
>my body is pic related

Why do I look like this. Shouldn't i be way skinnier looking? I don't understand, I run every day.

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Check your weighing scale.

What's wrong with your body fattie?

You don't run everyday, or you run to the mailbox and back. Fucking troll.

Dude. You're not 150.

I'm 5'7 and 180 and still much slimmer than you.

>why aren't I skinny
Kek, you're not underweight enough. This isn't a curse though, you can actually turn that fat into muscle while I can barely gain weight

You might have hookworm.

If thats your real weight, you have zero muscle and high bodyfat composition. Start lifting weights already

uhhh, nope

The fuck? I'm only 13 pounds lighter than you and an inch taller and I'm starting to get bony. There's something very very very wrong with your scale lad.

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So glad I've got strongfat and not skinnyfat body lmaooo imagine

I'm 5'8 170 lbs and I consider myself very overweight, practically obese honestly. big stomach, love handles, big thighs. you probably have some muscle in there, I'm not physically active at all. I eat ok, 1-2 meals a day, but genetically have horrible metabolism just like my mom. very hard for me to lose weight even when I fast and eat healthy.

>run everyday
t. no muscle definition and does light cardio

It all adds up

Check you're scales dude, I'm 5'7 68kg and I don't look like that

Do your meals consist of 1200+ kcal each? Have you ever stuck to a strict diet consistently for at least 6 months?

Metabolism has little to do with it, you aren't active enough or lifting to gain muscle

Look, I don't know who you're trying to fool, us or yourself, but a brisk walk isn't enough fucking exercise. You can eat basically anything when you're exercising enough. And you're obviously not. It's literally the only way anything will ever change. Stop making threads making excuses for yourself and do some fucking squats instead.

>150 lbs
bitch please im 230 and i look like this stop lying

tbf im 181 cm high

My meals consist of sandwiches or bowls of rice exclusively. The sandwich consists of one slice of swiss cheese (70cal), four slices of chicken breast cold cuts (45cal), and two slices of whole wheat bread (200cal) with sriracha hot sauce. I dont eat breakfast and instead drink coffee with two teaspoons of dark brown sugar per mug. If I dont eat a sandwich I'll eat one big bowl of rice with some chicken and it keeps me full for the whole day. I dont snack. I've dieted before but gained some weight back eventually.

Why would i be lying?

To get internet (You)s.

>all of those carbs

Jesus christ no wonder you look like a balloon. Track your macros, dingus.

what this guy said. much sure you're eating a gram of protein per pound of weight. Eat veggies to tide your hunger over. Lift weights my man

I'm 200 pounds and look skinner, not buying it. Try lifting?

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That makes a lot of sense actually. Gonna need to make changes. And cut the sugar too.

hey I have a celica too

Good for you bud, good luck to you

Eat more fish since it's high in protein and low in calories. Cut back on carbs drastically, make it around 30%-40% of your overall macro distribution. 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight. Get the rest from fat.

I don't know how the fuck you have any muscle to begin with seeing as how 99% of your calories come from carbs, but start working out with a 500 calorie deficit and you should start seeing improvements.

Stop running.

Do calisthenics and buy some weights. Light jogg, and sprint in fractions if you really want to run. You'll build a better body.
OFC diet is key, like 70%. (cut ou the bread, that shit really fattens you up)

If you can, self impose a morning and evening routine ; mine is
Morning : mandatory 160 push ups in 4 sets of 40 + string of abs exercices ; dumbells for arms if I have the will.

Evening : Plank 4 mins.

>160 push ups

Oh go fuck yourself

Dont eat bread and othrr carbs dude,start working out your abs,chest shoulders and biceps you will look good

Just to add to this guy who has good advice, work out your TDDE online and subtract the 500 from that. Do it again once you get active too

That's an awful workout routine but I guess it's better than nothing.

My recommendation: pull-ups, dips, push-ups, rows, planks, squats, hinges. Look up progression exercises on youtube. Should build some strength even while on a cut.

I have no muscle, kind of look like OP with my bodyfat composition albeit slimmer. Thanks for the advice

Yeah that routine is pretty restricted, do what this guy said. Pull ups dips and push ups are the foundation in my opinion but look into starting strength or stronglifts if you want to do actual weight training.

Skinnyfat takes a while to fix, but keep your protein high enough and work out regularly and you should be alright.

Weightlifting should definitely be the next step after you've built a bit of a foundation, yeah.

You dont run everyday
The days you do run lasts for at most 20 minutes
You dont work out
You dont stop eating once you've had enough
You've been eating your fatass to diabetes heaven since you were 13
And no, there is no other solution besides stop eating and start exercising