It is without question, a most miserable fate to endure, being born a black person

It is without question, a most miserable fate to endure, being born a black person.
It is objectively horrible, i wonder every morning when i look in the mirror and see not a man, but some hybrid congolese silverback humanoid creature stare back at me, with soulless beady eyes, It's no wonder that every interaction i've had with another human is always negative. Why there's unease and tension whenever i'm around others, they all see me that way. I watch videos of others interacting with the world and i wonder how it is that they do it, how they just pretend like it isn't so. They're all so carefree about it, like they weren't what they were, like they've never faced impediment for simply being. I can't be the only one, but they make it seem like i am. I want to know how I can live knowing so many things in this world will go wrong simply based on the fact that i was born with brown skin and objectively abysmal facial features. All of my life's problems stem from just that, something i can't do anything about. Why everyone including you guys betrayed me, it's because i'm simply the wrong color. Yet i'm expected to never make mention of such an obvious problem, nothing people do to me is ever really justified, they come up with all these flimsy excuses as to why they do to me the things that they do, it's simply because i'm black and no other reason. It's so obvious, all of my problems are due to the way i look. Being born black is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.

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Are you black or a mixed mutt? You sound like the latter

Being a mutt is worse.

why even make the distinction when both get absolutely shit on? But you're right.

Nah, that's definitely debateable

At least you arent a child soldier in Liberia who gets raped by his surrogate father/commander

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How about stop being a fucking retard? How about that huh how about that? I'm black and pretty much every interaction I have is positive. I have no problem making friends and have no problem with women. When I go into interviews, I usually get the job I want because I'm such a good speaker and an attentive listener. I'm charismatic and attractive. You're ugly and are the antithesis of charm. You are the problem, not your blackness.

>Diversity hire thinks people like him

that shit only happens to black dudes though, proving my point that being born black is some kind of divine punishment.
there are exceptions to all rules, i envy him, but look at all the rest of the people in the video, look at their shifty worried eyes, riddled with insecurity, they know.

Self hate is the worst hate. You cant force people to like you, and you shouldn't waste energy trying to gian acceptance from everyone. Just a few close freinds or family is all you need

Yeah, I'm way more successful than you at everything I do because of diversity. Ok user lol

That isnt true. Its happened to a fair amount of asians and south americans too.

Just because you look hot dosent mean the op does. Millimeters of bone and face arrangements makeva huge difference

Yeah that's my point. His ugly ass face is his problem. I'm black, kinda handsome, somewhat tall, know how to dress, so no one treats me poorly. I bet op is a goofy looking manlet with wire rim glasses and a shitty hairline.

Being black is a huge factor in whether you can be considered attractive though. It definitely counts against you. You can be positive and upbeat and social all you want youd still have it alot better if you weren't black

that's spot on, brother. my facial features are still black facial features. You're offended, man? You shouldn't take that sort of thing personal, there are times where the unfairness i face is for my skin color and others for the facial features i was endowed with. It is because i am black ultimately, my blackness is the root of my problems. I wish i knew how to navigate life with that knowledge, but i've been crippled by the fact. Good for you that you got good genes, there are black people out there with good genetics and nice features, but i got all of the bad ones, every last one of them and it weighs heavily on my ability to cope.

>fucking around with peanuts
>beating your kids
>having big muscles without training hard

there's all sorts of shit black people are both stereotypically and realistically extremely competent at and sought after. your problem is that you're a loser. you're hanging out on Jow Forums, and you apply a white standard of beauty on yourself, as a male, that you shouldn't be doing in the first place. jay-z and lil wayne are ugly as shit and women spooge themselves for those faggots. because they have MONEY. if you're male, it doesn't matter if you're ugly, if you have MONEY. god, jesus, mary and joseph what kind of black man doesn't understand this basic fucking information being transmitted over urban cesspits all over america?

>Being black is a huge factor in whether you can be considered attractive though
Being black is a huge factor in whether you can be considered masculine. I've been told I was attractive my whole life. An attractive person is attractive. It's not like a person who is white is automatically more good looking than me just because their skin is pink and splotchy. Anyway, does it matter? It's not like I can change my race, nor do I want to. It doesn't matter if I'd have it better as another race because I'll never be another race.

there are black people with strongly defined chins and thin lips. if the way your jaw is set is shit, you're betabux. that doesn't change with race.

