Black bots, have you ever experienced racism before?

Black bots, have you ever experienced racism before?

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Based racist hobo

no, and being called nigger isn't even """racism"""

Yeah, when I get hired for jobs and my only skill is my boss gets a bonus because my skin is caramel colored

No. I've gotten along well with all the other races. Well I was bullied in first grade by a spic but his pal was black so I guess it wasn't racism.

>i'm going home now
He went back to Africa?

Imagine not only unironically being a nigger but also an attentionseeking namefag on an anime image board. Kill yourself

user asked for black bots input only go away

No such thing as a black bots since you have no neandertal dna. You are generic retards

And there's no such thing as a white robot because you live life on easy mode and to fail as a whitey when everyone else has a handicap makes you a retard.

> everyone else has a handicap

No you subhuman retard, nobody in the modern West has a "handicap" unless you count those low iq genes of yours. Just because you can't compete with whites doesn't mean you are at a disadvantage.

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t. white guy

C-could Terry really still be alive bros? Is there hope?

why do you disprove your own argument with that picture?

The only handicap you have is your mental retardation as mentioned before.

>the attention of roastie whores is the only thing that matters in life
There's that mental handicap we were talking about earlier.

>hur dur white woman choosing the obvious best average males as a partner means genetically inferior whites can't be robots hur pe duur

I was mostly referring to the socio economic position niggers find themselves in.

Q for blacks do you feel retarded all the time compared to regular people? Or do you lack that self awareness like failing the mirror test?

I'm Asian by the way, so don't start calling me a racist, Seems to be the average negro argument nowadays.

what about daily casual racism? maybe the word handicap is too much, but minoritys certainly have a disadvantage in society.

I always feel pity for the very small percentage that's actually human, it must suck being part of a race of subhuman retards.

Whites can't be robots at all you retard. Isn't there a Bleached thread you should be bootlicking in right now? I think there's one up right now.

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as a white guy all homeless suck though regardless of race ive been panhandled by blacks,whites,and hispanic homeless and they all get mad if i tell them no, generally middle class/wealthy blacks i get a long with fine, its more class than race thats a problem.

I'm half-blood but that still counts. Was doing valet parking at a country club one night and some dude comes to get his car with his woman. We had a professional exchange, as per usual. I address him as "sir", he does the same yada yada. I take his ticket to get his car and I take two steps away and his woman goes "nigger." really fast in this weird voice. I turn around and I'm staring right at her and she's looking at me with this guilty smile on her face and hiding behind her shoulder like a little girl. We're staring at each other and the man just reaches up with a wad of folded bills and just hands me it and goes "thank you, thank you." I take the money and he shoots the woman this disgusted look of disbelief and I go and get him his car. No further words nor eye contact was exchanged.

How are Jews and poo in the loos discriminated against. They make more $$$ than anyone

Leafrogged a bollard once walking home from a night out. Homeless warlock gurgles past, says "MONKEY SEE MONKEY DO". No fucking clue what he meant to this day.

imagine being offended by the word nigger

I'm so tired of minorities playing the victim role all the fucking time. It never, neeeeever ends. The only group of people in the US that you can openly be racist against is whites. People stating obvious facts about iq gaps between races get fired and even put in jail while things like black twitter who openly are racist against whites and call for their extinction don't even get banned from the platfrom. Blacks have a much higher chance of getting in college then whites due to "diversity quotas" that need to be met. You people commit 53 percent of murders while being 13 percent of the population yet the media portrays white men as the problem.

Btw, when's the last time a black guy was fired for being racist against whites?

You are insane. You are nothing but a subhuman who will never have the self reflection or iq needed to get rid of your own victim complex and see that blacks are by far the most privileged group in the US, maybe even all of Europe to.

There are even words people get fired for saying because it might hurt some NIGGER's feelings. Replace half the shit the (((media))) says about whites with black people and you might get a picture of how much of a bunch of children you "people" are being.

Nigger just means black there is literally the country of nigger in Africa lmao at black fragility

Did you even read my argument you fucking retard? The charts you showed are obviously talking about chads and not your average beta male incel. They literally mean nothing here since the alpha's of each race will have no time getting woman. Besides maybe East-Asians.

And that is if we only take the preference of females into account in deciding who can and can't be a robot.

WHEI WHEI someone called me a mean word, that must explain why my entire race can't seem to function in modern society.

