When did you leave your parents house?

At what age did you leave?

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Haven't left yet, since i'm a student.

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Leave? I am nearing 27 and still here my dude

um 19 i guess but i just live with my grandma now to take care of her
but i have only lived here for a few months

28 and I still live with my mommy.

18, 19 next week. Why do you ask user?

22 and still at home. Fuck even looking in a seller's market.

19, but I'm about to fuck up my life and have to move back in at 25.

18. joined the army after i dropped out of HS and community college

Last time I lived at home full-time was when I was 18 before I went to uni.

Last time I lived at home at all was when I was 22 before I went back to do a Master's degree, have been living independently since and that was 2 years ago.

are you like me? no matter how much loot you get you staying in the projects?

I guess I just want to have comfort in the fact that I am 21 and still live with my parents

I turn 28 in two weeks and still haven't left

I'm saving up so much fucking money though, it's hard to justify moving out

I might as well save up and just pay off a house in full when I can

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I still live at my parent's house they just live at the house I grew up in and not here.

is it normal for people to leave their parents house before the age of 25 in america? at least here in Chile the average age at which people move out is 27

Yes in Anglo countries it's normal for people to move out of home as soon as they are able to, typically early 20s

21. I moved in with my sister. Now I'm saving up to buy a duplex.

Probably 28, but I moved onto a piece of property right next to theirs and go there every day. I help them out with stuff, just as they helped me out with stuff. It's now ten years later, still here.

what? why? how can they work to afford a place to stay and study at the same time
i already have trouble paying for college with my shitty part time job, i can't imagine also having to pay for a place

also sorry if my english is a little wonky, im still working on it, no bully pls

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18 the first time, but I moved back in a few times from 20 to 31. 34 now.

16, I was emancipated.

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I'm the same as you user, just enjoy the fact that you can live comfortably at home as a student.

23 and i moved back in when i was 26

28 and still havent fucking left, its horrible

20. I bought a tiny trailer with my wage slaveings to be alone in.

I regret not finishing college first.

Now I'm 34 and going back to Uni.

19 - kicked me out for leaving the mormon church, paid for my college room and board.

23 - Moved home. parents cut me off at 22 after getting bad grades worked 2 jobs for a year got fired from both.

23-30 lived at home. accomplished nothing.

30-32 moved out. got fired from my internet job. worked a real job first time in 7 years. so suicidal it was literally to the point where i quit or killed myself. quit. lived on CCs and sold all my bitcoin to live

32-34 at home again.

it really is a hinderance to existence. no one wants to date someone living with their parents at 34. im so mentally ill. i cant support myself. i have a part time job but its likely i will get fired. my therapist is trying to convince me its okay to live with my parents forever.

it does not feel okay.

i constantly flash back to being in family therapy at 23 and my dad saying "i just have visions of them living in my basement at thirty and i don't want that to happen."

its already happened.

it does not feel okay.

Of course is not okay to live with you parents in your 30's. I imagine that at 25 is the cutoff. I am not trying to make you feel bad but you gotta move out man, you are not gonna get anywhere in life in your current situation. You are dead in the water

I left at 21, had to come back a year later but then moved out again at 24.

Because it's the cultural norm here. It's a strong taboo to still be living with your parents as an adult.

>how can they work to afford a place to stay and study at the same time
In the UK students get loans from the government to cover their accommodation

Got kicked out when I was 18 right after hs.

I'm a 26 year old neet and live with my mum

oh i see, thank you user for teaching me about the wonders of the first world

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Tbh nowadays I think it's socially acceptable to live with your parents right through your 20s. 30 is the new cutoff.

How do you live wtih your parents in your 20s? No wonder why you can't get laid. Are you going to take the girl to your mothers house to fuck? Pathetic

user, I hear ya.
Frankly, you should just look at a few YouTube channels that you like and are popular (this is key); copy their style, video editing, maybe change their topic to something you can handle or combine into two topics you like and presto--you have a channel that will give you a living in about 7 to 14 months.
It's like printing money.
You can write books for your fans to support you by buying them too. Unlimited ways to go with it.

i have 5 mental illnesses and have only in the past 2 years found a semblance of stability. i am incapable of supporting myself at this time. i literally cannot do it. i have tried.

my options for right now are live with my parents or kill myself and as shitty as my life is i have come to be okay with it. i am working with vocational rehab. i am in therapy. i have a part time job. disability is an option if i eventually prove unable to work. i am trying. that is all i can do.

i will get there or i will kill myself.

only time will tell.

avpd. it would be too anxiety provoking. even going to work is anxiety provoking.

i will figure it out. i am in a place where i have a lot of good social support. i am in state work rehabilitation. the shitty thing is i like my life or i would if money and stigma didnt exist.

