Any last words erofag?

any last words erofag?

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what movie

House of a Thousand Corpses


that's a lot of sequels
was house of a corpse any good?

yea it's pretty good

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Stop killing people with guns.

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Fuck yo mamma! Fuck yo sister! Fuck yo grandma! But most of all... FUCK YOU

meant this for

stop being a erofag.

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for a moment I thought you were autistic or something

I live in Asia.

based siberian

siberians are cucks, i'm superior far easterner


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literally the same thing to me

don't make me ask twice

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Don't make me think twice. You will regret it.

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you made me ask twice

Don't even think of doing anything funny, i'm watching you.

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this is what happens when you make me ask twice

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Don't say I didn't warn you. My army of robots is coming. If you will resist I promise you I will perform my experiments while you're fully concious.

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your pain will be legendary even in hell

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Hellraiser reference

Pain you say? You won't be sane enough to experience that after i'm done with you.

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just try it eroboy.

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It ends here.

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give it your best shot.

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You won't last another post.

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you can't kill me because i'm already dead inside

You know nothing of death.

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