How do we stop the BPD menace? Reeducation? Extermination? Or Arbeit Macht Frei?

How do we stop the BPD menace? Reeducation? Extermination? Or Arbeit Macht Frei?

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>BPD menace?
don't be captain save a hoe, and let them be accountable for their actions.

Except that their actions often hurt people and destroy lives.

>Arbeit Macht Frei
Unironically this, work camps change you for the better, it's the same thing as drug communes where they just give you regular physical work and a daily routine to instill a sense of discipline and stability.

pick one
BPD girls are amongst
the sweetest, cutest, girls you can come across

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until they shit on your heart.

>self harm
>black and white thinking
>mood swings
>fear of abandonment
>feelings of emptiness
>unstable self image
>unstable relationships

BPD is just the modern day female hysteria. The criterion for the disorder are vague and, frankly, half the people on the goddamn planet struggle with at least one of those symptoms. The fact this disorder is still considered diagnostically valid is evidence of the problems with the field of psychiatry.

t. has never, ever been involved with a BPD girl

It's basically being a really shitty person but you can't say that to a woman so...

>BPD bitch attempting damage control detected

how is it their fault if they have BPD?
it's not like they can control it

You have obviously never actually met a female with BPD.
They aren't the same as the average female with normal mntal health. Not at fucking all.

Nor can psychopaths control being a psychopath, doesn't make you want to get involved with them.

How is it the pedos fault theyre turned on by kids?
Seriously. Same thing.

>it's not like they can control it
convenient isn't it?

>know people have issues
>get close so u can take advantage of them
>wtf why do they act upon there issues even tho i took advantage of them

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Lobotomies? Islam?

It isn't. But, BPD people aren't something you should be trifling with, even if their core personality is good. They're bad news

I never took advantage of them, all I wanted was companionship, and I will forever be in their debt for providing it.

>tell guy i have bpd
>he's still really interested in me
well.......its not my fault if he gets hurt rite guise

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>know people have issues
>get close so u can take advantage
Yeah, that's almost exactly how BPD females work

>flip what i say against me
yep that's exactly how predators work

>even if their core personality is good
You don't get it. Their core personality is BPD. The rest is a lie.

Take advantage?
>oh wait, this poster probably has BPD and as well all know a hallmark of bod is the victim complex who regularly feel those who love them are instead using them even though it is themselves who are using their partner.

>the "predators" are out to get me
Take your meds

these girls tend to obsess to the point of stalking, if anything they are the predators.

Well. If you clearly tell him first then it's on him.
Doubt the message was received as clearly as you imply though

I know that, and I've known multiple women with BPD, some much worse than others. I'm just saying that the symptoms for the disorder are considerably less specific than other personality disorders, and it's something that should be looked into further. I'm sure there are many people who've been diagnosed with BPD despite not having it because of how the symptoms overlap with basically 80% of the DSM.

You seem paranoid.
And yes, people with BPD fit the criterion of a predator quite well, actually.

wonder if these girls tell the guys, they are actually dating they have it
probs not lmao
>b-but he loves me for who I am.
cray pls
he doesn't know you.

>have BPD
>tell every guy i come across and warn them
>they still choose to be my playthings
>get hurt ah bloo bloo
>make threads on a ricebasket aficionado portuguese forum about it

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i told him i have mental problems and commitment issues and specifically said the words bee pee dee

well good for ye lass

The dsm is in flux.
Pretty sure they lump the personality disorders into 3 main clusters because it is recognized how much alike many disorders are.

I fell for that too. Some of us have to learn the hard way.

I imagine some do but I suspect they are the minority.

incels are all BPD males
they need reeducation before they do anything rash

>work camps change you for the better
after my lazy parents let me go a decade with a vegetable? let me kill these boomers myself and I'll go

Mental illness is something you have to experience yourself first hand to understand. It's an easy trap to fall into a bpd's grasp because they're manipulators and say exactly what you want to hear giving the appearance of a sweet and innocent girl. Then they start splitting perceiving you as bad. If you are ghosted by a bpd consider yourself lucky because you got off easy. If you're in a relationship or thinking of entering one with a bpd person just don't, run. Might end up killing yourself if you're weak minded because they'll fuck you up emotionally and leave a mark on you.

>being so weak you can't even break a bpd slut

are men with BPD redeemable?
I hate myself far too much to let someone into a relationship with me so at least I sleep without the guilt of ruining someone's life

You can tell this is a genuine bpd whore because of the complete lack of accountability

90% of these bpd ex stories are faked by permavirgin LARPers who saw a post about it on theredpill.

I have bpd and I have always been incredibly sweet loving and warm towards my bfs. Too loving perhaps. They usually get overwhelmed or scared off by how loving I am and end up leaving or cheating on me. I have never hurt a partner. They have hurt me though.

BPD AND EXTASY!!!!!!!!!!

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>I have never hurt a partner. They have hurt me though.
you lying sack of manure

Exactly. The black and white thinking, the complete lack of accountability, the pathological entitlement, generally insufferable personality and extreme mood swings based on irrationality and emotionality. Incels and bpd whores are two sides of the same coin.

Every man I dated said I treated them perfectly and I have been called wife material by them too. Unfortunately I tend to attract ASPD or emotionally stunted men because I am so sweet and naive at times and make up for their lack of warmth. Subsequently they cant understand the depth of my obsessive yandere love and get scared off. Their loss though.

back to IoIcow with you

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With one rn. I thank my father for emotioally stunting me because idk what id do if I didnt have a heart of steel

You're romanticizing it, and you're not completely wrong, but that hint of sweetness turns bitter real quick when the shit starts to hit the fan. Best girl I ever dated had BPD, but I had to leave her. Shit was pulling me down and giving me major depression. BPD isn't to be fucked with, and it's sad that it has to be that way.

