Why is it so hard to have sex?

Why is it so hard to have sex?

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You know the answer : Natural selection.

>implying natural selection does go both ways
enjoy the cats/single mom life

The current state of the selection process is decidedly unnatural.

having sex is easy, do you need a diagram?

Society had standards once, and it was a taboo to be unmarried past the age of 30. Now everything is a free for all and men are completely at the mercy of womens' discretion. Ironically, since society has become nihilist and personal freedoms have been on the rise, more people have been killing themselves per capita. Turns out having societal standards may not be that bad for people

Why ?
Incels don't breed, that's natural

>implying technology is unnatural
if a monkey's shit is natural, technology is natural too, humanity and everything we create is just another byproduct of nature

Because alpha males and richfags have a monopoly on sex.

There is nothing natural about whats happening right now. Women do have a bias toward the most attractive guys as per natural selection but Tinder has flooded the market with men and now the "most attractive guys" are 9/10 outliers where as 20 years ago it would be the 6/10 dude across the street. Not to mention women can enhance their appearance with makeup and while this only makes a few ugos attractive when their young, it is a complete neccessity for older women who have passed their prime and want to appear young. Things like:

>Dating apps increase pool size of men
>Welfare state changing the type of men women go for
>makeup prolonging the apperant youth of women

Are fucking up the dating market and putting natural selection in overdrive. The only way to fix it

>Legalize prostitution
>Making dating apps illegal

>attractive face
>in shape
>Cant fucking get laid because im socially retarded


Nothing about incels is natural, starting with their very existence. They didn't even exist a few decades ago.

Let me guess, this brainlet will keep responding to this brainlet instead of this

Before social media, I'd bet it was literally impossible for a male in his early twenties NOT to have sex because people actually had to go outside and interact with one another. Even geeks had real life social clubs. Not alot of people have to go outside and get things anymore. Which bad for social autists

Find me a woman to breed with

>that natural selection retard again
Yeah, I guess poor niggers beating up women while having a few children with many of them is natural selection at its finest. Can't disagree with that.

aren't you that redditfag from the other thread? when will you give up?

Millions of people are having sex right now

The fuck are you talking about? I'm agreeing with . Incels shouldn't exist, but they already do, so we need to help them and mitigate the core issue of enabling toxic femininity.

>The current state of the selection process is decidedly unnatural.
the means of selection is certainly new (the cavemen didn't have social media) but the selectors itself: physical fitness, health and the means to provide for children, have not changed in the slightest.

The real difference is that, instead of being the most inferior male in a village of a few hundred, you're now the most inferior male on a social media network of hundreds of thousands to millions.

It is not ,but if you see sex as a goal then you will never do it.
If you are socially introverted, don't see it as a bad thing, you are like that and you don't need to change.
The advice I can give to have sex is get fit, cut your hair, bathe and WALK OUTSIDE. (Because if nobody knows you then, there won't be anyone who cares about you)

Darwinists are retarded. It's ironic.

>8b people on the planet

the phenomenon of incels didnt exist 30 years ago you retard

Spotted the French piece of shit.

>hairy arms. 0.3/10, cannot even look at.

Suicide is the 2nd cause of death for 18-25 years old in the USA, despite current year being a great time to be alive. It is depressing.

Because after a while, you genuinely don't care anymore. You want it but not badly. Not badly enough to care.

ding dong goes in the vagoo. does that help op? you giant faggot.

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1. prostitutes
2. lower your standards

incels should exist, just not to the degree that they do.

A lot of people are impulsive and don't care about long-term relationships. Those who do are considered "unattractive" to everyone else.

whats hard about it? just roofie some girl

For some of the same reasons it's hard for some people to make a lot of money.

>Why is it so hard to have sex?

Having sex isn't hard it's getting a woman to want to have sex with you that's the hard part. Once you manage to do that it's actually incredible easy to take it from there.

No joke idk where between a girls legs you stick your penis. My friend said he accidentally fucked a girls urethra on accident and I don't want that to happen to me.

the price of pussy is actually as low as it's ever been. it's pretty much free as long as you have good social skills, are in shape, and aren't ugly. i know a dude who's like a 4 and he hangs out with chads and gets regular pussy. the chads usually get the 8s and he picks up the 8s friends, the 5-6s. he gets funny and more aggressive when he's drunk and a lot of the time he's drunk so it works out for him.

if you keep obsessing over it you're never going to get it

>I've never been outside or talked to a woman

why do these kind of posts always go ignored? why cant incels just take good advice?

>Ironically, since society has become nihilist and personal freedoms have been on the rise, more people have been killing themselves per capita.

So has the prevalence of vaccines and car crashes since the 19th century. That doesn't mean the vaccines cause car crashes.

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>Why is it so hard to have sex?

If you're below average in looks, or even just average, getting a gf or getting laid is simply a matter of luck, of being in the right place at the right time and meeting a woman who wants to settle for you and is willing to make some advances to that effect. Every single average guy you see with a gf met her in that exact way. It's largely just down to luck.

Is the p

For me, it's because the priests in my temple herd the women toward my enemies and then tell me that I am supposed to be out in the street panhandling for pussy, but that is actually not my correct place in the world. My place is inside the temple's inner sanctum where highest quality top-shelf pussy gets herded. For this reason, I will reject the priests as my priests, and I will appoint their enemies as my new priests.

It really isn't. Finding someone to have sex with is easy. It's finding someone you want to spend the rest of your life with that's hard.

Just put yourself out there. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

It's easy af
You just put your peener in her holes

>the phenomenon of incels didnt exist 30 years ago you retard
are you saying that no one was involuntary celibate 30 years ago?
I suppose the amount of incels has grown, but failure to get laid is, and always has been, a very normal thing for a lot of males.

Why? Women want sex, men want sex. Just do it.

>>I've never been outside or talked to a woman

What does that have to do with anything? I've been outside plenty of times. Women aren't opening their legs for any guy that talks to them.

I don't know why it is for myself, honestly.
I don't know how to breach the topic with women. I don't know how to flirt. I can't remember.
The most I get is that I say a bunch of dumbass shit and maybe some girl will think I'm funny or something but like I don't know how to take it past there.
Can't find a girlfriend either because a voice in my head that doesn't even feel like mine keeps telling me how much of a shit I am and how nobody would be able to love me forever, even if they did they'd realize how trash I am and leave. I don't know how to make it stop.
I'm lonely bros. I feel like I've broken somewhere in my social faculties and I'm afraid of ending up old and alone. My birthday is this week.

the blackpill is accepting that the human race has too much genetic refuse and that roasties currently selecting only for superior genetics is the best option for everyone in the long run. if you don't make the cut then you simply die without leaving a mark on the world just like tens of millions of other genetic dead ends.

>>Legalize prostitution
>>Making dating apps illegal
that wont even help a bit

Who the fuck says male like that other than you? Men aren't lab rats, get your head checked.

Too much anxiety leads to isolation.

MORE PEOPLE DIE THAT'S THE POINT! Fucking stupid cunt.

I can't wait until I'm dead.
I fucking hate that I ever came into existence only to be a leftover male whose genetics aren't worth shit.

This. Why is it so difficult for people to understand?

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because you can't fuck while you are flaccid

because you just have to know how to treat women, in that they like to be treated like shit but only some times and other times you have to be nice to them but not too nice otherwise you get friendzoned

i fucking hate this stupid song and dance balancing act you have to always be on and if you fuck up even a little bit by going too far one way than they leave you instantly

because going outside isnt going to get you a gf let alone a wife, idiot