Alright anons I have had enough with the avatar fags. Since that one guy that said he was gonna kill avatar posters hasn't actually killed anyone yet, I'm going to take matters into my own hands. Every time I see an avatar post I am going to post poop like pic related, as an extended metaphor for how utterly shit avatar fags are. I know many of you actually like avatar fags since they remind you of actual anime girls, and too many of you have fallen into the orbiter trap, but it must be done. I hope you will join me, but I will stand alone if I must
Fuck avatar fags
Oh but akko poster can stay, that guys pretty cool.
Bumping for the sacred mission
>Omg guys some random avatar person talked nice to me now i want him to stay forever omfgggggg uwu
just report them retard. Avatarfagging/sigfagging is against the rules.
OP here this is exactly my point, brother. People are falling for these avatar fags. We must continue to spam shit on their threads. It's the only way to drive out the infestation.
>just call the police when niggers break the law, surely the niggers will stop committing crime
I do fellow brother user. But it is not enough. They're an infestation, every time a thread gets taken down, they just make another one. We need to crush their spirits and their threads. Permanently.
You know that's against the rules don't you? This thread's probably going to be pruned.
I understand my user brother. If I must die, I will die without complaints. I just hope that enough of you will heed my call and charge fearlessly into battle with me. Stay based and free of avatar fag influence.
That doesn't work and you should know that by now. Let them be, they feed off (You)s and validation but their gimmicks are one trick ponies. Let them exist and they will be crushed under the weight of their own egos.
based but get fucked anyway youre one of them
They fall for them because they are starved for attention. Pic related the treacherous whore can be honest sometimes.
Forgot the image lmao originoli
I'm a lowkey avatarfag myself but the fact that the most pernicious of us create their own threads as if they had gotten lost from their circlejerk discord server is disgusting and I make an honest effort to report them. The audacity of these specific avatarfags and the threads are purely for attention from people on this board and anyone that says otherwise is being mendacious.
I strongly encourage you all to not reply to those threads at all. Even if you sperg out in all caps, even if you are short and succinct and tell them to kill themselves, you empower them. Simply report them, and if you truly must, sage their thread with a short 'kill yourself'. Do not give them attention. Ignore them.
I don't disagree with you. It's one hell of a fucking long shot for sure. BUT this is no random whim, it is a carefully calculated idea that, however unlikely to work, carries with it the potential to make change like no other for the betterment of this board. Avatar fag posts feed off of one's loniness and need for connection. They do this by posting cute anime girls. This manipulates the anons mind subconciously by allowing them to feel like they have made connection and are being acknowledged by a cute anime girl. The beauty of the (literal) shit post is that the disgustingness of the feces cancels out the cuteness and manipulation of the avatar. The continued posting via imagery as well will affect the mind of the avatar fag in ways that words and insults cannot, stabbing their psyches forcing them to not only avoid but FEAR to post avatars here. We can be free. It will not be easy and most likely will end in me getting called a retard fag and then me just crying a little bit and going back to anime. BUT if it works We will be known. We will make our stand. We will be free. And if your scared remember, I'm with you every step of the way.
I respect you user for you are based. And the based user shall inherent this board. I wholeheartedly agree that we must take great caution not to feed the ego, for it is attention that feeds the ego of the avatar fag even negative ones. But when they get buried in mountains of shit. They will not habituate and filter as they do with words, as we are all desensitized to words here. No they will be overwhelmed. THEY WILL NO fear and anxiety of being ostracized. The majority will crush them and annihilate them.
Avatarfags are the lowest of the low, faggot that norwegian/lithuanian pathetic sperg and that other fag nigger deserve concentration camp
Agreed. And while I am not the biggest fan of trip fags I don't necessarily dislike them either. I am hoping we can put aside our differences and stand together. Sort of like dwarves and elves, or japs and germans.
>This manipulates the anons mind subconciously by allowing them to feel like they have made connection and are being acknowledged by a cute anime girl.
About that, been thinking of it for a while. Jow Forums was made to discuss anime and all that, we know the story ok. Attaching cute anime girls to your posts just feels wrong, god knows how trannies are converted all I know is all of them without exception are anime posters. This stuff messes up your mind on a subconscious level just as you said, but im not a fan of poo so my vote goes for using males yeah fucking hairy apes just like most of us are irl to accompany our posts. I share your vision, but not the methods. Yeah uh so lets just start sam hyde pictures instead.
>I am not the biggest fan of trip fags
if u mean myself i'm not a tripfag but a namefag and it's just a random rame i pick every few days
Also I am NOT against watching anime. Im against being le uwu cute anime poster while being fake nice to losers starved for niceness.
OH HO HO based trips my brother. Perhaps we could attack on both fronts? I could take the hit and make the poop folder. Meanwhile you and the other user go for hariy apes (and possibly other images?). Of course the end goal and vision is what's most important, so I'm willing to compromise if we can make this happen.