If tou think being black is bad, try being guatemalan. I am 5'3" dark and ugly. People treat me like I am stupid too, I had a guy try to explain the concept of credit to me on the bus because I told him I couldnt afford a car. People just assume I just crawled out of the jungle or something. Like a monkey wearing human clothes or an alien.

I have really black features. Wide nose, big lips. I also have a squarish jawline and other features that I guess make my face look better than yours
>You're offended, man?
More annoyed than offended. I hate seeing you cornballs on this board, making these white people feel like they're better than us because your weird ass doesn't feel comfortable in your own skin and doesn't care to make yourself more attractive and personable.
>nice features
The worst part is that you keep perpetuating this belief that African features are ugly. You probably think I'm some yellow nigga with long wavy hair and a thin nose lol I'm not. Your African features aren't what make you ugly. It's the fact that your skull is ugly and your face is asymmetrical.

>thin lips
Is that a positive trait in your opinion? I've been told I have juicy lips. I'd hate to have thin lips, they look gross. But I do have a strong jawline.

>doesn't care to make yourself more attractive
Just make yourself more attractive bro.

>beating your kids
>sought after

And then your op pic is a monkey and you post this shit
>hybrid congolese silverback humanoid creature stare
Just fucking kill yourself. Do it right now if you think so low of yourself and your people. Stop making us look bad you fucking tap dancing booty scratching coon. Like Khalid Muhammad said, "When white folks can't defeat you they'll always find some some boot-licking, butt-licking, buck-dancing, bamboozled, half-baked, half-fried, sissified, punkified, pasteurized, homogenized nigger that they can trot out in front of you"

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Get a good haircut, grow some facial hair, dress better, walk with some confidence, learn to be charismatic, get some Invisalign if you need it. You can make yourself more attractive. You can't change your bone structure but you can do things that make up for it.

That's just how i feel, i wish it weren't the case, but that is the way i think given what i've experiences seen and read. That's how people work. Wish i knew how to not see the world in that way. Also that was a chimpanzee not a monkey.

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A lot of blackbots don't understand that white beauty standards don't apply to us. We were obsessed with phat asses before it was cool. Pic related was never what was attractive in black culture. These cornballs didn't grow up in black culture though so they're constantly trying to assimilate into a culture that is not for them.

Forgot about the pic. White people thought she was the hottest thing walking when she's basic as hell to black people.

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Yeah, so if that's how you feel, just end it. All you're doing is torturing yourself, making black people look bad and giving white people confirmation for their racist beliefs. The world would literally be better off if you were dead. I have no sympathy for your clown ass. Black people have been through way too much for niggers like you to still be talking this shit.

If that's true, then why the heck are you even on this site?

Did you expect to get sympathy for your coonishness, OP? Did you want these white boys to pat you on the back, wipe your li'l nigger tears and say "what a pitiful little pickaninny. Maybe I won't be so mean to the next nigger I see"

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Because there was a time I went through a really bad depression and didn't leave the house. This board was the only social interaction I had. But there wasn't so much racism and pathetic niggers here.

i have them too. i think they reflect a phlegmatic and libertine disposition, and people see that and pick up on your insecurities. they see me and go, this guy's on drugs and alcohol, this guy beats his dick every night, this guy enjoys collecting shit, and it's all true. positive or negative doesn't really factor into it. it's not a good look if you're plugged into social media getting the life sucked out of you, but again, i ask you to refer to jay-z's bluntscorched DSL.

Jay Z is ugly. Big lips just show that you're human. Monkeys have thin lips.

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try being a mexican ginger. niggers DO get respect and are loved by the media.

You shut the fuck too faggot, one of my high school friends is a Mexican ginger and hoes loved him. He's a US marine now. Again, stop blaming your race on your ugliness and lack of charisma.