My IQ is very high. 1 in 400 white guys and 1 in 3 million Africans. And I'm expected to believe the difference is because I'm a nazi

Yeah, one time I had to do this presentation thing in college where everyone had to shake hands.

Asian girl proceeded to shake everyone's hand as part of the presentation, including this arab guy, but refused to shake my hand and just gave me the hoverhand instead. We did this like 5 times so it's pretty obvious she thinks blacks are filthy and disgusting

She was also really into anime

Race is literally the only thing that matters in this life. There's none of this "white chad" or "white incel" bullshit, it's WHITE fullstop. If you're white then you objectively have more advantages in dating and maybe social interactions in general. "White incel" is just absurd.

I had a schizo old homeless lady that hung out on campus scream nigger at me, my girlfriend (future ex wife) at the time had also been called that by the lady.

In truth I do not think I even realized until the guy in front of me had this disturbed look on his face and went out of his way to hold the door for me.

i cant lie that was a devastating blow to the hobo.

I met a Russian woman and when she found out I was from the USA she said there are a lot of niggers I your country

and sheeit.

You claim white betas have an advantage on all minority man?

It shows you have the iq of a nigger.

>You claim white betas have an advantage on all minority man?
That's right. They're white first and betas second. The white part always carries them, whites can get nonwhite gfs for free.
>It shows you have the iq of a nigger
It shows I'm redpilled my friend
Race > everything else

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White annihilation when?

I could not enter my friends house because his mom said no black people indoors.

This, look up the French word for the color black.
People just don't like being called bad things, can't help you if what you are is bad and I call you that.

No. Grew up in NYC and never had any bad interactions with police or whites/jews. Only people I had problems with were my own

Jow Forums told me racism doesn't exist in 2019

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You're delusional if you think Tyronne has a harder time getting laid then the genetic trash of the white race.

>"Bro I'm tired of minorities playing the victims bro, howcome calling a white person a cracker isn't racist bro, fucking shitskin, low IQ, welfare queen, niggers, bro. It should be illegal to call whotes crackers, bro, fucking niggers playing the victim. A few far-left trannies saying I have an advantage over others is racist and they should be locked up over it. Only I can call people names and get away with it bro, Twitter trannies don't understand. Blacks being treated like shit is irrelevant, slavery is a meme, bro, just stop complaining about it, it's not like segregation or being targeted by the government's experiments was such a big deal, bro, not as much as some asshole calling me a name, bro. I hate when niggers play the victim so I'm going to complain about how people are racist towards me. Fucking niggers, even though whites have a higher IQ on average, are considered more attractive, have invented almost everything in the world, and have never faced any major discrimination in the US, we still don't have an advantage over non-whites but you're still a low IQ subhuman nigger lol."
The absolute state of whiteoids

fuck both of u rise up bright and early whole bowl of every colour pill in the rainbow with pill milk (pilk) eat that shit every day for a year then come back here

I'm black. I've been called the hard R over 1000000 times online. I've never been called it once in person.

>Strawmenning an argument means I win right?

Is this your subhuman iq at work?

>even though whites have a higher IQ on average, are considered more attractive, have invented almost everything in the world

So maybe, just maybe. It's genetics and not institutional racism that keeps you down.

What a fucking non argument

I was being cheeky. Obviously it still exists. I didn't meant to upset you user.

No, you misunderstand me, I'm not some nigger whining about racism being a thing. I just find it stupid how you think a smug face and one sentence completely derails everything said on poll.

It was just a MEME user. Come on it's a CLOWN WORLD you know. We wouldn't want to show leftists that white fragility is actually real, now would we?

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>blacks for Trump!
>I lift for aesthetics!
>dems are the real racists!
>Wakanda Forever, forget real Africa!
>black women are so mean and awful!
>Fat/thick white girls are the best!
>Why is everything about race now?
>Yaaaas queen slay!
>look at this console! aren't I such a nerd?
>why don't normal black folks accept me?
>why won't white anons accept me?
>am I allowed in your ethnostate?
>Look at my white lives matter shirt!
>I'm a blackcel/nigcel and...
>I'm not the token black I swear!
>those woke blacks are out of their minds...
>Black actors in non-black settings is so empowering!
>I finally got a nice job! Now I can live in that multicultural/white neigborhood!
Why are modern niggas like this?

