Mfw people actually care about the animals they eat

>mfw people actually care about the animals they eat

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Inferiority complex maybe?
Imagine making a funeral for every dead body cell in your body. Some retards just cant understand there are hierarchies and that we humans are at the top of the chain.

Animals and humans prosper when you give into mother nature! Without natural selection, theres no harmony or purpose! Animals are a gift from God, and as we eat them, we cherish them for the sacrifice they did for us. As we eat them, we're not dancing on their ashes, but celebrating their meaningful life and thanking them for giving us delicious food! Go animals! You rock!

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theres been scientific research that shows that vegans and vegetarians have a larger portion of their brain thats associated with empathy and compassion light up in response to pictures of human suffering and animal suffering, pic related

its because vegans are just more empathetic people. if you dont like how uncompassionate you are, you can try a vegan diet to change your brain, because the brain is malleable and subject to change

its also phenominal for your health and lowers your risk for heart disease and cancer and diabetes and its cheaper

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So they are fucking manginas? LMAO

Based meateaters

>sociopaths on a sociopath forum don't understand empathy
Like clockwork.

Because animals are important and shouldnt be treated like shit for their sacrifice they make for us. I really like cows they are gentle and nice animals. I hate how bad they are treated in factory farms. I can understand not caring about nogs or other undesirables but animals are apart of the natural order and should be respected.

>putting animals above negros
Based 4chin

Well duh anyone with a brain knows that cows and other animals are 1000 times better then nogs. I have a lot more compassion for cows.

2014 called it wants its memes back

werent you going to kill yourself you no-test pathetic tripfag?

Tell them to suck dick, shit got stinkier here

>X Called; They Want Their Y Back
are you typing from 2001?

Pathological altruism. They were raised in a time where from a young age they were taught that the most important thing is to make everyone around them happy.
Some don't know when to stop, so they'll empathise with food, and criminals who would wish them harm

>its also phenominal for your health
If you think being deficient and weak are healthy
>and lowers your risk for heart disease
All gotta go one day champ
>and cancer
>and diabetes
Not unless you just quit sugar as well
>and its cheaper
Objectively incorrect.

Holy quads breh

>mfw I care more about plants and still eat them

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>>and cancer
>>and diabetes
>Not unless you just quit sugar as well
Okay so wait a second. It is a proven fact that red and processed meat significantly increase the risk of colon cancer. Dairy has naturally occurring estrogen that are implicated in the development of breast cancer.

And as of TYPE 2 diabetes well you fundamentally misunderstand the disease, it is caused by insulin resistance and insulin resistance is not caused by sugar at all, in fact it is caused by fat, or more accurately waste products that are accreted during fat metabolism in cells. These waste products interfere with insulin receptors and prevent glucose from entering cells.

fucking autocorrect fucked all my shit up

Assuming you're correct (and let's face it, you're probably not because media outlets have linked just about everything to cancer at some point or another) then you wouldn't have to go vegan to gain the same health benefits, just avoid beef and milk/cheese. Can still eat eggs, honey, chicken, fish, pork etc etc

Just admit you're a vegan because youre irrational and don't want your food to be sad and be done with it. You people are pathetic. All you do is attempt to manipulate others into your lifestyle by pretending its a better way to love, when even by your own standards what you do is unecessary

I used to be vegan but gave up on it. Not because I don't believe it is healthy but because I just don't care that much about my health (I have depression). I used to watch videos and read pubmed articles about nutrition, my favorite youtube channel was Dr. Gregor's nutrition fact's channel. Based on what I know it is entirely possible to avoid most modern disease on an omnivore diet, in fact ti might even be preferable to Veganism because animal omega 3's are better absorbed, ofc the problem is that seafood is heavily polluted and it still contains cholesterol and IGF-1 stimulating animal protein.
But there is NO doubt that Saturated Fat and cholesterol clog your arteries and there are clear trends linking processed meat to cancer.
I never ever cared about he moral side of veganism.

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>all this effort to *potentially* live a few months more pissing yourself bedridden

modern man is truly a pathetic, scared, creature

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> if you dont like how uncompassionate you are, you can try a vegan diet to change your brain, because the brain is malleable and subject to change
Being vegan doesn't make you empathetic. It's being empathetic that makes you more likely to be vegan. Stop confusing cause and effect you vegtard.

im always having mood swings. i mean i did have a mood swing so severe i castrated myself. i not exactly mentally stable, i never have been

>>and cancer

>>and diabetes
>Not unless you just quit sugar as well
thats not true, theres been studies that show regular consumptin of fruits, which have sugar, decrease your chances for diabetes. maybe you are refering to processed sugar, which i agree with you. nobody should eat any processed foods if they are interested in their health. but meat has been strongly associated with diabetes increase regardless of sugar consumption

>>and its cheaper
>Objectively incorrect

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>i mean i did have a mood swing so severe i castrated myself.
this is your average vegan

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>tfw you spend weeks tending to your fenugreek and name some of the ones around the edges but then you have to pluck them and chomp them to bits like the monster you are

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im a mentally ill retard and a meme. most vegans arent like me. you are just using one anecdotal example. in this case its me, to attack all vegans. i can do that too

look, heres a vegan male model. that means this is the average vegan, so maybe you should consider going vegan yourself

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>most vegans arent like me
I imagine the incidence of mental illness is sky high among you lot
you all sound unhinged as fck

Humans eat animals because they're made out of food, compassion should not be a part of the equation.
Never seen a cow stomp it's own babies to death because it didn't feel like raising them? Why do you think we take the babies away after they're born? Animals have even less compassion than humans, I don't feel bad about eating them.