After I graduated and found a job. Moved back in with my college roommates.

I'm considering moving back to my parents (now 28). I would save money and be able to help my parents around the house. They are beginning to get a bit old to do stuff like yardwork and the like. I return home on the weekends to help out anyway. Considering I have no relationship prospects, I think it may be worth it. I cannot afford to buy my own place. Rent feels like I'm throwing money away, considering our landlord refuses to take care of any shit in a timely fashion.

My parents died when I was young. Then my older brother died when I was about 20. So I never left their house because now it is my house.

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couple of weeks after i turned 18. lived in a commune with 3 other nerds and worked part time in retail. then i moved into my own flat when i was 20.

22 and still here. I just dont have the motivation to do anything more then play my game. I just dont want to do anything other then play my game. Anyone else suffer from a massive lack of motivation? I dont care about anything other then my game and my pc. I have done nothing all day but play my game from the time I get up to the time I go to bed for 5 years straight. I just want nothing else I dont care nor want sex friends a gf or anything like that.

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Nightmare of a post right here.

Was thrown out at 20, spent 3 years homeless before scoring myself a flat. AMA

How was being homeless? Were you on the streets? What was your routine like?

When i was 18, moved in with my sis. Worked a bit then my car broke down, middle of nowhere. Trapped for two years watching her child due to a deal she and i made where she would fix my truck and buy my cigarettes, she only bought the cigarettes. House burnt and ended up in government housing, lost my dog due to this. Said she'd kick me out if i got a job cause the rent would go up. Bullshit cause it adjusts for rent, went out of her way to make sure i didnt get a particular job that didn't involve taxes, so the rent would be untouched. Kicked me out after she found her new chad boyfriend who im sure is a manipulater, psycho/socio whichever one feels anger the most. Took one ciggerate from her, locked me out. I stayed outside for a day and a night, snuck into my own window, got threatened with violence. Was gonna just let the guy beat me up but he asked nicely for me to leave, so i guess he didn't really wanna beat me and i didn't want to be beaten so whatever. Stayed outside a whole night not allowed to sleep in my own bed. She put ciggerates and poptarts outside like i was some kinda stray dog, made me even more mad this was because of one ciggerate even more. Ended up back in my parents trailer, dad eventually got me a travelling job but isolation made eye contact awkward and my muscles weak, perfect job otherwise. Got fired either due to my poor socialization skills or because i drank one to many mountain dews that i was given permission for. I've been trapped here a month. No friends because I couldn't socialize out in the middle of nowhere with no car, no money cause i get threatened to be kicked out when i refuse my parents money. Fucking hate family, fucking hate America. Most importantly i hate myself.

Bought a house at 21 with a 100k mortgage. That was 4 years ago and now the place is worth at least 40k more.

The day i graduated i came home and the house was empty no cars on the driveway. My mom and dad moved back to chicago the day i graduated. Now i make 80k a year and have 3 kids.

Where? I don't believe youu.

i was 18 btw.

20, I'll be moving into a three room apartment in 2 weeks

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17 and did go back with 26 after a breakup because iam not paying rent alone. Still here with 31.

Damn. If that's true I am sorry user.

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I was 18 and glad I will never move back.

Cool. So you have a house with no people in it.

I have 3 kids

>I'm your dad now
>When are you moving out?
>Can I help hire a van?
>I never planned on supporting you this long
>How am I going to afford my retirement with you leeching off me

A couple days before I turned 16. I'm 30 now. Best choice I ever made. It's easier to overcome being a robot without having to deal with their insanity.
I'd rather be homeless than live with them ever again.

>i have 5 mental illnesses
And what are they?


I couldn't imagine still living with them as an adult

is it your birthday? happy birthday if it is
35. and i still need help with stuff. not made for solo living but...

I live with my parents but I'm paying rent

First when I was 19, then around 20. Then around 21. Finally around 23. No turning back after 4 years.

19 into college dorm. Moved into my own place one year later. Now live alone.