Fembots, is it wrong for women to cheat on bachelorette party night? Thats just expected, right?

Fembots, is it wrong for women to cheat on bachelorette party night? Thats just expected, right?

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It's an exclusive amerimutt behaviour, as far as I'm concerned.

Thats too bad. All those poor women locked into monogamy with those sad pink cocks

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Bachelorette parties are a girl's last horah before a boring life of complacency. Sex during the party doesn't count.

I think that only trashy people engage in this behavior. Male and female.

I hate this kind of bait threads

This shit is so incredibly degenerate.

I was at a bachelors party once and the groom (and most of the other guys) actually fucked a prostitute.
What a fucking great start to a life long commitment. Fucking disgusting.

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>last WHORah
It all makes sense now.

He didn't commit to shit yet. That comes after the wedding.

The point of the bachelor/bachelorette party is hazing. If you can't keep it in your pants on that night, you're not ready for marriage. It doesn't just test the bride/groom, it tests their closest friends/support network.

The people you're talking about failed the fucking test.

The correct course of action when that happens is that the marriage doesn't go ahead the next day. But there are a lot of cases where everyone involved is to fucking ignorant of the whole purpose of the thing, or too scared of rocking the boat, to do the right thing.

Why would one night be representative of an entire marriage? Bachelor/Bachelorette parties are for casual sex before committing.

Technically you're correct. However there's really an unspoken contract of monogamy that pre dates the wedding, although I'll concede that the real start of the aforementioned agreement is arbitrary.

By that logic both should be virgins or the marriage is null and void.

That's gross. I hate the idea of bachelor and bachelorette parties in general. I wouldn't want one.

Uh yes, that's how it should work.

Oh bby boy, sweet sweet bby boy. One day you'll grow up. Few people are virgins after 17. That would make most of the population unmarriable.

Good, they dug their own graves.

>That would make most of the population unmarriable.
Exactly, they are.

How should I put this? You have a distorted view of the world due to this site. News flash people have sex. Not with you, of course, but they do. And at some point they find someone they are fucking that they want to spend the rest of their life with.

Divorce rates are actually falling because people aren't rushing into marriage like previous generations.

What do you mean representative?

It's not acceptable to cheat at any time, for any reason. If you want someone else, break up.

I mean that what goes on at a b. party doesn't affect the marriage.

If you're not married cheating is impossible.

If you're not married, "adultery" is impossible. Cheating is just a violation of a couple's emotional and/or sexual limits in general, so it is certainly possible before marriage.

Dating isn't recognized by God. A b. party is literally and historically know that casual sex will happen, usually with prostitutes.

Nice way to misrepresent what I said. I simply belive there exists an unspoken agreement of monogamy after an arbitrary time frame has passed. You somehow discerned that I was advocating for total celibacy, let me be clear, whilst I am not supportive of the complete devaluation of sex in our current society, I am not advocating for celibacy.

>Germany invades the USSR
>Werhmatch medics examine the population of Stalingrad
>Almost every girl younger than 30 is a virgin
We live in a degenerated society, that's all

his name is LUCIFER why are you faggots arguing with satan himself

>Divorce rates are actually falling
In my country divorce rates are over the 60% and raising

That's pretty good.
Or maybe not.
I'd say people should be fully emotionally matured before they start courtship and romance but I'm extremely unhealthy in those regards especially so, maybe I'm wrong for all I know, y'know?

>we went on dates for a few weeks
Do you go from dating for a few weeks to instant marriage? Anyway, it seems that we have completely different opinions on what constitutes a relationship, so I don't imagine that we'll be able to see eye to eye on the subject.

Why should someone unspokenly control my genitals just because we went on dates for a few weeks? If you want commitment, get married. Why should a woman limit herself to you alone if you're not providing for her? You're basically just a pimp that isn't paying or selling.
They certainly weren't virgins after that.
But why bring up social mores when women were property?
Country? Probably some shit hole where women don't have rights.
According to you two people are bound to each other without even discussing it. Why should someone limit themselves without dialog?

yes I am a female with a vagina and I always cheat on my boyfriend and have premarital sex haha right fellow fembots

here's your (you)

Half the people here aren't fully developed and are about to shoot up a Walmart because they haven't gotten their penis licked. Expecting people to wait until 25 and then choose only one person forever is just not reasonable.

