>tfw men only think of you as a triplehole
Tfw men only think of you as a triplehole
thats what you are isnt it
>tfw men only think of you as a triplehole
I bet you don't even do anal you frigid cunt
My new favourite word for anyone with a vagina
>tfw women only think of you as a walking wallet
>tfw women only think of you as a walking toilet
It's ok; if you were my cumdumpster, I'd try shoving my tip up your nostrils so you could brag about your two extra holes to your friends.
Shouldn't that make you happy? Knowing your worth.
no im a person with thoughts and feelings of my own just like everyone else
t. pencil dick
>when women don't think of you
I know but I think of them as a potential rapist and head cutter offer
Ah come on, fuck off.
I met a girl, she was new to my city. Everything was fit in as well, she got some psycho problems, but was in therapy.
I made clear that I want a relationship and nothing else, she decided to whore around or at least "act" like that.
Woman are evil. Period.
Hey, somebody has to give out those semen nasal irrigations.
>appeasing coping homo shitdicks
Anal is vile. Vagina exists for a reason.
Perhaps it's because that's all you have offered.
Thank you user LARPing as a roastie, you've greatly enriched my vocabulary.
That word, that single word was all that was missing.
the great thing about triplehole is it immediately excludes traps. A dick is not a hole
>A dick is not a hole
/d/ would like a word
>Anal is vile. Vagina exists for a reason.
A real man destroys all the holes his woman has to offer gaylord
Triplehole if you don't count the nipple holes.
Childish thoughts and feelings