Wouldn't communism guarantee you a job no matter how socially awkward you are?

Wouldn't communism guarantee you a job no matter how socially awkward you are?

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if I have to work then I want no part of it

>TFW communism guarantees everyone a job but doesent guarantee them getting payed for it

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>guarantee a job
that's a funny way of spelling forced labor

>and yet it guarantees that your needs be met

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How is it any less forced in capitalism?

Oops, we set the wrong quota for shoes, better be early in line or you're stuck barefoot.

Seems like it would less a problem today.

>your needs can't be not meet if you starve to death beforehand

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Capitalism is basically socialism but run by the jews

You can have full employment under a capitalist economy as well. Just put every unemployed person up for auction the person who pays most gets to have this persons labour.

Workers in the Soviet Union were compensated fairly starvation was a problem for a certain class of Ukrainians and a few year's of intense hardship for the nation other then that Soviet men and women ate well.

the ussr had better nutrition than the us u retard, says the cia themself

russia was a farming country, meaning everytime the weather changed a lil bit millions starved, the bad bad communism has brought it to a world power

Isnt there a growing sentiment in Russia that they were better off in the USSR?

see for a retard like me this would work out, but if i was actually intelligent and had a shot at moving up in the world i would be a bit miffed in this situation.

Why should we care about those people?

Capitalism forces to work top unless you wanna beg on the streets and honestly if you can work but still decide to pity the hard worked money out of other peoples pockets you should be forced to work.
In the GDR there were 14% more jobs than people so people could choose, also the working places subsidized holidays so you could send your children 6 weeks into a summercamp for a lousy 20 Mark (about 11 dollar)

Probably, but it depends how the communism is implemented.
More importantly, though, guaranteed government jobs do not actually require communism.

Yes actually. And no one has to be homeless. It was fine until the jewish people actually left in the 70s-90s of which is when the Soviet Union fell. All things change, pretending it didn't work when it was working from 20s to 90s is silly. The jewish left because they couldn't handle equality something tells me and that meant all the doctors moved so the country fell apart.

They were the most efficient during 20s onward until it came tumbling down. They produced more than anyone else and had equality. It's literally the right thing to do but (((they))) don't want it because of hatred towards fairness.

>>I don't like this momma
>>the world ain't fair son

Is the cucked world people choose and forget as adults that they instinctively hated it.

I can confirm this for the GDR, and also Yugoslavia.

Wageslaving for some jew doesent sound appealing for me, i would start my own business but that takes a lot of money that i dont want to risk loosing, and also in my country the govrnment buerocracy is absolute garbage and starting a business would set you back about 5k EUR just for getting all the permits and licences.

>be homeless
>go to jail
t. USA hmmming at you

I find it odd that the media talks about how good the economy is and how many jobs there are but I cant seem to get one of them.

>be USA
>go to jail
>end up forced to do free labor in jail

>one side says Jews prolifirated communism
>the other say they destroyed it
So which is it?

Yeah many jobs in the US but you have to work 3 of them just to be able to afford a fucking trailer not to mention being treated like utter shit just so your jew boss can afford his 2nd yacht this quarter

According to normies "communism is for lazy people". Something isn't adding up here.

Only if you put yourself in debt first :^)

Also, the workforce participation lowered to fake the employment rates. Look it up. If you go too long without work you are not a part of the statistics they are talking about because after 3 months you are no longer a part of the workforce statistically so no longer legally unemployed.

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Communism is for people that want to be told what to do
Capitalism is for people who buy into the dream of making it one day
Either way for free thinking people both are equally as shit and fall to the lowest denominator on how jews or anyone else can exploit the system for their own gain.

Why don't you start your own business then?

Cuz i aint going to get in debt to some fucking jew,

What does that even mean? Having your own business means you are liberated from a 9 to 5 cycle

>>capitalism is for people that buy into the dream of making it one day
>some day I will be wearing this boot

The Soviet Union was even more run by Jews, if that's possible.

