jow Forums entirely...

Pepe is mainstream and should now be rejected by Jow Forums entirely. If you look at Jow Forums in its current state it's more popular then before and that's because of YouTubers making videos on it and spreading the fun stories of a bunch of randos online having fun. Now those people have come here and want to use images that have thought of as cool and culturally appropriate. Jow Forums was always about being violently counter culture to the point of rejecting it's own culture once it became mainstream so why should pepe get a pass?
Anyone who thinks to reply with "hurr durr it's Jow Forums culture" "pepe has a legacy" need not apply because they're obviously retarded

Attached: No more pepe.png (750x498, 439K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You're right user, less frogposting, more animuposting

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>Jow Forums was always about...

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What about wojaks user?

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Anime is a lesser evil than pepe but it's literally become mainstream too and you can tell by downloading any app and seeing that people like it post ironically or a bunch of zoomers with anime pfps

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Hey guess what, Jow Forums is mainstream now. Take your own advice and leave forever

apu is based, user. I know you didn't mention him, but I feel some comments just require an Apu.

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>Pepe is mainstream
nope, he's connected those evil alt-right nazi racists now, the mainstream will never accept him.
becoming a hate symbol really succeeded where even poo-poo pee-pee failed.

You're a fish swimming in piss once the ammonia starts to poison you you'll wonder "wtf what happened" i know for a fact that you click refresh every couple of seconds on this board while alt tabbing to something else hoping to be entertained. Congrats on being a completely bland mainstream media enjoying faggot

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Your a stupid fucking nigger. Pepe is not mainstream. By that logic we shouldn't be posting wojaks because they're "too mainstream".

Stop with the edgy thirteen-year-old shit you fucking disgusting faggot.

I'm so tired of this world. Everything that I enjoyed has been desecrated all because normalcattle want to follow trends so they can be cool and hip. They don't even realize how much they have destroyed with their casualness. They don't care. They just quick gratification and to feel special. The stupid niggers could be from 2016 and they'd still think they are internet wizards influencing the worlds politics. It makes me sick. Everything they touch they ruin with their casual and inclusive attitudes.

>pepe is mainstream


Pepe was being demonized by hillary
Think about this
Hillary=super mainstream
Donald/the idiots who flooded Jow Forums during the election=mainstream fags that think they're counter culture
???= actual counter culture
All Hillary did was make pepe a sort of martyr for the tier 2 fags

No, just like the term normie. Its mainstream now. They may have seen its a hate symbol but they will laugh it off as goofy just like news bloopers.

>Pepe is mainstream and should now be rejected by Jow Forums entirely.

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>retarded faggot 15 year old proves my point exactly
Wojak is mainstream just like pepe but to a lesser extent
But he's still 100% mainstream

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You stupid newfag. Disowning memes use to be common. Its the reason we don't post rage comics anymore.

>hurr durr reddit
You just outed yourself as a "zoomer" who has 2 braincells that's incapable of refuting any possible argument
You are the aids killing this website and counter culturism as a whole, congrats.

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You're just as bad. You're too obsessed with counter culture for the sake of counter culture. Would you suck hairy balls and cut your dick off if mainstream society said it was degenerate?

Degeneracy is mainstream now so no i would exercise and live a puritan life where i would remain celibate for the sake of pursuing knowledge
Jow Forums was a place of refuge for the outcasts of society which made it counter culture. Now it's just another hangout for the normalfaggots except they're maybe a bit more crude here than on twitter or instgram

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Only reddit faggots benefit from that kind of thinking. If you see a meme on another website and assume every user can no longer post it, that just creates a situation where anons can no longer enjoy that meme and everyone else can.
Why the fuck should I care about what normalfags, reddit fags, facebook boomers, and discord trannies are posting?
If you made a new rage comic that is actually funny anons would be more likely to appreciate it than anything else.
We don't post rage comics anymore simply because those have been replaced with other memes.
Only stupid teenage normalfags come to Jow Forums to bitch about what memes we should and shouldn't posting and get assblasted about old memes. Acting like a hipster faggot doesn't make you look cool.
How about I just post whatever meme I feel like and you go shave a piece of rebar up your ass, faggot?

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Also are you not aware that, currently, every interesting post and meme on Jow Forums gets posted to reddit within 10 minutes?
Stop caring about what retards do.
Also the current counter-culture is being a Christian and voting conservative so go read a Bible and make sure you vote for Trump in 2020.

OP is one stupid nigger. I'll just post which memes i want motherfucker

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Jow Forums as a whole stopped posting rage comics because they got popular you fucking retard. Go look up rage comic merch and you'll know that around the early 2010s that they became so fucking mainstream and Jow Forums just said "nope" and stopped posting it and said that anyone who posted it was retarded
Reddit absolutely does not benefit from a source of memes disowning said memes and saying that they're bad.