Your not OP because I am OP, haha. But yes, this is 100% my sentiment here. I will say this I DO NOT hate anime. I do not discriminate against anime lovers (as I am one myself) nor do I look down upon waifu-havers. I am simply against the avatar fags for reasons that have been discussed and are known all too well.
I'll try man, I have like 100,000 images waiting to be sorted out. Many of them are the fat shape in front of a monitor kind that express the sentiment perfectly. I'll get to it soon and start grossposting? realniggaposting? i dunno
No worries man yeah im not OP lmao. I watch anime too though not as much as before whatever and I did have a waifu at some point.
Bless you based user. WE WILL PROSPER for our cause is righteous and just.
We will destroy the avatar!
this poop will be your avatar lol
Only if I'm alone brother. I need you to stand with me. Guide me so that I do not become what I have always fought against. Exterminate the avatar fags! UNITE!!!
based anti avatar osai poster.
Reminder to also report for spamming/flooding, seems jannies care about this a bit more.
Whatever it takes to destroy avatar fags, fellow based user.
Where is the avatar killer when you need him...
lmfao is he not dead yet? Even most of the oldfags on this board don't remember avatar killer. It'd be hilarious if he ends up killing one of the avatar fags here.
I'm just waiting for the heads of Aiste, Kashii, and Akko.
Well I guess he needs to know where and who they are first. And since it might actually be one guy, it may take him a while to travel that much distance and come up with a plan to get away with it. Knowing him though it's only a matter of time.
Aiste lives in Trondheim and is probably going to uni. He also probably lives near the Olav Tryggvason statue.
Kashii doxxed himself
Akko has a discord.
No clue how much is necessary to pinpoint a location but avatars literally are retards
Wait when was the last time Kaishi posted here?
did an avatar fag actually irl die? are there pics?
Unfortunately he is still alive. He has a thread right now
i'm going to start avatarfagging kirino again because of this post.
As far as I know avatar kill has only posted one of his victims on /b but that was over 10 years ago. He's not well known by most people, even old fags here because he's an insane hit man and serial killer that operates mainly on the dark web. He doesn't necessarily kill only avatar posters, but his m.o. is that he kills people with anime/cartoon profile pics. The one person he killed on /b was a semi-popular avatar fag whose corpse he posted, hence the name avatar killer. Although it might be more than one person and copycats and impersonators may exist.
so where are the pics? who was the avatarfag?
he has posted many other pictures of his victims and has made threats, but it's really hard to find online. If he's on r9k then there's a pretty good chance that avatar fags might die irl, but idk if he'd actually come here.
i can't find the pics! i'm so curious!
this sounds like some kind of Internet campfire story.
but i haven't finished my term paper yet!
get the fuck off my thread you boy girl parasite.
kill yourself you fucking retarded avatarfag
what the fuck does "ana" even mean
nobody wants your girldick in this thread
let alone on earth
do the world a favor
>omg guys im using an amine girl in every post i make am i poplar yet
Fuck avatar fags!!! TRANNIES BTFO
forgot pic. originally as can originiigly be of course,
my last nicethread developed into incessant bitching but you don't see me complaining
The only thing nice about you is that you're going to be dead!
ana is a common name
do you like my alkyl groups senpai?
No nigger fuck you. Kys
Just so I'm clear with yous, is it avatar fagging when you try and overstep the anonymity of the system by consistently using like, the same anime character in your posts? Technically, don't namefags also fall into this category then? Isn't using emojis also this same concept?
>Just so I'm clear with yous, is it avatar fagging when you try and overstep the anonymity of the system by consistently using like, the same anime character in your posts?
yes basically this, except they're annoying larpers (fine on its own) that try and pretend to be shit that their not in order to gain attention for themselves and take advantage of posters. Avatar fags can also be namefags, but name namefags on their own usually don't spam shitty threads nad pretend to be shit their not so they aren't really a problem.
I wasn't starting threads or nothing but I avatarfagged as the BR chan mascot mainly as a goof to represent some mutt's opinion on shit. Good times
what am i pretending to be? an autistic biology student with bug facts?? genuine question
>what am I pretending to be
pretending that you're not this.
how? by making threads with content other than dick pics and tfw no gf???
it takes a bit, but just filter all their images. I hardly see any.
>dick pics
>tfw no gf
Nice cherry picking. Still through they are 10x better than your threads
Well the answer to that you see is- oh hold on Ill be right back I just have to go and take A SHIT
alright awesome work anons we beat the tranny avatar out of this thread. Im proud of you boys, but we must keep up the fight!!!
>Ana's first time getting so much hate for being an avatarfag
They grow up so fast haha.
>acting smug and pretentious haha
fuck off avatarfag
You look like someone
>pic related
lmfao based user! based and poop pilled tranny larpers BTFO!!!!!