Isn't good, judge by yourself after reading this (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2729989/ )add the inestability of modern marriage to this, as a family lawyer I've know said to me: Divorce is for the rich. The average Joe doesn't have money for a divorce, the kids need financial stability

>Thats just expected, right?
Definitely not, if they cheat ever, at any time, it's ogre. It's very simple. Wedding or not doesn't change it, it's not "one last hoorah" or any dumb shit because to get married you've generally been together for years already, which is already a contract of monogamy and not wanting anyone else. Man the world would be a better place if everyone who done this shit at bachelor or bachelorette parties was instantly shot in the head

>Country? Probably some shit hole where women don't have rights.
It's an EU country with a feminist government

>Divorce is for the rich. The average Joe doesn't have money for a divorce, the kids need financial stability
You're retarded, divorce is an everybody thing, money doesn't come into it. I've known the poorest people get divorced. But your argument would be retarded even if that weren't the case, the average joe should not have to put up with a shitty life being treated shittily by a partner who doesn't care about them for the sake of kids, no excuses

I can't convince you that you need to obey any unspoken social contracts, just like you don't technically need to turn up for work. But there are always consequences for your actions, any worthwhile man wouldn't be too happy if he discovered some adulterous behaviours from early on in the relationship. Furthermore do you realise how hard it actually is to completely change a behavioural pattern? Find someone who's quit smoking for ten plus years, I can almost guarantee you'll find instances of them sucking a pen, or biting nails. My point is that you'll likely continue to be adulterous long after the proverbial knot is tied. But hey, you do you. This society is in complete decline, I'm just here for the ride.

It's wrong for anyone to cheat, period, under any circumstances.
I have always hated the idea of bachelor/bachelorette parties, and especially the tradition of going to a strip club and fucking around without your spouse present. Like, just because you aren't married yet doesn't make it okay. You are not single until your wedding day, you're still in a (presumably) committed relationship before you exchange vows. And honestly if you even have the desire to cheat on your spouse you should not be getting married at all or be in a monogamous relationship.
My husband and I had a small pre-wedding dinner with some family and close friends and it was much better.

Whats wrong or right for one couple doesnt impact anyone else. You think too much about sex, its weird unless you are 15. Many more men fool around with strippers or cheat with prostitutes than the other way around, if thats your question.

>I've known the poorest people get divorced
If they can't into basic economics doesn't matter, after a divorce the expenses raise a lot for both sides

You should have your last hoorah while you are still single. You are still in a committed relationship, even before your wedding night. And if you view marriage as a boring life of complacency then you should not get married at all.
Lets not pretend for a second that men dont cheat at their bachelor parties either. The entire concept of these parties is so backwards.

What the fuck is wrong with you? You still should not be fucking other people while you are in a relationship, married or not. Unless of course you have a mutual agreement of some sort like an open or polyamorous thing and you are also down for your gf to fuck others.

>after a divorce the expenses raise a lot for both sides
No they don't, they simply go back to what they were before they got together. That's not the same as raising m8

You are still committed before marriage. At least you should be. Get your promiscuous urges out while you are still single, not while you are dating someone seriously enough to consider marrying them.

Statistically, poor people divorce more than rich people. Unless you mean rich = celebrity. Divorce correlates with worse education, lower income, and previous divorce. Expenses change all the time so what a stupid fucking argument there bud

Not everyone gives a shit what is and is not recognized by god. My husband and I are both atheist, we were committed to one another long before our marriage because we wanted only to be with each other. Our marriage has nothing to do with god and everything to do with mutual love and wanting to spend our lives together.

I believe you when you say you're a woman. Only women have reading comprehension that poor.
Makes sense a king started his own flavor of religion just to divorce. Also my parents stayed together 'for the kids' and instead tortured each other in front of us.
Why even have a b. party? What differentiates from a usual party? And if you've been in a monogamous relationship for many years, don't you think both partners deserve a little strange before the shackle of matramony?
Young or older women? Internalized misogyny is a thing.
You did say 'til death do you part'. Are you not a man of your word?
Also, of course money comes into play. Marriage is a financial partnership, not just a incel fantasy.
Most cheating gets bad because just like your social contracts, they're unspoken. Just because you had sex doesn't mean you have to lie about it. Own up to it when you fuck someone.
Yeah sorry toots, but even if your man never cheats he has thought about it and from time to time desire the newness of another sex partner. That's the human condition.
There's a reason judges don't care who's the father in US child support cases, it's who signed the birth cert or the marriage cert. In France they don't even allow paternity tests. Why? Because women aren't that different from men.
Few divorces happen amicably as you're envisioning.
The b. party is a break from the confine of the relationship. It's literally not cheating.
And just because one partner fucks others doesn't mean the other is also. Gosh your views are soooooo 1950s.
Why should a woman commit to you if you're not giving her the security of marriage? Are you a misogynist?
So before he gave you an Actual commitment, you limited yourself with no real benefit. I bet you delude yourself thinking you're a feminist.