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>OP is a niigroid

canelo is probably like 10% native. I see it in his eyes and ears

Dude, it's fine, don't worry about it. Women are just whores and tricks, what they think shouldn't matter at all to you.
You know what confirms my belief that most humans are shallow, evil creatures? This post. I see black men talk of supposed brotherhood and you're here shitting on this poor dude for being alive.
There's nothing wrong with race, but I see why so many people want to get rid of it. Some people can't see past looks and race to the soul within.

Why do Niggers have absolutely exactly same Music videos in every song.

>Main niggers singing and swinging gun
>Other monkies behind him jumping around and nodding with head in front of house in the hood
>Police is always comes to them

user, I have zero sympathy for someone who looks at himself in the mirror and sees a "hybrid Congolese silverback humanoid creature". He's insulting me and all other black people when he says shit like this. Black people have no sympathy for the weak.

Skip to 1:40. You know how many black people understood exactly what this guy was saying?

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I really don't think that his point is insult. He's probably been told shit by racists, or people pushing beauty standards, or maybe he actually is considered ugly by people's standards and the racist shit has got to him. Whatever it is, it's clearly personal, not a race thing.
And I can guarantee most white people don't think of racist shit when a person of another race is down like that. Maybe here, sure, but I'm real life it's not. At least, when they see the other person is attractive, or female. If a guy has even one thing wrong with him, they lose all empathy. I'm not black, but I understand OP's pain, because I was also like that once.
When we die, we're not judged by what race we were, or what other people think of us, but on how we treated our fellow man. I think a lot of people are in for a surprise when that day comes.

t. blackbot that never got his dick choked on by three white girls at once
yeah man, i mean. i get why you feel upset about it. i would be pretty pissed off too

But he is insulting, that's the issue. If he just made a thread about his ugliness, that wouldn't be an issue. But he literally blamed all of his problems on his blackness and called himself a hybrid congolese silverback humanoid. Him saying that about himself is an insult to all black people. He's saying that the skin he was blessed to be born in is the reason he's a failure. I've been depressed too. I've been suicidal. But I was never deluded enough to blame it on my blackness.

If he really hates being black THAT much, he can kill himself. It's not something he'll ever change.

This still works against OP. Being born black would be a good thing if you are correct because of AA and free clout/validation that comes with being oppressed.

Imagine thinking this meme shit is good advice.

Everyone does it to some degree. Manlets shit on their height, by extension shitting on every manlet for something they can't change. People take every aspect of their being and lay it out on the table to thrash themselves with, no matter what it is, because when you get that low, and everyone is beating you down for being you, you start thinking maybe they're right, maybe if you join in they'll see you're no different and like you. But that doesn't happen, they just keep going deeper. You find yourself digging it deeper and you don't know why anymore, you can't stop. In the end they just hate themselves. It ends in total collapse, and usually death.

with my maxilla being the way that it is, i might as well be a fucking gorilla. I don't care if it's offensive, it's how i see it. I don't like the way i look and i wish i could be comfortable looking the way that i do. All hope is lost the instant i step in front of a mirror. I would kill myself were it not for my parent.

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Hella underrated

Have you tried avoiding mirrors? Just ignore your physical appearance entirely. It's not important and it doesn't matter if you're focused on doing shit. You might be miserable and alone for the rest of your life, and there's nothing anyone can do about that, and you're going to be tormented with the rest of us shitheads forever, constantly engrossed in the paradox of desiring love and being too beautiful to love black women, because I sure as shit know they don't care about forehead slopes, fag lips, weak chins, bubble butts, milky nipples or any of the other hallmarks of the postmodern numale urbanite. You're going to be stuck in this shithole forever like a trashy Narcissus, chasing after an ideal that will never be realized. You look into the mirror and that's all you see, that's all you care about, that's all you are. Get a hobby besides smoking weed and blowing yourself, for that matter.

Imagine thinking it isn't lmao. Keep NOT trying and expecting different results fag.

Dear nigger,

Real sorry about that bud, would love to help you but because of all you pavement apes fucking up everything you touch we just don't have the tax money to fund nigger uplifting research. Ask the Chinese in twenty years, they might be nice enough to give it to you if you agree to be slaves again, but for them instead.

You're welcome for literally all of civilization,