Would you survive if you were trown in jail?

Would you survive if you were trown in jail?
On 1-10 what would be your chances?
What would you do to not get raped?

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as a person that was thrown in jail while millions of subhuman spics like that were trying to steal my clout as they knew what I looked like they are all tranny goblins that are easy to kill and have their tiny goblin skulls stomped on

Well I am 6ft 3 and black with tattoos but I am also like 160lbs soaking wet, and have not lived in an area with gang activities for a decade.

50/50 chance of getting anally raped I would say
>inb4 every robot is an elite balls to the wall fighter capable of incapacitating multiple assailants
Lol does not work that way at all

probably a 2/10, relying entirely on my witty sense of humor and hoping they dont take advantage of my twink body

If I was in a prison that was actually dangerous, I'd just join aryan nation for protection, and start doing steroids

8/10 only because you never know if someone got beef with you for whatever the fuck.
But i'd try to be chill and not get on anyones bad side but also not be they walk all over me and make me their bitch. If I have to fight someone then so be it.

lol then you just get fucked by Aryan Nation dudes in exchange for protection

5'4 130lbs incel looking
what would happen to me?

>Id just join for protection
Why would they want you if you can not handle yourself? They would just rape and extort you and protect you from rapist of other races.

>go to jail
>minimum security
>almost no racial segregation
>one guard per 100 people per room
>had jail-made scrabble
>had jail-made monopoly
>was bunked next to a 40 year old man who used to play dungeons and dragons religiously
>his bunkmate was a filipino who had a large collection of manga
>they let me use a jail-made showerhead
never once did i feel threatened

because then they get another member. It's a standard protection racket, all the racial gangs in prison do it. Nobody would want to join if they raped all the new people.

You die of boredom for the record. It's meant to force this abhorrent bitch ethic known as being thankful for things. It's silly. You are expected to leave a changed man that is afraid to think for yourself lest they take it all away again. Asinine. It only works on the weak minded.

sounds based , what country was this?

What use is another member that is too weak to protect himself? You would make Aryans look weak when you get your ass beat by someone looking to gain clout by fighting the softest gang member in the entire prison.

They dont rape new members, just guys who are obviously naive enough to believe that protection is provided for free in prison when they could have your mom sending them commissary and be fucking your ass.

why don't you just go to prison, and tell the aryan nation guys that they're doing their recruitment wrong then

I'm 6'0 and 145 lbs. I'm also pretty soft spoken and timid
No fucking way I'd survive. Put me in protective custody asap

1st day in fail and this is your cellmate, what do?

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Why dont you go to prison and walk up to some Aryans expecting protection and community while offering nothing (cant fight, no connects outside, no intelligence) in return and see how many dicks you can take in your ass without winding up in the ICU? Kek

Probably 0/10 . Jails in my country are extra shitty and dangerous. I would kill myself bc i would probably be anally raped the second i got in there

realistically 5/10
my plan would just to get in good with the white gangs or whatever


Which one of you is this?

I'd just ask for 24/7 solitary. Unlike normies that would be a blessing and not torture for me.


Tough guy tattoos don't scare me. Neither do tough guys.

I would probably get raped, but until then, I'd be keeping my head down and not taking any shit. Prison gangs are also retarded, Don't give a fuck about protection, Raping me or stabbing me will only piss me off.

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one day a new guard came in and couldnt believe all the shit we had but decided to do nothing about it because he was so impressed

Then why do you post here? Roboblox

1, I would have nothing going for me besides my intelligence. I'm not tall and have long hair with no tattoos since I'm not a nig or a druggie

Well female prisons are tamer, but I'd start a poker club. People who are entertained are less violent. Beyond that I do have a lot of muscle, but I don't really want to fight anyone.

I wouldn't be raped because I would be like a wild animal. I would probably be shot by the cops because I would rather die honestly.

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Probably a 6. I almost have a full suit of tattoos and Im a fat powerlifter

Bite off his face and make a necklace with his tongue

Everyone on this board would get raped in prison, no way you are botching about not being able to talk to girls but can stand up to multiple predators who only ever seem to attack with overwhelming force. You have been sedentary for decades, they are working out and fighting everyday.
Short of being this insane, which sounds great in principle but is a lot more difficult in practice otherwise no one would ever get anally raped, you will inevitably get raped if you are some combination of white, young, not street smart, and petite. Best case scenario you can work up the nerve to bite a niggas dick off, but eventually you are going to just wind up with a fat fuck cellie who fucks your ass in the middle of the night pressing his weight on you.

Just dont get locked up

t. never been inside

Cool dude, I watch a lot of movies too.

>start a poker club among a population more inclined to violence than usual

It's like you've never heard of all the fights and killings over someone being accused of cheating.

