Do you know someone who is a hikikomori? I've met some hikikomoris in the Internet...

Do you know someone who is a hikikomori? I've met some hikikomoris in the Internet. I wonder how long they can be locked up until they get bored.

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>Do you know someone who is a hikikomori?
I know myself.

How long have you been in the dark?

Seven years and the boredom isn't bad enough to stop yet.

You will never become bored with internet access

Dropped out of high school at 17, and I'm going to turn 21 soon, so nearly 4 years.

And why did you end up being a hikikomori? I guess there will be a reason. Is it because you're scared?

longest I ever went without being in public was about 2 years. I only went outside to take the trash cans to the road and only did so wearing all black in the cover of darkness. 2 am was then optimal time cuz most the night owls went to bed yet it was just before the old people started waking up at 4am.

What put me in this position was taking the old "just try" advice and getting a job at Wal-mart. I wasn't able to handle it and walked off the job on day 8. The shame of not being able to even hack it at wal-mart was enough to drive me into the pit of despair. Hell the first month I just spent the entire time in my room in complete darkness staring at the floor all day.

Is there one thing I don't understand, why does someone end up locked up for so long? After a while there must be an inner voice that says "I have things to do, I can't be locked up all my life" ... What is supposed to wait for you, die while masturbating with C porn ?. I think part of the problem is that they are not aware that life is not as difficult as it seems and that they should be more careful with themselves. For simple self respect.

>I have things to do
What things?

Do something with yourself instead of losing your life for nothing in return. Anything would be more rewarding than feeling sorry for yourself all your pathetic life. You are supposed to create something worthy of yourself in your life and fill that inner void...Instead of being so weak and betray yourself for nothing.

>Do something with yourself
What do you think I do, dumbass? Fucking retard, projecting his own insecurities on others.

Saying "projecting" is such a pathetic move, it is not a valid argument. You can use your psychology for kids elsewhere. Loser.

It would be better if you stop lying to yourself.

>it is not a valid argument
lmao! Who the fuck do you think you are? You come here, make all these dumb assumptions, give your little spiel, then get upset when someone tells you you're full of shit. Pathetic.

I'm not angry, I rarely get angry. You seem to have a problem with something I said but you are just too incompetent to explain. For me it is irrelevant if you think I'm full of shit or candy.

It seems that you are so immature that you are easily offended. You should stop being so impulsive and aggressive, You only manage to look like an idiot.

>I am going to type a lot to show you just how totally not angry and how totally mature I am
Yeah, sure.

and I'm supposed to be the one who assumes things? You are just a living irony. You are too stupid to be aware of how stupid you are.

Basically me desu

I mean when you start giving some gay sermon, then pretend it was ever an "argument", and then make continuous and desperate attempts to assert how much mature you are, yeah, I feel confident saying you're a pathetic loser. Have fun, faggot.

>I wonder how long they can be locked up until they get bored.
How can you possibly be bored with the entirety of the worlds media at your fingertips whenever you want. If you've got the internet, you can't be bored any more than you can be bored being an ordinary person, going outside doesn't change anything there

I had a friend who suddenly cut off all contact with me, I presume it means he went hikki mode. I was talking to another one of his friends who just says "he does that sometimes, he's scared to commit". He had a Rin Natsume figure, he was pretty based.