write a letter from the heart. try to use initials.
Letter Thread
dear incels
how do u feel about government issued transpuppers?
I miss you so much, this hurts even though when I've "moved on" but the thoughta of you are intense lately. I just want to know how your life is going, I just want to know if you found someone else.
- You know who
its animal abuse
I hate the concept and I wishbtyebpeople that keep spamming the thread in the catalogue would die.
I don't understand this meme. I haven't played animal crossing in like a decade. Is there actually a tranny dog in it now?
puppyboy becoems puppygirl(male)
How am I supposed to know it's you if you don't drop initials?
Before I explain why I never went to your funeral, I need to explain why I only visited you once at the nursing home. I don't know if it's because I grew used to being away from you or because I never actually did care about you.
You did enable my mom a lot. I have a hard time trying to think of when you ever did anything to help me. Because if you did care about me, you would have done something about it, right? Just because you comfort me when I was hurt, doesn't mean you turly loved me, otherwise you wouldn't have let her do any of it. Even if she was your daughter. You were an avoidant. You just dealt with stress through eating in excess because you were too much of a coward to do what was right.
I didn't cry when you died. And ever since then I've been questioning why I feel nothing for you. I've been questioning if I actually even liked you as I child. I acted like I did, but was it genuine? I don't remember ever actually ever going "damn, I love you so much". The idea of you dying never really plagued my thoughts with anxiety of the thought of not having you in my life anymore.
I guess it bothers me I feel nothing for you. You never actually did anything to deserve my indifference. I'm bothered by it.
Initial is S.
>gives single initial
Here is a generic (you)
>yes, found someone new
>yes, very happy
Ok retard
Ok retard
The thruth is that i want you and no one else
Oh yeah its you, foid.
S for Shithead?
I miss you. I don't understand why you wanted this. I guess you just hate me, huh? :^)
Thank you for helping me.
Renich Tasa Uberaca Biasa Icar Lucifer.
Probably don't miss that person very much if all you're willing to do is post an initial-less three sentence shitpost.
emotions are fucking gay i don't like em and i don't like me bro so why do i like you probably because youre hot smart and funny which is like the holy trinity in a person lol ik i dont deserve you so im just gonna bottle it up like i have for the last 4 months and not do shit except channel it all into the gym drugs and jacking off that is all freya
post your initials right now you homo faggot motherfuck
SP boom
you fucking think you know who i am none of my friends use Jow Forums especially not this cesspool of a board lol guess my fuckin name you wont bro
I knew all along, pal.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm alright then bucko if you know who i am why not just msg me on discord or insta or snap you got any advice tho cos the whole bottling it up thing aint working and im pretty sure shes somewhat afraid of me if you coulda noticed that as well
Don't waste your time if it's not looking good. Society says they want you to chase them, but they don't. Improve yourself like you want to.
I'm trying but my friends keep bringing it up so idk how to forget and move on, my plan is to just do 2 grams of girl scout cookies and get so fried that I just forget I liked her in the first place and move on
Friends will do that, especially if you've vented to them. They're just doing what they think is right.
>idk how to forget and move on
I don't know if I can relate to that, because forgetting and moving on from people is pretty easy for me, considering that I'm already pessimistic about most things. If you were like me, I'd tell you to just forget about her, but since you're not like me, I really don't know what to tell you, friend.
are you proud of me?
i was always told how much i'm like you. i've always been told you were a hard worker with a powerful moral compass.
i've heard it less as i've grown into an adult, though. as my own colors began to show, i think she know now i'm not at all what she thought i was. i don't have your honesty, your compassion, your drive. trying to live up to that only made me bitter.
am i sick or efficient? would you like me at all? am i evil?
- AR
Dear user,
I have a story for you thats rather sad. My life story is a rather bizarre one considering I went from being some normal dude playing basketball at my school playground to being a much better and well regarded person. Anyways, now this is the story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. Now I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the fresh prince of bel air.
Sincerely, user.
I miss you and I fucked up. When we last talked, you gave me your new discord and it didnt save. Now I fear ill never run into you again. This is really it. We really dont talk anymore. I dont know if you still lookout for these letter threads, or if you even think about me anymore, but I love you.
Hey Myra,
Love you forever. All I can do is think about you again. Thought I was getting over you for quick second. I miss you. Sorry if this letters are weirding you out.
Hope everything works out for you. I know you may never want to see me again, but I promise if you do I will not allow myself to freeze. I love you and hope all the best for you.
Initials of yours?
Dear D,
I dont know why you re-added me on snapchat just to delete me and ghost me with zero explanation. I didnt do anything wrong this time. I just want to know why....
Dear ??
I'll never forget when I was a lonely 12 year old kid...playing roblox...when you, a girl, took a liking to me. I'll never forget the day we met on Roblox highschool and exchanged instagram usernames to stay in touch. You were my first girlfriend, I loved you. But why? Why did you stop texting me? We texted for months and loved eachother so much, but why? Why did you have to end it all? I still remember the day you stopped talking, I'll never forget you, what little I remember of you, please, don't forget me...
Hey faggot you said you'd be off work today you should call me so we can get fucked together and I can continue fantasizing and getting off to the idea of dating you again
Remember when you said that you love yourself? What a joke. I knew it then and I know it now. Everyone knows...
This nigga out here destroying self esteems