Anyone else here with ADHD? I only just got diagnosed at 26 and the meds are really starting to turn my life around

Anyone else here with ADHD? I only just got diagnosed at 26 and the meds are really starting to turn my life around.

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I am diagnosed schizoaffective but i think i have ADHD too.

I am on anti psychotics and most likely will be for life.

When i touched the issue with my pdoc and told her that i read some research about using stimulants to combat negative symptoms of schizophrenia (basically identical to ADHD symptoms) she told me that someone with my history (weed and meth use) will NEVER be prescribed stimulants.

So i rarely hear voices, almost without delusions, barely any paranoia but negative symptoms keep me holed up at home 24/7.

Such is life

That fucking sucks man, sorry to hear that. I got diagnosed with bipolar initially so it took a bit to touch the issue of stimulants with my psych but I'm pretty sure I was misdiagnosed. In hoping I can come off my mood stabilisers eventually. I know they are really hesitant to give it to people who have had prior drug issues because it's really easy to abuse.

Doesnt mood stabilizers and stimulants do the exact opposite?

How did your life improve so far, were you a hikki and now feel the need to be social, get a job or something? Do tell

Sure. It's a made up disease. Boomers decided that not wanting to sit in a chair for 8 hours doing a repetitive task was a mental illness.

Drugs are fucking fantastic though. Amphetamines are like a gift from the devil himself. Super effective and will ruin your life.

it's almost fucking impossible to get a prescription for amphetamines as an adult. good on you, senpai

Mood stabilisers just stop me from my moods going to extremes. It's definitely reduced my suicidal tendencies. They don't interact with the stims as far as I can tell.

I wasn't a full neet but I was just unable to really do anything that required motivation. I really struggled at work because it felt painful to sit there and do something boring for 8 hours. I was also failing uni big time because I couldn't study at all. I had gotten through school by gaming the system but you can't do that as much in college. I'd gotten to the point of avoiding everything to cope with feeling like such a failure, taking a lot of time off work, not going to uni.

Anyway since I got the stims I'm just able to go and do things without it feeling like I'm struggling the whole way through. I had no idea that you could just sit through a lecture and take in information without wanting to claw your eyes out because of boredom and being distracted by your own thoughts.

It's proven to exist. Kind of sucks when you struggle to do basic stuff that requires executive functioning (when you're impaired in that department) and people just call you a fuck up.

It runs in my family so that may have made it easier. It might be easier here in Australia as well but it's still pretty regulated. I can only get it from one pharmacy that gets approved and I have to be reviewed regularly.

Yeah. I'm a dysfunctional asshole with it. I basically do nothing with my life out of sheer terror of fucking it up.

Yeah I know that feeling big time. I had to learn to stop beating myself up about everything and understand I'm trying my best. The medication has made it much easier.

>PROVEN to exist

You are new and don't really understand what a meme psychiatry is. I have seen psychiatrists since I was 4 years old and still see them. The DSM-5 says that being in a bad mood more than 2 weeks after somebody dies is a mental illness.

You have to understand that even deciding that one state of being is an "illness" and one state of being is "normal" is a subjective value judgement. Psychiatry is fundamentally a "soft science", a real science that's practiced by real scientists, but one that is embedded with bullshit at its very core. You will notice a strong relationship between things that makes you bad at working a 9-5 job and things considered a mental illness. People with ADHD traits at some points in history where people were more physically active quite desirable... the same traits are considered bad because what became useful for society changed... so they declared an entire way of being an illness.

Don't take what the psychiatrists say too seriously. Always take them with a grain of salt. However they are pretty smart people and they do have some fantastic drugs so keep seeing them. Change yourself.

Using MRI they've been able to see developmental differences in people with ADHD. I'm honestly not going to argue with you because you over simplified a whole field with little to no understanding of the concepts within it. Just go back to pol or whatever anti intellectual shit hole you came from and stop spreading nonsense. You people are the reason it's still hard for people with legitimate illnesses to feel ok about themselves and what they need to go through.