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No, pedoposting is not allowed either.

Have another pepe you stupid ass OP.

Or better yet, a pepe and a wojak

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okay, what do you suggest we post instead?

I can live with this user

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>culture is being sapped and polluted by outsiders
>lol who cares just let them, fuck it duuuuuuude
You are literally the worst kind of person to exist. You are passive and let things flow over you like a rock and you're about as smart as one.
The equivalent would be a country letting a lesser civilization flood in and destroying its culture because "lol who cares what retards do"
>haha dude ill do what i want
Feel free but know that you're a boring person who is entirely unable to innovate

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If I wore a Pepe tee shirt to my place of employment it would be a major HR incident.

If a police officer wore a Pepe tee shirt to work, it would be a national scandal.

If a professional sports franchise's social media person posted a Pepe meme to their Twitter page, it would be a national story and they would be forced to apologize.

Saying that Pepe is mainstream is like claiming that "Who could be behind this post?" is mainstream. You're just so internet-centric in your life now that you don't realize exactly how radical a lot of the content here actually is. The boomers would burn you fucking alive if you openly embraced, under your real name, the MOST BANAL and overexposed content from this site.

Did this op really just ask the people of Jow Forums to not use Pepe ya fucking right retard

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I f peep and woman are too mainstream, then what solution/alternitive do to propose?

>Pepe is mainstream and should now
Pepe has been mainstream since 2015 you fucking redditor newfaggot homosexual ngiger

imagine being this new and clueless as to the history of peepe

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alright, will do anons

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Where on earth did you get women being mainstream from? If that's youre logic then men are too mainstream and everyone should just commit suicide if you were born human
Now as in the present era you fucking retarded nigger. If your only argument is semantics then fuck off

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>Jow Forums as a whole stopped posting rage comics because they got popular you fucking retard.
That is a lie. When Hot Topic started making Rage Tshirts anons retaliated by making racist rage comics and prank calling Hot Topic stores until they took that shit off their shelves.
Were you even around when rage comics are a thing?

>Jow Forums retaliates against something becoming mainstream and then it ceases after they've had their fun
You just proved my point

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>lol who cares just let them, fuck it duuuuuuude
This but unironically, though. Unless they're coming here and doing that shit I do not give a single fuck.

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>Jow Forums as a whole stopped posting rage comics because they got popular you fucking retard.

Rage comics were different, because they lent themselves to stupid, gay, basic bitch white girl humor like "Eat ALL the Snacks!" Jow Forums turned against them not because they became popular, but because the Staceys and Laceys out there who started using them turned the basic vernacular of rage comics into something you might see on a toddler's bib.

Pepe is evergreen because he can't really be used in that way, and hasn't been. And his user base continues to come up with ways to employ him that push him farther and farther away from being used that way. Clown World Pepe ALONE bought him YEARS of additional fringe image status.

>You just proved my point
You just admitted you're 14 years old.

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That's literally the problem
They're here
They're aids
People being passive is exactly the problem because they've made this their home and action is what is needed

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>hurr durr you're 14
Says the 14 year old
You have zero ability to refute my arguments, leave

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This is pretty accurate. It's also worth noting that Reddit embraced rage comics wholeheartedly, and that helped make them poison here. If Reddit thinks something is funny, it automatically sucks.

The only action you can take is moderator action.
However they can't just target a meme. Targeting a meme doesn't solve the problem. You target BEHAVIOR. People linking to reddit, telling people what's on reddit right now, twitter screenshots, asking for rules to be changed, etc.
It's misguided to assume targeting a meme will fix anything. That just comes across as "i don't like this, ban it." That's more cancerous than any meme.

What argument? That pepe the frog is bad?
You're a fucking retard and you've clearly been here for about 1 year judging by your image filenames.
Stop trying to act like a superior and shut the fuck up.

You've been screeching for about 30 mins and you dont know what about. You're pathetic

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>telling people what's on reddit right now, twitter screenshots

I think it's OK to talk about those other sites if your purpose in doing so is to whip people into a frenzy of hatred and rage.

I meant pepe and wojak but autocorrect keeps fucking my day up

Well then i apologize for being rude
Anyway the alternative is just using reaction images that are relevant to the topic at hand. Discussing media? Use images from that media or use other universal memes that dont need context

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What exactly is it about Pepe and Wojak that made them stick around for so long?
Meanwhile, the "memefaces" from about 12 or so years ago have fallen so hard out of favor that they aren't even posted ironically?
What happened? What was the cultural shift? Post-modernism?

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Pepe and wojak are easily edited avatars that can fit any situation without needing context. Other topic boards have abandoned pepe and wojak and call people out when they get posted sometimes.
A meme's ability to spread is dictated by its ability to be replicated(reproducing) and it's ability to be altered(evolution)
Memes are like viruses

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>You've been screeching for about 30 mins
You've been doing that about a fucking cartoon frog.