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>Would you survive if you were trown in jail?
jail? jail is the funniest shit in the world. everyone in there is just chilling doing their own thing, doing their time, minding their own business. nobody wants to deal with anyone's shit. if you're not a fucking idiot, you can meet some pretty funny motherfuckers in there. prison is a little different, but not by much if it's minimum security (you get better amenities, room, and more privacy at minimum security prison vs jail).
>On 1-10 what would be your chances?
10. already did it. jail is nothing. it's fucking boring if you don't have anyway of entertaining yourself. get work release and read.
>What would you do to not get raped?
if you somehow got raped in jail, you probably deserved it.

It is not some shit to brag about but at this point in my life I have spent more time locked up than I have as a free man. That having been said tell me the most ridiculous shit you have ever seen in a prison movie and I will tell you how it is much worse when you actually go to prison

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did you get the rain today too and also where can i find all the asian girls

Well I'm white and bear like in appearance. I'm not from the streets but I know how to get around. And I am fully capable of going insane at will.
My most amazing feat is the ability to put a v8 ending into the bed of a truck

I had to get the hell up out of Arizona I am just still on probation there but do not have the money to complete it

I'm a skinny manlet twink so I'd probably get raped, good thing I'm a law abiding citizen

What were you in prison for
Originally unoriginal

i would 100% survive
i 100% wouldnt get raped

Drug and stolen firearm possession, and they tried to say attempted murder but I pled down to misdemeanor battery

Probably like a 6. UK prisons are not that bad, a few of my mates have been to jail.
I would keep to myself and if someone bothered me I would get in contact with connections I have

im a 5'9 chubby nigga what do you think?

I would've got it for assaulting a police officer. I was innocent though, the cop was a power hungry sickbay that was itching to hurt someone. I was at a party and he showed up and started hounding some drunks. When he reached for his belt I grabbed him by the arms. More cops came and I was arrested. Court came and I beat the charges, the whole thing was videotaped and it showed that he was the instigator

>threaten/attempt suicide
>spend all my time in solitary

i would get isolation cell asap so i would survive and be comfy desu

Good for you for putting yourself at risk to diffuse the situation, you lucky you aint get your ass whooped or shot though.

Are American jails actually full of faggots who buttfuck each other at every opportunity?

On my first day I'd walk up to the biggest nigger in the yard and kill him with a barbell or my bare hands. After that nobody will fuck with me.

sou you're on the lamb?

No. Faggots are separated so they don't get murdered


Jail is only dangerous for chomos and rapists.

What if the biggest nigger is a gentle giant like big hug bill who's good with everyone? making you persona non grata.

I dont have no choice, have no means of getting the money that I owe them nor making enough to pay them what they need each month thereafter short of selling drugs which I might as well just let them take me back to jail if im bout to do that

This just a different type of prison

pic related is happening in a Brazilian prison

>57 dead
>16 decapitated

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Came close. The manlet cop was no match for me though

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>bandido bom eh bandido morto
Brazilian prisons are just big buildings where criminals are locked but not controlled

do you risk driving since you could get pulled over?
Also are you living NEET life?

Imagine this guy is your cellmate

The problem solves itself with time and faulty cell doors

My life is much worse now than I was in prison, I dont have nothing left to live for in life but dont know what to do anymore

Tomorrow gonna be the same as today thats how yesterday was

I just wish the police would come kill me but know if they dont I will be locked up for the rest of my life

Apparently prison rape isn't all that common if you mind your business. The people who get raped are the ones who get into trouble with gangs or willingly toss up the ass.

10. I've been to jail. I said i was afraid of being a potential target for gang violence so i got a cell to myself lol

stop larping nigger. the pic you originally posted was issued by the municipal court of tempe meaning that it was local jurisdiction.

try and get some money together and go on the dark net markets on deep web and buy a new identity.

I would say my chances are very high, maybe an 8/10.

>Not from the US therefore prison is not as violent
>Know how to keep my head down
>Good at detecting social cues and know not to indebt myself in any way
>if I get fucked I will enjoy it and would probably ride the cock carousel eventually tbqh

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>I have sex with the man
>Does that make you gay?

Attached: My Best (Girl) Friend is an Ignorant Homo.png (536x511, 257K)

I served 7 years out of a 10 year sentence in state prison. It's actually not as gay and rapey as they say if you're not an obvious homosexual and don't get endebted to someone. It reminded me of high school gym bullying actually except people there are dangerous felons.

If I went back, I'd make it, no problem. But I don't intend to go back because that shit sucks.