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Nice honkler, still a shit post

>tfw whites have it easy modo yet say that blacks take their women anyway

whites are the women of races

No shit sherlock, regardless of ideology nonblacks hate because of your RACE. You can be suited and booted, you can wear your trump hat, but at the end of the day you are no different from daquan down the block to them. They will not differentiate between us, period point blank.

I don't act in an approval seeking manner and if you are a blackbot you should understand-the frontline counter to white fascism is black unity. You don't even really have to hate them, but you have to be black first for your own sake. Cooning, entertaining, and fucking them does nothing to benefit your people as a whole nor does it stop their oppression towwards you. Stop it!

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These stats are weird, all of the stats suggest that black women dislike white men and strongly prefer black men, but meanwhile there's a constant stream of "Fuck ghetto niggers I want me a white boy" on social media.
Which is it?

>should i trust carefully surveyed data of vast collectives or this loud community i saw on twitter?
Makes me think....

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Is that why we conquered 95 percent of the earth? Keep coping nigger.

Not sure what black women see in black men that all the other races don't. It's almost surprising the amount of in-group loyalty, black women prefer black men more than white women prefer white men.

Glad we can agree you're not suited to be our equals. Now fuck back off the that shithole called Africa. Your subhuman race has defiled the West for far to long.

only on Jow Forums otherwise not really

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statistics != anecdotes

also the stats don't say hate of white men just that they prefer blacks

And assuming it is, does that mean being white is indeed easy mode?

And have our ancestral right stolen from us? Get real faggot.

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>WHEI WHEI mommy, daddy (assuming you even have a dad), our ancestors are a bunch of dumb savages unable to stop European conquest. This means I'm now entitled to their land.

Everybody conquered nigger, whites like usual were just better at it.

Again, the average white guy might very well have an easier time with woman. But you're claiming a black chad has more chanse of being an incel than the most beta white guy on earth. You're just retarded.

Not a blackbot but after my father ended his marriage with my mom she got married to my dad, who's black, and they had my brother. Now I'm dating a Nigerian qt 3.14.

I have a couple of stories:
>my future dad is taking my mom out on a date and they take me along
>I wander away and walk up to some teenagers
>in hindsight they were probably stoned
>they ignore me
>later, same group of teens throw food at our car
>when I tell them to stop they throw food at me
>I get a milkshake to the face and fall back in the bed of my mom's truck
>dad fucking flips
>chases them
>yells "you're coming back here and apologising"
>they fucking scream and bolt
>one of them trips over his bike and faceplants
>another swerves his bike into traffic like an idiot and nearly gets clipped
>but they manage to get away
>my mom calls the cops because I looked more hurt than I was
>the incident itself likely wasn't racial
>just asshole teens being asshole teens
>however when the cops showed up they specifically asked my mom if it was a hate crime because she's white and my dad is black
>which sort of implies this may be an issue in our town
>cops are really pushy with my dad, asking what he was planning to do if he caught the teens, telling him not to be so aggressive, etc.
>even though my dad is super apologetic and concedes he lost his temper I think it's a bit absurd the cops grilled him for getting angry about a toddler being struck down

Anyway, when I got cleaned up my future dad teased my mom because when she called the cops she referred to him as her "husband" even though they'd only been dating eight months

If we could honestly herd all the niggers into that area and contain them via fenced in border that'd be pretty dope, it'd be quality entertainment to watch how quickly it all goes to shit and to watch them murder and cannibalize each other after they realize they can't get out of their quarantine.

Nice deflection cuck, you were literally sperging out about "muh white discrimination" and I noticed that you didn't seem to deny anything I said.
Even if you think the disadvantage is purely genetic, you can't deny it exists and you can't deny that your average non-white has it harder than your typical white.

Race as a metric trumps height and income. An average white guy is at LEAST equal to the black chad in dating.

And whites will be a minority in 2040.
What comes around goes around.

What's it like having one of the 1% of black dads that dont bail on IR marriages?

What the fuck is "WHEI WHEI"? I've never seen that used as a stand in for whining, if that's what you're going for. How about you learn some English ESL-kun?

