I figured out why everyone is so depressed

Riddle me this, how is it possible that people in under-developed countries can get out of bed each morning and fight each day to build a better future for themselves and their children in a seemingly hopeless economic environment? How is it possible that people living in supposed economic powerhouses, the so called "first-world", struggle to find meaning in life and resort to short-lived, hedonistics measures to getting through each day (measures such as shopping and digital entertainment)? The answer is found in a brain chemical called "dopamine".

Dopamine is a chemical the brain produces that involves with many metabolic processes. But the dopamine is also responsible for giving people the motivation they need to do things in life. Dopamine essentially acts as a "purpose molecule", giving purpose to people's lives". It is because of this molecule that people have the drive to make musical pieces dispite being deaf, to make beautiful works of art and make technological innovation.

The reason people are so depressed and unmotivated in the developed world, is because their brains are acclimatized to producing dopamine is "spurts". They produce it in large, exaggerated amounts at a time. This is unhealthy because for each moment where there is a large influx of dopamine, there is a long grueling period without dopamine, without motivation or purpose.

In contrast, the brains of people in supposed "third-world" countries are developed in a way so that dopamine is released as a "stream". Consistent, and always present. This is healthier because it doesn't cause any major euphorias or depressions, and allows people to consistently work towards long term projects without "burning out"

Attached: dopamine.png (830x384, 14K)

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How did it come to be like this? It could come from many reasons, though I believe it came from the way we are brought up in this world. Mass media, advertising, and shopping has saturated our brains with happiness chemicals to the point where our brains have become accusstomed to it. Unfortunately, as we get older, we realise adult life doesn't provide that same release of dopamine as it did when we were younger, and so we suffer and life becomes grueling and sad. The children in these developing countries don't experience the same saturation as we did, life has always been shit, and thus they have become used to it and learned to thrive in it.

How do we fix it. Well as far as I am aware, the damages done to us might be irriversible as the only current treatments available are temporary symptomatic treatments such as antidepressants and therapy. Though I could be wrong as things such as shock therapy and psychedelics exist, but I don't know enough about them.

Not true.
t. third world useless suicidal fag

This is retarded bro science.

Plenty of those third-worlders find life to be incredibly grueling and sad. Nobody likes extreme poverty, but plenty of people will, since there aren't the huge safety nets that the west has, do what they have to do to survive.

Third worlders have high rates of depression and suicide as well, it's just underdocumented because it's the third world.

sorta unrelated, but is my gmod vid based or cringe


Depression exists in the thord world as well. Poverty is a cause for depression, you do know that, right?

the fight to survive raises dopamine man was made to live in a chaotic world the west is predictable and boring as fuck which is why people are horribly depressed

Source on that spurts and constant stream stuff?

Most people are not depressed. I qualify as a depressed person.

ffs user

This is known, but the cyclic continuation of ignorance or generational exposure dissipates. Nice job coming to this conclusion but generations before you already understood.

dosent mean shit. dopamine is a meme. the real issue is a lack of GENUINE connection with other humans. too much stress on social interactions to protect yourself/gain something/etc. and we make these fake ass connections. guaranteed, if you ask yourself, if you have any of these real people as friends/family, you wouldnt fucking mind telling them youre depressed instead of asking trannies on a basketweaving forum. third worlders dont have to worry about this shit. they just fucking live and see what the fuck happens. no stress = less depression

I mean, you're not wrong, but this isn't exactly groundbreaking. Personally my depression gets MUCH better when I avoid weed, jerking it, porn, sugary foods, etc. It's unfortunate but having 0 dopamine hits ever is the best way to be happy in the long run,,, if only i could get laid kek

so why don't dopamine reuptake inhibitors really help me?

Maybe your problem isn't dopamine but just being a retarded faggot.

easy on the bong user

thanks user, great post.

I am depressed because i am a wageslave. If i was able to be NEET and still afford food, electricity, and internet i would be happy. I did it for a year it was amazing

A fellow enlightened brother. These mind slaves are trapped in their symbolic world and unable to pierce the veil. "Depressed" people deserve their depression if they are too fucking stupid to see why they are repressed.

God I love nature. Lay down and die you weak "mammals."

You're welcome. One day you might realize it though. That life is hard for most people, they just power through and keep on keeping on while you're whining like a little bitch.

Do you really think terrorism and mass shootings are making people happier?

Have you personally experienced a terrorist attack or mass shooting?

Don't peddle that horrible "rendition" of what life is about. You are still brainwashed.

Life is hard for the STUPID, it's just that MOST people are stupid.

Your religious upbringing is why you are depressed.

If you were raised Religious so you believe in a man-made truth about the world.

Religion justifies morality, morality justifies authority, authority justifies control, control justifies ignorance, ignorance justifies slavery.

You are about as stupid and uneducated as you can get.