>"What is he?"
>"A woman"

South African murderers confirmed for LGBTQIA allies

can't be raped if i consent

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what did ya do?

i served 24 hours in county lockup for punching a guy out after his whore girlfriend hit on me

>tfw short and 110 lbs
I would probably just accept my fate as a prison sissy desu, nothing much someone my size can do in prison anyway

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>assault with a firearm
Basically a trumped up charge for pulling an AR15 on my sister's drunk/high friends in a bipolar rage. Could have been worse, they wanted to get me for attempted murder which is horseshit.

If I just kept to myself I'm sure I could, never been to prison so idk

So everyone on Jow Forums basically?

Notice his cross and ask him about his faith

I'm six foot three and over two hundred fifty pounds. But I have long hair, man-boobs, and am mostly hairless. I think I might get raped if I went to prison

Been locked up 12 times. It's comfy, but then again I'm a maniac. lol

>will probably get raped cuz of fat boi ass

do lolicons ACTUALLY get immediately assaulted/killed in prison like everyone thinks they do?

Not immediately but once your celly sees your papers (they give you a folder with your info to keep at all times in your cell), yes, definitely. He will have to or else he'll get fucked up too since they'll think he's protecting a lolicon

>yo man, let me check out your paperwork

show it to him: get beat up

don't show it to him:
>yo man wtf, you a chomo or something? let's see that paperwork, bitch
>get beat up
>he sees your paperwork
>beats you even harder

My advice is Just don't be a goddamn chomo.

Jail is 11 months or less

Prison is a year or more

I think I'll manage user

6'2 300lbs ogre mode autist
i dunno

that's stupid. so basically immediately check into PC upon arrival so you don't have to deal with that dumb shit?

i'm too small. i would cut my own throat before I go to prison lol. or throw away my life and kill as many people as i can before they give me the death sentence.

i'd just request solitary or do something to get myself there. no different than now, better than getting fucked with

>6ft 3
In prison it doesn't matter what you look like at all, they don't give a fuck about your tattoos or not and they won't care if you're tall or black. They're still going to test you regardless in different ways. They'll stare you down and see if you turn a different way when they do, they'll talk shit, they'll ask what you're in for and where your from, and they'll fight you, try to rob you, extort you etc to see how you react. The important part to surviving in prison isn't being big muscular or scary, it's being real and not bitching out from fights or letting people rob you. If you come in with gang tattoos all over, they're gonna ask you fuck tons of questions, where you're from, who you know, questions about your block, the gangs there, etc, and if you can't answer you're gonna get fucked up regardless of what you look like.
That's not how gangs work. Most gangs especially in prison have initiation tactics, which range from holding your hands over your head while getting punched in the stomach by each of the gang members, sometimes to the point where your stomach turns purple and black, attacking people, killing people, etc. After that you're basically a pawn for the gang to do whatever the fuck they want you to do, and if you refuse, you'll get beat, killed extorted or raped.
>have no means of getting the money that I owe them nor making enough to pay them what they need each month thereafter short of selling drugs
It's not hard to get on a payment plan low enough to actually come up with once a month with this shit, you could get that kind of money by buying LSD off the dark web and reselling it 10 times a month, probably less, or doing literally any kind of simple work for a few hours a week. Mind telling us how much time you were sentenced and how much time you spent for those cases?
sure buddy
You'll get fucked up bad, constantly. Maybe killed.

No. Unless you're famous or your case was high profile, you're most likely going into general population. After your beating, you might get PC if you don't die.

12th time got 5150 when they declare you a danger to others after got jumped by nigers they beat me with a shovel got 3 concussions and they broke my arm. Nope that was 11th time 12th got jumped by nigers in skid row. Blood everywhere gotta be a vid somewhere maybe worldstar. srs if you ever see a vid skid row and some crazy bearded white homeless guy with blood all over his face talkin shit sitting on the front of the bus as in bike rack that's me gotta be somewhere.

It doesn't work like that. Just ask for PC. If you're not part of street life, you'll be fine, they don't even know you. If you are, THEN you ask for PC, well, good luck wherever you go after that if you have to interact with others.

then how come jared from subway is doing just fine in prison? dude's basically in a dormitory by all accounts. sex crimes happen more now than any other time in history, if they tried to kill everybody it'd be a riot every day.

>jared from subway is doing just fine in prison
He already had his ass beat once that we know about.

seems like he's doing just fine man

God, I wish they would freeze pedophile jews' assets once they get caught.

No clue probably a solid 3-10 it's a giant city with some of the craziest so probably not

How do you pot reply a to a reply I want to reply to this person who said we would all be instantly rapes and that we won't even have the balls to bite the rapist dick off well listen here buddy it's not going to e the dick that I'm biting off its the disk and balls my boy if we do all this crazy ass shit on Jow Forums I'm sure we can do even crazier in reality

If there's a will these a way faggots never forget that

I'd clique up with the skin heads hopefully so 6/10

you would lose your virginity to a black man named Tyrone.