White homeless? I guess he heard that from an hispanic

In a similar vein:

>big cookout with my mom's family
>basically three days of events over the long weekend
>they're all super cool except my second cousin or whatever is dating a complete fucking BPD lunatic
>my mom invited her to help with the cooking and planning but she refused an then complained she felt "left out"
>begged my cousin to let her come to the men's events
>which was literally just the guys going shooting for a few hours while the women had cocktaiks
>says he would love to bring her but it's a men's event and it's not his call
>she flips out, starts screaming about how he never includes her in his life
>they're doing this in the other room but durinh the screaming match she says something to the effect of "you'll let the nigger come?"
>all the people in the front room listening to this just look around horrified
>dad says "well at least she's not calling my shot bad"
>a few nervous laughs before everyone goes back to eating

Well, he's dead now so I guess he bailed for heaven.

Walking home through a more suburban-ish neighborhood some guy at the vegetable shop called me a nigger?

I just looked at him and kept walking idk

Yes in my past job as a janitor I had the maintaince department sabotage my work so i asked to transfer to a diffrent shift . And had to deal with a shitty boss

>I called him a cuck, that means I win right?

The black iq ladies and gentlemen

>you can't deny it exists and you can't deny that your average non-white has it harder than your typical white

The average non white has it harder because of genetic differences. That doesn't exclude whites from being robots something you denied in your previous statements. Is twisting my arguments and strammening them really the best your nigger iq will allow for?

Being the biggest inventors and conquerors means we deserve to be replaced by a bunch of brown savage hordes? Sure ape.

based boomer humor

>Girlfriend (future ex-wife)
God it's amazing how much information you packed into that phrase. I can almost taste the negative emotions you must've experienced.

You're not a conqueror. You're weak and about to be replaced. You shame your ancestors while we make ours proud.

imagine being offended by the word incel

same shit
different skin

>The average non white has it harder because of genetic differences
so being white is easier?
>That doesn't exclude whites from being robots
Whites get gfs easily this is objective. You keep making posts about nonwhites being inferior and whites being superior, but when told whites can't be robots you asspull arguments like "well some whites aren't good genetically...". Ok? So some whites are worse off? That simply can't be because race is the only thing that matters, it's foolish to think otherwise.

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Not sure if you mean my dad or me, but haha. I got more.


>rest of the party goes totally fine
>last day
>cousin's BPD girlfriend orders takeout and sits in her room instead of socializing
>on the last night, she tries to kill herself
>not really but she swallowed a bunch if ibuprofen and walked around chugging alcohol like a lunatic
>family is horrified
>ambulance called
>police come as well
>even though my dad isn't her boyfriend the police start interrogating him, asking him what he did to this (white) woman to make her do this
>entire family stands up for my dad
>cousin breaks up with girlfriend
and then marries her two years later

If they're using it as an insult it definitely is. If you let yourself get called a nigger unironically you're just being a bitch.

Work on your punctuation before you insult my IQ, ESL.
Whites have it better than the rest of us and this is an OBJECTIVE fact no matter how hard you try to deny it. Whites are born with an innate advantage and for someone who claims to hate victimhood, it seems like you're trying pretty hard to act like a victim. Poor little white boy with his "high" IQ, his different eye colors, his inventions, life must be so hard for you. Poor thing failed life on easy mode. I almost feel bad for you.

Asians can 100% be racist and Asians like you seem obsessed with blacks. I don't know if it's to bring yourself up by knocking others down, suck up to whites, jealous of the dumb BLACKED meme, or just raised to hate dark skin. But a subset of Asians like Kathy Zhu love to attack blacks.

clearly have never seen interviews of Japanese women. They'd prefer a fat white guy to a black

Don't you have some tests to cheat on, Monkey Man?

>obsessed with IQ
>can't even explain what IQ is or how IQ test measure it
Peak Asian, all process and no critical thinking. This is why you're always regulated to grunt work like code monkey and never a managerial role.

ITT: White people that can't even have proper conversations in public argue with black people that can't even have proper conversations in public over social concepts like racism. The irony is so thick you could cum on it

Beta as fuck. You should have called her a cunt instead of acting like a cuck. Or slapped her if you're feeling really ballsy.

Jesus I'm white and you sound like an insufferable cunt. Fuck off with your whiny Jow Forums reddit persecution complex.

white people want to be oppressed so bad
seeing whities held accountable for racism and non-whites being treated more fairly takes away apparently equals racism against white people
everything is inherently in your favor shut up cumskin

Protip: Roughly 80% of all incels are nonwhite. Meaning if youre white and still a virgin then you should kys for failing being born on easy mode.