Neither of us had one because we're not degenerates.

>even if your man never cheats he has thought about it
Speak for yourself there
>why should a woman commit to you if you're not giving her the security of marriage?
I committed to my husband before marriage because I wanted to. I only wanted to be with him. And vice versa. If either of us wanted to be with anyone else, we'd have broken up.
>you limited yourself with no real benefit
I have never felt "limited" by commitment. The benefit is that I am with the person I want to be with and likewise he is with me. Not everyone enjoys casual sex with many people, and those who do can be promiscuous while they are single, not after they enter a relationship. If they can't commit to one person before they marry then they should not be in a monogamous relationship at all.
I fuck everyone I want to fuck. Which is my husband.

You don't have to virtue signal here. There are no upvotes.

This is the common angry and bitter, man hating reason feminism is now a toxic cesspool of misandry and 'revenge' feminist right here

>being faithful is now virtue signaling
Slutwhore cope lmaooooo

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Sorry you feel that men should be able to claim you in an unspoken social convention when it's very likely he has seen seen other sexual partners.

Fucking around and sleeping with whoever you want all the time is empowering I bet isn't it?
Anyone knowing that their partner has had dozens of sexual partners are rightly disgusted at the lack of self respect that person has for their body

Just saying what I think like everyone else in the thread. Sorry if it isn't what you wanted to hear.
Not really. I'm pretty hardcore feminist and highly suspect that poster is a troll attempting to make feminist women look outrageous.

As long as they don't see other sexual partners during your emotional/sexual relationship with them then it's fine if they've fucked people other than you before

People have sex. We're designed to have sex. Not having sex is a denial of who we are as a species. Just because you can't get it doesn't mean the rest of society should conform to your patriarchal views.
She says as she submits herself to one man because society told her to be a 'good girl'.

Then why are you doing it? lol
You are literally farming you s

I'm not denying people have sex, are you dim. If you cheat in a relationship you're a piece of shit person, that's it
Lmao, you're proud that loads of people can easily fuck you
As if anyone would try to defend their sex life online, nice bait, feg

People still have sex in a committed relationship you absolute tard

>Healthy stable relationships = evil patriarchy

>because society told her
fuckoff retard, monogamy is the default state of the human race and what anyone who isn't broken is driven to biologically seek out.

Who do you think came up with a 'healthy stable relationship'?
Racist White men who want to control women. Pic related.
You almost had a point until you revealed your incel powerlevel.
>default state
And yet it's historically been enforced with the threat of violence on women. Pic related it's you.

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You really don't understand non verbal communication accounts for the majority of social cues?
No cheating doesn't get bad because it's unspoken. It's because it's a repeat behaviour. People never get over addictions of any kind, they simply manage, ignore or substitute, but the craving is always there bubbling beneath the surface. I recall a medical study, the subjects comprised of former alcoholics, smokers and drug users, when the former vices were discussed with the subjects, MRI scans showed a pretty massive increase in activity centred around dopamine receptors, this was unanimously the case. Addictions are for life.
Furthermore I never said one should not own up to one's own actions, yet again, words have been placed in my mouth. It's seems like you're very much in denial about something, you seem to hear what you want to hear, not what's actually been said.

(You) didn't get it didn't (You)? what that lawyer told me is that only rich people can mantain their livestyle after a divorce, for the average person sharing expenses with a partner matters a lot because they don't have a lot of money, think of how many receips you have to pay in order to live in a flat. Did you know that single mothers are collective that's very vulnerable to poverty?

You can't be real, you're an actual caricature of the 'femnazi'
Hitler this, racist white man that, you've lost what little sense of being of sound mind you barely had to start with
Still with the awful bait there, user

I also want to clear something else up, specifically when you said people are designed for sex, this is only partly true, in that it's only a part of why we are
We are creatures that pair bond, we breed and nurture our offspring for up to 18 years, sometimes more. A person is best raised by 2 people in a healthy stable relationship, that's why we are here, and that's the best way its done

Yeah that's right, attack the character of a person instead of their arguments. Good that you admitted you can't debate me in good faith.
Lmao what kind of blinking do you do to tell your partner not to touch anyone elses privates? And no cheating isn't like meth. Sometimes you have an affair and then if you're smart it ends quietly. Oh and pulling studies you heard on FB doesn't count.
And yet for tens of thousands of years man has had multiple wives. Mammals tend to subscribe to hypergamy and bigamy as a rule.