>diagnosed with ADD
>get ritalin
>life was great for a year
>ritalin stopped working
>get vyvanse
>life has been great for a year
>can tell it's getting less and less effective
I want to fucking end it all. I don't even abuse it, I've followed my doctor's advice and dose, and even taking more breaks than recommended.

You also haven't really thought out what you're saying if you think what you say makes it easier to accept "legitimate illness".

Yeah people with ADHD have differences with executive functioning and you can make a causative association between this and differences in the brain. You can modify your brain to act in a way that promotes organization and focus by using stimulant drugs using pathways which are relatively well understood. I've been doing this shit for two decades with a lot of different drugs I looked into the science at some point.

The issue is you are focusing on the wrong problem. You can yes describe what ADHD is. You can point to it in a brain scan. You can explain how it works causatively. Yet saying that it's an ILLNESS is fundamentally a value judgement. Yes it's abornmal, yes it describes a certain set of traits, but who is to say that makes you ill? The same condition leads to things like hyperfocus which in some situations is quite desirable.

Understand that the proof you talk about proves that ADHD indeed means you are PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT from other people. Drugs or not your brain works differently than other people. Thinking this makes you mentally ill is a bitch attitude. Take the drugs but don't accept that you're mentally ill and the others are healthy because of the way you are.

P.S. You're not an intellectual because you believe in memes like the great scientific fact that ADHD is a disease. You fundamentally don't understand science at all and it's limitations. Science is really good at describing WHY one person acts differently than another person. On the other hand it's actually really hard to define what qualifies as a "mental illness" and what qualifies as "healthy" without using non-scientific value judgements at some point.

I'm of the opinion that ADHD is best treated by self discipline. They've done studies and found that medication consistently makes adhd symptoms worse when you're off it, ie dependence.

Yes first line treatments for ADHD are first and foremost exercise, second you want to do stuff like CBT and just learning how to organise. The drugs really aren't as effective as those solutions in the long term.

I'm not shittalking the drugs here... it's just they're not the first line treatment. The drugs are good.

This is what spooks me about being on stimulant meds to help control my shit. I hear too many horror stories of people that get perscribed adderal that get addicted and then turn to harder stims, or the meds stopped working and then get put on harder shit that zombies them completly. I remember that feeling is like from dexamphetamine and I would honestly rather slam an icepick under my big toenail than be subjected to that again under any circumstances.

I use MDMA a couple times a year at the 150-200mg range dose in order to decompress emotionally from all this pent up chaotic energy that I don't really have an outlet for but it's only a temp fix to stop me from reaching critical mass and doing something stupid and dangerous.

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Addiction to addy really isn't that likely if you aren't being stupid about it and parachuting pills or something.

Oh dexamphetamine is also like the most addictive amphetamine I've ever tried I stayed awake for 3 days and was craving it so I stopped because lmao I would be retarded to keep on it.

This thread is great though OP is hilarious he's so naive. He doesn't know how things are.

>This thread is great though OP is hilarious he's so naive. He doesn't know how things are.

I feel bad for OP though it's gunna be hard when the hammer falls. :c

Word of advice OP

Take breaks from the drugs when you can. Even if it's just a day a week.

Also just to add, i did go through a period where I was straight up abusing Dexamphetamine but when I noticed how bad it was getting I came off of them completly...WHICH APPARENTLY IS A VERY BAD IDEA.

I am pretty sure I unhinged some psychotic potential in my mind with a bad lsd trip also.
Sure is ruining my own life.

LSD worked great for me. Gotta respect it though. Diminishing returns set in hard.

By the way OP I'd recommend psychadelics used with an abundance of caution. Psychadelics aren't nearly as hard a drug as stimulants. I'd also recommend Meditation. Diet. Those sensory deprivation tanks. Exercise. CBT. Todo lists. Organizers. Desk toys to fidget with. All great shit. Try to also just organize your life to take advantage of your spontaneity and surround yourself with things to do.

