Is it just me, or are single women pretty much impossible to find? Every girl I ever knew, at school and my current job...

Is it just me, or are single women pretty much impossible to find? Every girl I ever knew, at school and my current job, are all in relationships or married. Like how the fuck are you supposed to just "find someone" without using dating apps or sites (which I hate using because I'd much rather find someone naturally, like at work or by doing something else in life)

I swear even girls who I think wouldn't have a bf, somehow do. I must be naive or some shit. Britfag btw

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you're just ugly


im currently involved with two single women (lmao) both of whom had bfs when I met them.

the market changes, the most time you spend dating the less you'll feel frozen in your current circumstances and left behind.

>ever girl I had contact with in the past or at my current job.
Do you not meet women outside of work like at social events?

single attractive women yes
lots of ugly fembots here tho.
and the few single attractive women out there probably won't have you cause they've got high standards. they're single for a reason.

Be in a social circle with women - It's easiest to find out when women are single when you actually have a semi regular contact with a few

I'm happy to repeat this as often as these threads come up:

Attractive women are almost never "between relationships". If you're waiting to run into someone who is single and who is attractive, you will wait forever.

There is only one way to date an attractive girl: you have to take her away from someone else. Period. When you meet someone attractive and they say they have a boyfriend, say to yourself:

>Fuck that guy. I'm taking his girl. That fucking loser.

You owe him nothing. Anyone else would do the same to you. The only guys whose relationships you should "respect" are close friends and family members.

the fish smell puts me off

Decent good looking single men are even harder to find. If a guy is even somewhat emotionally and financially stable and looks good he almost always has a wife or string of girlfriends. A good seeming guy who is single is almost a red flag in itself.

This is very true. How to find a single guy who isnt complete trash?

In almost the exact same situation, of course the answer is this but that doesn't help anyone here anymore than telling a hobo to invest in the stock market will help him

I'd have to disagree desu senpai

Yeah that's how I feel more or less. I wasn't going to limit myself to single women, as put by How long were they in the relationships with their bfs? And how did you go about meeting them? Were they friends at first or did you more or less pick them up without giving a shit lol

Not really. We have a lot of drinks after work, but we just stick to our own groups as do other people.

I mean, I wouldn't necessarily steal, cause it doesn't matter as long as I can be intimate with her. Same if she ever "cheated" on me (I would never expect monogamy in the first place, wouldn't really even want it anyway)

Wouldn't it be easier to share? Stealing is just serial monogamy bullshit.

Modern females monkey branch, and the modern male has adapted to this.
You don't only go after single women, because women are never single unless they actively decided to be single.
You basically try to seduce a women who already has a partner so when that relationship is over she'll immediately move on to the next guy (you)
Repeat until a female is too old and unattractive to do this anymore and she just gets stuck with the last guy she did it with.

FUCKING THIS, if there's no ring on it, play with her balls, or something like that. Either way, sometimes you just have to be better looking than her dude and interested enough in her that she think's "worth it". I've always been the other guy she tells her boyfriend "not to worry about".

Read some PUA books, realize that most of what they say is trash. However, one thing they tend to get right is that they play the numbers game. You're not going to meet women unless you're introducing yourself to a few every outing. Just talk a bit about yourself and let them talk about themselves. Sometimes it leads to somewhere most of the time you'll just get social xp. Embrace rejection, do not fear it.

The problem with this is twofold, on the one hand I'm just not capable of acting so cynically and it'd be so completely out of character for me to make a move on a girl who is "taken" that I wouldn't be able to anyway without sperging out horribly (and no I'm not ugly, I've been approached by women before in public multiple times, I get compliments, all the usual signs) and the second is that how am I to trust that this really is "how it works now" and not just the ramblings of inexperienced virgins like myself talking total shit?

You two are proving a point and then some.

Are you sure you meant to reply to me, those two posts are entirely unrelated

The good ones get snapped up and married pretty quickly. They usually have some high school sweetheart Stacey who holds onto him like a vice.

There are always an equal amount of single men and women

I meant to reply to the latter. Sorry.

>Single men are a red flag
Says the whiny, entitled single woman. Pathetic.

so you would want a relationship with someone who would just leave you for something better, what kind of fucking bullshit is that.