You used comparisons to Hitler when people are saying it's not okay to cheat in a relationship, am I supposed to think you are of good character?
Top kek
Multiple wives but faithful marriages if they aren't shitty people like you

of course it would be ! idiot ......
s m h
it's about treatment of people


>And yet for tens of thousands of years man has had multiple wives. Mammals tend to subscribe to hypergamy and bigamy as a rule.
But humans are pretty weird for mammals, our society is closer to ants than to another mammals

Your personality is literally that of a troll, if you're real, well done if actually trolling too
You use comparisons at the drop of a hat, very similar to prepubescent teenagers

>She submits herself to one man because society told her to be a good girl
Are you talking about me? I don't submit to any man. He treats me as his equal and is equally committed to me as I am to him. I simply have no desire to be with other men, or women for that matter, and I only want to be with one person whom I have strong emotional attachment to.
Also.... you can have a ton of sex with one person. That is what I prefer. If you want to have many partners then go for it, but make sure that when you enter a relationship you are very clear that you will not be sexually exclusive to them. And don't expect them to be sexually exclusive to you in return. No one is stopping you from being in an open relationship, but in general we expect monogamy and commitment even before marriage as default unless otherwise agreed upon.

Don't listen to that user. They are trying to make feminists look bad. I can agree that there is an unfair double standard where women with many partners are shamed while men with many partners are praised, but to act like commitment in a relationship is oppressive is absurd. I choose to commit to one man. If I did not want to, I would be single so I could sleep around.

Get that bible loving shit out of here, we don't need religion to tell us to be faithful to our partners

>Cheating isn't like meth
Once again dear, you have put words into my mouth. Although consider the following: neither sex, physical activity, nor pornography involve the direct ingestion of chemical stimuli, however, all of the above will cause significant activity in dopaminergic reward centres. Hence all of the above, are addictive, and the body doesn't distinguish between what causes said hormonal spike.

Listen, I've written all of my previous posts, in what I though was very plain English, and you've really quite horrendously managed to somehow misinterpret all of them. I can see from your ability to write that you're more than capable of understanding. This all smacks of projection to me, you're not here to argue with us, are you? No. You're here to justify your own shitty behaviour, by pitting your weak arguments against some faceless beings you perceived to be your intellectual inferiors.

Let me be as plain as possible here. I want you to read the following words: You. Are. Projecting.

It's switching, and I think for the better, more people are finding displeasure and distaste with people who have had lots of sexual partners, I feel bad for my own self in this regard, I hope to be able to fix myself and commit to someone

>it's OK to use women as chattel but don't compare me to hitler that hurts my feels
Humans have a queen that all men mate with?
Funny that you bring up prepubescent teenagers when you support a Twilight tier meme of monogamy.
You also get a dopamine response when you do a job well done or masturbate, are you against those as well?
As far a projection it sounds like you got caught trying to perpetuate a system in which women are abused. News flash it's 2019, you won't be able to keep us down any more. We have pussy power. All you have is threatening to shoot up brown people.

what a sour grog in our home ..

& t h i s

>you won't be able to keep us down any more. We have pussy power
>implying anyone in this thread actually believes that you are female

that idiot is the type that never feels connection, and is always examining things as a deal of resources

>Humans have a queen that all men mate with?
Humans have cattle, division of labour, armies and sacrify themselves for the group ants too

That reach into nowhere, out of nowhere
When has anyone said anything about treating women? I've only ever said that you should remain faithful in a relationship, lrn2rd feg
Pussy power, Hitler, racist white men, my God, you are an amalgamation of the trolls throughout Jow Forums aren't ya, I hope you're real because knowing that someone like you exists would be hilarious

i would immediately call off the wedding

>hurts my feels
I can't, I just can't, this is great
Actually thinking I'd be offended by a comparison to Hitler, it's out of nowhere and makes no sense, good job

>monogamy is a meme
Were you touched as a child? Did someone hurt you? Diddle you? What happened to you that you became so spiteful of people who love eachother?

i'm saying God would obviously care

and religion or not, that's not what matters
but: the treatment of people

by your response yuu clearly are missing a soft energi
which doesn't make yuu any better being without religion