Getting in good health is especially important, and especially getting enough to eat is important if you're going to use stimulants because those fuckers can really make your personal health a roller coaster. The stimulants are literally performance enhancing drugs so they help you get in shape easier too... but they make it harder to eat.

The reason I recommend breaks here is because of tolerance and because they're hard on your body. You really don't want to get a tolerance to these drugs too quickly and sometimes it's good to spend a day relaxing and eating.

Also brush your teeth you produce less saliva making dental problems more likely. Also drink plenty of fluids.

Stimulents are good drugs - but they are STRONG drugs. I've lost 30 pounds in 3 months this year when I took on a new job while starting regular use of stims. Yet I never quit the stimulents. I knew how powerful they were, respected them, and had bulked up to an actually mildly overweight. The combination of the drugs AND the focus on my health led me to succeed whereas if I didn't emphasise my health I would have failed.

If your health spirals downwards while you're on stims for the love of god back off of using them.

Thank you wholeheartedly for these replies, user.

I was diagnosed with ADHD as a kid, along with a bunch of other bullshit like ADD, ODD, OCD, my insurance would change alot so the doctors would change aswell and they would change the diagnoses to what they felt I had. I got a ton of different meds from Strattera to Catapres, Adderall, Abilify (I also developed ticks from the meds)

I am also American so I got shit education form the start but if you have a learning disorder you're fucked without proper teachers and therapy and I was fucked over being educated in a metropolitan public school.

I stopped taking medication after highschool
Am 21 now, these days I self diagnose as a high functioning autist and self prescribe alcohol and thc
I am probably gonna an hero by 30

Issue with Alcohol and THC man is that things just get worse. As you age you accumilate resources... but you start losing shit. You get uglier, your body is just way more fucked, all sorts of shit goes wrong.

However if you skip the accumulating resources part because you're drunk and high all the time then you'll just find yourself falling further and further behind your peers wondering why you never lived life as the same pace they did. THC and Alcohol are numbing drugs. They make the pain go away but they don't fix your problems and life keeps going on while you're using them. You want to try and take care of yourself. If you're gonna use one of the two though use THC dear fucking god at least you won't become an alcoholic.

One important thing to note dude is that 21 your brain and importantly your ability to focus is not fully developed. Give yourself 5 years and you'll find it easier to stay on task. Also user being an autist doesn't mean you don't have ADHD the two are comorbid.

I mean THC really isn't that bad especially in CONJUNCTION with ADHD drugs because THC can help with some of the sides like low appetite.

Alcohol is pretty worthless though outside of a social setting.

I live with my mother and I was cleaning my room out yesterday and she saw all the cans and bottles and she looked at me with such shame. Her passed father, her divorced husband and now her unemployed son all disgusting alcoholics. It was a great feeling user.

Most people are born with it, molded by it. Mine isn't that bad I have random outbursts and it effects my social skills. Stopped taking meds because they are useless unless you have mega retard ADHD.

Just listen to how mentally ill you are. You're taking joy in fucking up your own life to spite others. Have you considered that you might need a bit of help?

I've been where you are man. There's no future in taking joy in having others be disappointed with you. Eventually those people just grow old, stop being able to take care of you, and even die. Then you have to ask yourself what the hell you just did with your life.

Taking revenge on your mother by hurting yourself will have a very sad ending. You're going to be sad user so long as you want to hurt yourself. Doing what you're doing to yourself will only make you sadder.

I didnt take joy in her stare I was being sarcastic cause her shameful stare did hurt me deeply but you speak of help. What help is there? Besides someone you pay or the illusion of self improvement.

There's the reality of self improvement. You can actually force yourself to feel better. Good health in particular makes you feel better.

If you're that cynical about the counselling thing don't do it because it won't work. Yet try to find some way to talk to somebody. Even if it's online or something. It's really hard to get out of a rut completely isolated from others.

I'm really not that optimistic of a person. Honestly. There is help. That doesn't mean that everything will be okay after you seek it out. However you can make things less bad with some effort. Just do what you're able to do no matter how little it is.