It's there in some parts of the old USSR. Moldovans think they were better off back then

There were massive pogroms against Jews in the USSR when the nazis invaded

Dumb NEETs not knowing you are forced to have a job in communism or you will be put to the shooting range

>borrow money from some jew to start a business and liberate myself from working 40hrs a week
>end up working 60+ hrs a week so i can repay my debt with interest to the jew
Basically same shit as working a 9-5 job my money still goes to some fucking jew

Thats my point, its the same shit run by the same shecklestien fuckers

The problem is actually advertising. You compete with mega corp with more money to advertise. You don't get in dept, you get nothing. NOTHING


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>jews leave Russia in 70s through 90s
>soviet union falls
This begs the question why they really left if communism benefits them so?

The workers movement is guaranteed to fail as they continue to be pawns of the capitalists. Nationalists aren't enemies of the working class and they're not turning workers against each other. The left has been tricked into supporting politics that create circumstances where workers turn against each other. This only benefits the ones that want to exploit workers.

Its because they put a pussy in power of the USSR and they knew that he would destroy the USSR
They left the country before all shit broke loose

because they make more relevant contributions to society and stuff bro. it seems like the problem is due to a small amount of people being miles ahead of even the high class and hoarding more money than they even know what to do with.


Take the Nazbolpill

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What alternative do you offer bro? A cap on how mutch a single person can have (in billions of $) or? Im open to hearing you out

It never benefited them
They left when they were able to

Didnt Hitler outlaw unions though?

That actually existed in the United states in a sense ,
Incomes above a certain amount was taxed at 97%
Coincidentally this was also the most economically prosperous era in us history.

Any source, i need to read more about this

yes, but if you refuse or just would stay jobless then gulag for you comrade

That's not an inherent flaw of nationalism. Of course it can be done at the same time as you do very bad things, like everything else. Taking advantage of the ethnic cohesion in a country to unite that country's working class doesn't require you to copy all the things the third reich did.

They ran away because they felt lack of control.


Probably should have posted this one but the point is the soviet par in that one. They were going to be forced to work at a set pay is obviously what happened and they were obviously going to run away anyway.


Huh, im pretty sure being alive is a need for living people, but that didnt happen for
I mean come on wasnt it 40% of kazakhstan and 25% of cambodia? Khmer rouge, the terror famines, the holodomor, and tiananment square clearly werent giving those people their needs.
Seems sketchy how Russians ate so well yet russian controlled countries starved. How do millions in ukraine and kazakhstan starve if glorious leader was equally spreading food?
Dont use numbers if you're too stupid to extrapolate any other data. Sure you can look at those numbers, but why are those numbers what they are? Because the USSR stole food from kulaks and burnt farms that wouldnt assimilate. No worry for russia if ukranians die.
I believe putin said "anyone who doesnt miss the USSR has no heart, anyone who wants it back has no brain" which seems to sum up their feelings
This board is chock full of people who dont work and yet live. Have you somehow not heard of NEETs? Not working, yet living just fine.
Because everyone fell for the college meme. Trades are the best jobs since boomers are dying and spots need filling. 50% of people are hired before graduating and average starting salary is 22 an hour in most states. People dont see this and instead go to a state college for biology or some other already filled field. Trades are the good jobs in this day and age, i made 75k 2 years after graduating as an HVAC worker, its really not that hard.
Nazbols are just straight up white nationalists but who dont have an economic understanding at all and want free stuff. The nazbol pill is actually the "my IQ is half my shoe size" pill
It was after ww2 i believe, tax rates for the 1% was like 93%.

And not because of the pogroms?

thread should have ended here desu ne

I don't want a job. I want money.



>working around niggers, spics, and rednecks




Breaking your back for average pay notwithstanding.

Well one side is universally painted as the "bad guys" and is accused of killing 6 million jews whereas the other side actually did kill 30 million people and was aided by the bolsheviks (jews).

Bolsheviks where secular assholes, they killed as many jews they could.

The leading bolsheviks were overwhelmingly Atheistical jews

This is confirmed fact, although you may wish it wasn't

>Atheistical jews
There's no point in calling former kikes jews. Most become bolchevky in the start of the revolution because they hated the Czar.

Ashkenazi is an ethnic group

And you say there is no point, but even rabbis disagree with you here. Jews are jews because of blood, not faith

ITT: capitalist bootlickers and lazy basement dwellers

And why shouldn't they hate the tsar?