Pair bonding is abuse. Well then, I guess there's a fair few mammals over the ages been guilty such heinous abuse.
To address your point regarding being satisfied with a job, or masturbation, yet again you put words into my mouth, did I say dopamine was bad? No. You said, that I said that. I highly suggest you actually read up on how dopamine works, it was in nature a very rare treat, nature's pat on the back for eating, procreation and survival, humans did not evolve in an environment where pleasure centre stimuli was so readily available. Ergo humans never evolved any mechanisms to combat problems associated with this overload, problems such as addiction, desensitisation of dopamine receptors, which causes long term depression on a chemical level, it's actually rather interesting on a chemical level, a horrid little self sustaining cycle, depression causes shutdown of pleasure centres, which in turn causes more depression, quite interesting.

I stick to my prior point however, it's very clear from your attitude of deliberate misinterpretation that you're not here for a genuine debate, or discussion, nor have you come here to try and change anyone's mind. You've come here for two reasons, to bait and get a reaction, and to justify your self destructive behavioural patterns to yourself. I applaud you on the prior, I have fully taken the bait and it would appear, in this one regard that you have succeeded, I wish you luck in the latter, I personally don't believe that you can lie to yourself, your subconscious mind is always acutely aware of the current situation, whether the conscious mind wishes it or not.

I'm afraid I must away however, it's clear you're not listening, and I'm afraid I've grown rather bored with you. You never even asked me to site any studies. Good day.

Human vitrues are lost and seen like useless and as a barrier to a vicious life full of sexual plesure and uncontrollable emotions. I really hope everyonne who seeks that kind of life die alone and without descendants (sorry for shitty inglish anonimos)

>religion or not, that's not what matters but: the treatment of people
This is pretty much what I said, are you slow
>soft energi
Grow up
Religion is pointless in modern society, even detrimental in some cases

My point still us that cheating on your partner is shit, shouldn't do it, fucking someone on during your bachelorette/bachelor party means you're not ready to settle down and you're an asshole

Obvious troll is obvious.
You are desperately trying to convince us that you're a triggered feminist - and it seems that many are actually buying it - but as an actual feminist, I can see right through your bullshit and guarantee you've not a single clue what you're talking about. You throw around vaguely liberal sounding buzzwords but don't even use them in the right contexts or make any actual valid points, almost like your only exposure to feminist theory comes from pol memes and caricatures. The pussy power comment was a dead giveaway. We don't talk like that irl... move along.

It's expected for her to suck over 100 cocks and be gangbanged. Any husband who objects to this is committing a hate crime and isn't ready to step up to the plate and be a husband.

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Seems more like ants are closer to humans in some ways than vice versa.
Monogamy only benefits men, and is a male invention. Sexual freedom frees women. I get it, you're scared of the power of female sexuality. But your time is over.
>who hurt you
Not your reddit-tier memes that's for sure. Every monogamous relationship has always ended one way or the other.

Also I'm divorced after my husband accused me of "cheating"

Women who have bachelorette parties that consist of more than getting manicures, going to a snooty restaurant, and wine tasting are degenerates. Don't marry a woman who behaves that way.

How does it only benefit men? Please actually tell me how and why you 'believe' this
How does it free women?
Quite the opposite, female sexuality is great, fucking other people when you're in a relationship with someone is the thing I don't like
Yeah, you either stay together or you don't, your point is?

There it is, and let me guess, you fucked someone or messed around with someone who wasn't your husband. hint (that's cheating)

Call me when you can argue without the run-on sentence. OK sweaty?
The fact is women have more value in today's society than men do. We are strong, you are weak. The strong shall do what they can, and the weak shall suffer what they must.
Kek I'm not even mad that you're impersonating me as I stole this trip.

>first point
yes it was an agreement
as even the original post was , but yuu didn't get that (and i had to explain with this post

and see ? yuu're missing a soft (good) energi ...

>second point
on the surface, it may seem that way. (as spirituality has far eclipsed in the modern world what religion would provide)
yet religion truly provides some grounding and assimilation for those who are broken in our society , so it would always have a place in the modern world

>third point
i also agree here. yet it seems it could also be intended as a gift in the spirit of the marriage

Kek, by your logic the previous centuries were okay with the power balance between men and women, because in your words "The strong shall do what they can, and the weak shall suffer what they must"

Also, why are you repeating words and phrases from previous posts like a parrot? Are you actually Russian ai bot learning about western civilisation, and to do so you used a persona which was likely to illicit replies, words, phrases, mannerisms needed in order to properly snoop around in the future

for >oh..

>stole this trip