I literally can't move I'm in so much pain
I literally can't move I'm in so much pain
You have 4 hours to save your balls
Well fuck come over to my house for dinner. Mom's making hot dish. You can untangle my junk then.
That shit can kill you can't it?
I hope all the anons with aching testicles hurry up and untwists their nuts so it stops hurting
Quit fucking around.
Please help me
For christ sake get to a hospital before you neuter yourself
unironically this. OP get to the hospital and get treated. You dont want to be a uniballer do you?
I d say just untwist it, but I am not sure how you figure out which way it's twisted until it gets as bad as Op's pic.
I had this when I was in my teens. I got punched in the balls by my friend in a stupid game and then was in agony for hours. I went to the hospital and they said if they didn't operate soon I could lose the testicle.
tl;dr go to the hospital or you'll lose your testicle
I'd rather lose a testicle than pay the hospital bill
Based amerigoblino has his priorities right
Besides you are still fertile as long as you have 1... just hope you don't have both tangled
Well, good luck to you. What would even happen if it does die? Does it just rot inside your sack?
you better get your ass to a hospital, that wont fix it self without surgery
when you leave it it might cause sepsis
(medical student btw)
based ameritard
This is perfect after you lose this one start taking HRT and transition you could make a good sissyboi bottom on Grindr
He is LARP but yes it could, dead tissue and septic (blood poisoning)
This little boiclit gets it
put it on your tab
>you have 4 hours to save your balls
coming this summer to a movie theatre near you, join one man and his quest to rescue his testicles before time runs out
nine/eleven would watch
Pictars nig
I got an intense pain in a testicle when I was younger and it fixed itself.
well it obiviously depends on how long that pain has been there and maybe some tauma leading up to it but in general you dont joke when it comes to your junk
This isna larp pay no attention
Not even worth a (you)
enjoy the flesh rot faggot. you're gonna end up in the hospital regardless so better get a cheaper bill now while you can.
fucking retards man.
nevertheless did you guys know, that the left testicle always hangs lower becasue of the blood vessels supplying it
It lasted about a day, maybe two. Is it possible that it was a torsion?
my right one hands lower..but that might be because i got my balls stitched together when i had my torsion.
Everytime I see this I get a small panic attack. Is always letting them side by side the best prevention?
nah that shit really fucks your balls up good and proper
yeah thats not all to normal
when it doesnt hurt its fine though
How the fuck does this even happen? How do you prevent this??
R9k incel BTFO
Be careful when rolling over in bed. I've had it happen three times in my life and they all woke me up in the middle of the night.
>tfw one of your nuts is backwards but you don't know which way it twisted originally so you don't know which way to twist it back
In the USA if an emergency it's free. Saying my nuts hut makes them tell you off over STDs.
This shit happened to me a week ago and they said everything was fine, my piss samples and scan came back normally but I'm still worried I might have dick cancer and my ball still hurts a bit from time to time
One guy I spoke with had this problem. Stop jacking off more than 5 times a week and start running and drinking water.
OP if you aren't going to the hospital here's what you should do:
Take a really hot shower: the heat will relax you and the heat will make your scrotum loose. This might mean that your balls will untwist itself
If they still are, then use this relaxed state to try and untwist them. The more time you wait the less of a chance you'll have. OP, go to the hospital. GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Forget what I told you about the hot shower, JUST GO!
I used to jack off a lot but I managed to keep myself from fapping for a week and it seemed to improve a bit
then don't go to the hospital retard
What I dont get about this is cant you just untwist your shit? Why do you have to go to the hospital, and what do they do beside untwist?