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>Other topic boards have abandoned pepe and wojak and call people out when they get posted sometimes.
the people "calling out" are redditors who see them on reddit, pure and simple
notice how they are all basedbois

reddit co-opted memefaces, so that's why those died off.
and pepe/wojak survived long enough under the radar until the 2016 election when they all got "tied" to trump. now everyone knows to stay away from the green nazi frog of white nationalism.

Fuck your autism, grand proclaimations are for wannabe oldfags who wish they were part of the fuckin forever alone flashmob just so they'd have something to tell their bizzaro hybrid 2D waifu grandkids.

Your post is irrelevant
>buzzword salad

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>user trying to apply /a/ elitism logic to any board that isn't /a/
You're a fucking moron.

You really want to be counter culture? Be fucking genuine. Fuck appearances, fuck being "cringe", fuck being "ironic". Just seriously BEE urself. Have your own fun, do think your own way, do whatever the hell feels right, not whatever is opposite of what everyone else is doing.

Maybe OP is a shill trying to get anons to disown pepe, because he's a legitimate moron who thinks that Trump won the election because of a cartoon frog.

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OP you're really a pathetic faggot ngl
just go back to redit already

>elitism is bad
You're just inferior

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You have no argument, leave. You've completely outed yourselves as idiots

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No Collusion.

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Fuck off commie.

Pepe posters own this board and your commie Jew ass can't do anything about it.

>if i post danald GRUMMPF it'll make the reddit s-seethe
I dont give a shit about trump or politics in general you retard. You have no argument

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>fuck off buzzword
>normal faggots own this board and your buzzword buzzword ass can't do anything about it
You're a boring person and you cant innovate

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The only people who can enjoy such a dead over used tired meme in the first place are redditors so it doesn't really matter.

Rage comic were not replaced, it was an intentional effort. You do not remember this because you are a newfag. You've beaten the joke to death. The best part about memes is the fact that its an inside joke. Its no longer an inside joke.

>Christain and conservatism is counter culture
Being a national socialist is counter culture user, being a christian conservative is just being upwards of 40% of the U.S. population.

who gives a fuck, frogposting is fun.

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You couldn't be more wrong. Fucking Katy Parry posted pepe on twitter. Pepe is mainstream you're just such a mainstream faggot you don't even realize it. Most people don't know pepe is supposed to be a evil notsee symbol. The only people that even care a kvetching kikes.

Ha right because pepe and Jow Forums are like bread and butter right my fellow oldfags. Hehe I consider myself a meme connoisseur and pepe is the oldest meme here ever!

hahaa he's harry potter!

>Fucking Katy Parry posted pepe on twitter.

The guy who follows Katy Perry on Twitter is trying to tell the rest of us that we're mainstream

The same is has been being done to pepe for quite a long time now. Pepe is a standard lol so funny randumb reaction image now used in texts between 16 year old girls.

What a lovely day to post frogs.
And what a perfect thread.

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Zoomer alert! Zoomer alert! We have a small dicked nigger faggot here! And its (you)

I can't help but cringe whenever someone posts pepe. Its such a try hard faggot image. Its screams "look at me am I one of the cool kids now"

Remember that Pepe is timeless.

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If you disrespect Pepe, you disrespect AMERICA.

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Pepe is a classy meme for classy folk.

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Now that I know it annoys you, posting Pepe is even more fun than it was before.

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*ting ting ting*
I have an announcement to make.

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One moment, please, waiting for everyone to settle down.

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Hey Reddit wetback!

>You have to go back

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Whats fun about it? Especially when its the same image over and over again. Maybe i'm just old and I don't get it anymore. I use to find it fun. I thought all the different variations were creative. I even thought it was fun to pretend rare peeps were good investments.
Its dead now though. There are no new pepes. Its the same shitty cycle of 30 or so images posted over and over and over again.


>Whats fun about it?

The part where you whine about it is pretty fun.

Ah look its a 2016 newfag here post his retarded cancer that killed Jow Forums And again they are all the same exact images with little variation. Its so stale, you probably got most of them in 2016.

Sorry, everyone, just one more moment.
I see a mother needing to attend to her autistic child in the back.
Please listen to this music while we wait.

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You're a shitskin zoomer
Have sex incel

>le epic troll
Its so tiring. There is also a time and place for pepe but newfags ignore that as well destroying any and all original intent pepe once had. All the meaning is lost from pepe at this point.

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lel! you got 'em!

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>You're a shitskin

Whitest guy here


Oldest oldfag here

>Have sex incel


Got any more wrong points? Shooting them down is fun.

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Says the nigger
You're a shitskin incel, have sex

Yes. I did. You're just SEETHING. LOL

Another extremely original image. You're supposed to post that when you've won an argument, not when you are throwing a tantrum like the normalfag that you are.

Thank you.

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