What is your hypothesis for why men are so immoral at their core?

What is your hypothesis for why men are so immoral at their core?

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morality is a spook. original spook

satan is the source of all evil
with our fallen nature we couldn't resist our sinfull desires hence we will become immoral sooner or later

Because women choose older men and keep the creepy pedophile genes in the gene pool.

Man is not distinct from nature. Nature has no morals. So any morals a man has is merely a fabrication on a layer above his based instincts.

Why do you think men are immoral at their core?

AoC is 15-16 in some countries just saying.

neoteny is feminine

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humans more drawn to good than evil
you need someone to twist out the world from its corners to make humans drawn into evil

>brain is hardwired to procreate with the most fertile females if possible
>age of first period is dropping dramatically and girls are developing rapidly
>13-17 years old show the most signs of fertility visually and are extremely fertile
>lol no it is pedophile genes

God created us to want to disobey him, just to see if we'd give in, or if we'd fight our urge to do bad. That's probably why he forgives us so easily if we ask, our whole purpose was to be tempted to do evil and to resist it our whole lives, it only makes sense that some of us would give in at some point. In the bible, there's a story about this guy named Job, the devil said to God "this guy doesn't love you, if I make his life hell he'll hate you by tomorrow" so God let's him make the guys life miserable. The devil literally takes away everything he owns, from his land to his sons, and the guys still loves God in the end, saying I know there's a reason you've done all this. And once God proves the devil wrong he gives Job back twice as much sons and land as he had before. I think that's the perfect metaphor for the situation.

it is wrong since girls are not fully developed at those ages.

most appropriate breeding age is in the 20s.

source : im a Jow Forums researcher

thats how yew know that god is bored off his ass!

Being a man is self-control lad, otherwise you're just an animal.

Lmao it's funny man, when you think about the garden, and how God knew from the beginning that we would eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, it's like he wanted us to do bad at some point, because he wanted us to understand good and evil, so that we'd have a choice to follow him or not. You ever heard the saying, if you love something, let it go, and if it doesn't come back, it was never yours in the first place? I think that applies here.

>it is wrong since girls are not fully developed at those ages.
Yet they breed since always until last 100 years. Brainlet spotted.

The most mature and fertile age for females to bear children is in their 20s. The reason why periods start so soon, and why this misconception that young teenage girls are the most fertile exists, is because humans used to have children early before due to shorter lifespan. These ages might have been the prime childbearing age a hundred years ago, but not today.

it's debatable but optimal breeding age is also getting pushed back in the West mainly because there is such an enormous excess of highly nutritious food available
13-15 is still suboptimal but 16+ is already becoming appropriate

now this is a personal anecdote so it has no weight in the face of statistics, but I've met many 14-year old girls that were >5'8 tall (some >6', even) and curvy as heck


Most men are pedos in denial.

Because men are smarter. They rationalise better. Evolutionary-wise, men who take risk and break rules are more successful thus spreading superior DNA more.

>She thinks an attraction is immoral, even without acting on it
What is your hypothesis for why old hags are so judgmental at their core?

Even if that were true, how is that being immoral? Thoughts cannot be immoral, only actions can. It's not immoral to be attracted to 13 year olds, it's immoral to rape them. And child rapists are very rare. In fact that would make most men very virtuous as they go through their whole life valiantly resisting the urge to make their thoughts into actions because they know it would be immoral.

>women are most fertile in their 20s
Yes, so women in their 20s are ideal for pumping and dumping.

But most women really want a man to commit to him. And evolution incentivizes a man to exchange his commitment for the greatest amount of fertile years. Even if 15-year-old girls are not at peak fertility, The integral of fertility over time is greater when you start at a lower bound.

>hits the wall hard while thinking she can just fuck chads her entire life and now tries to guilt trip men for wanting healthy women
You keep fighting til the end. Admirable.

morality is a spook desu

did you read that from a children's book you retard. Humans are more driven to selfish instincts purely on a survival basis and morality or this good that you are talking about would consider that as immoral.

Humans have existed for 200,000 years and its not insane to assume that having sex with children wasnt immoral to them, and its common knowledge that knowledge can be passed down IE cats knowing how to hunt without ever hunting. Its immoral now because we are taught that children cant consent and they dont have proper judgement, but you cant change how a brain works fundamentally with conditioning. I think past 12 years old most kids know what theyre doing but its our responsibility as adults to not feed their fantasies because they cant fully gauge the repercussions.