Sadly, BPD is all too real. It's not just female hysteria, its a serious mental illness, and it's terrifying.

>Arbeit Macht Frei
what is this?

someone uses this as wifi hotspot around here

The only option I have is one with bpd. Any advice for this suicide mission?

This man, fucking this. My ex told me early on that she had BPD but I didn't know what it was and downplayed it as being bullshit. Boy oh boy was I wrong... Lesson learned.

I'm telling you man, don't do it. I mean this more than you can possibly understand. I had an amazing time with my ex while it lasted, but the pain that comes along with it isn't worth it. It's fucking brutal, and there's nothing anyone but the person with BPD can do. Often times, they simply don't or cannot help their situation. It's doomed to fail. I promise you it isn't worth it.

>Their loss though.
This is how we know you're lying btw.

Be my super warm affectionate gf, I have a big fucking shell and no one except myself know it but I like being warm and nice and helping people, but that is weakness and I do not show it, I want a qt yandere love gf

It's the motto of the German work camps, from WW2 it means work gives freedom, but in the end they gassed so yeah

exactly. they're themselves then they're not themselves.

very deep user.

Like clockwork

Ngl, tough guys who are secretly sweet and warm but only show that side of themselves to me are definitely my type. But how do I know you wont hurt me too user?

Bpd girls are not like other girls because they have bpd.

Yeah , but a bpd girl will claim shes not like other bpd girls

Their selves don't exist. They pretend to be the perfect partner to get you hooked and then suck the life out of you. The person that you fell in love with never existed.

>they gassed
Prove it faggot.

Dude im not gonna find another person who loves me. I either deal with the isolation of the void or emotional turmoil with the bpd. Id rather that than loneliness

Not who you replied to, but they're a fucking liar. Anyone like you described would never disclose their inner selves even on an anonymous internet board

the only way to have a successful relationship with a bipolar chick is to be cold and not enable her shit in the slightest.
you have to be the alpha, and anytime she acts up let her know and then just bounce off.

friends too

Not the same as bpd. BPD is worse. It's like bipolar is just one symptom of bpd among others

>Dude im not gonna find another person who loves me.
You think a BPD loves you retard?

He doesn't know
He can't know
He should know
Hell find out
...the hard way

the problem is the nature of women is they naturally disrespect and dislike men who tolerate their abuse.
they'll view you as pathetic if you take their shit, and lose respect for you. ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THIS.

So when dating a BPD chick it is extremely important not to tolerate their bullshit.

And when she tells him she slept with his best friend / brother / boss / random internet guy because she lives him so much he might actually believe it.

A delusion is better than nothing

Dude, no matter how much you don't tolerate her bullshit she will still do it. It's BPD.
Bet you in places like Saudi Arabia where men don't take women's shit most of the women with BPD get stoned ro death or otherwise ended by their men for being insufferable as fuck.

dialectical behaviour therapy, it really helped me manage my BPD


>So when dating a BPD chick it is extremely important not to tolerate their bullshit.
You can't. They don't care about you, your reaction doesn't matter to them. How would you show them that you're not tolerating it when they don't give a single shit about what you do?
>Bet you in places like Saudi Arabia where men don't take women's shit
You have a very naive idea of those places. Women run families there, they're allowed anything as long as it's not fornication in public and shit.

Funny you mention, I'm the guy she cheated with on her previous bf. Yah i know if shes willing to cheat with him shes willing to with me. Im taking the risk.

How were you hurt, user?

Because I want all people in the entire world to be safe from harm, unless you harm me off course, I will only be sweet to you while fucking everyone else over, I promise :)

they care about you in relation to themselves. if you do not seem replaceable. if you're willing to leave them if things get bad they will want you.

it's just how their brains work.

>You have a very naive idea of those places.
Whatever you say, Mrs. Expert.
It was a hypothetical, but I suspect your blood/estrogen concentration is too alarmingly high to get that.

>if you do not seem replaceable.
retard, they can replace you in 5 seconds and never think about you ever again

You can't really control an already grown up shit person into behaving. You have to raise them right.

ofcourse they can but indifference bothers them too much for them to do that. literally not caring about them is key to ensuring their loyalty.

it's retarded but its just the way it is. all women know they can replace the guy they're with, but it's not about that for them. They wont replace you if they feel you're superior to them.

Isn't that just the place to talk about this shit? Only way I can be true to myself without losing face

She already is cheating on you, bro.
Probably with her ex as well as who knows.
Hope you're wrapping it up because bpd people do risky things. (Maybe like taking a load of spite-semen in her pooper from the first match willing to go to her)

This has been a good thread but I'm tired and shall take my leave. Thanks for helping me cope with the bpd bs lads

My mom had BPD
I'm here because I think all people with BPD should have their genitals rooted out to minimize the ammount of harm they can cause.
Since that isn't really an option I cone to these threads to urge anyone to not get romantically involved with bpd. Either you'll regret the fuck out of it or you'll be sucked dry till you're just a shell of a man

>anti-bpd propaganda

I like BPD girls. They are intense. If any BPD girl wants to talk give contact.

There's something in psychotherapy called reparenting that they use in forms of therapy like Schema therapy. Maybe you can control a grown person into behaving.

I don't know, though, I'm not BPD or a psychologist, I've just been to the shrink for other shit and read books about it.

I guess if you can get a BPD to go to therapy for like 10 years, and not live in society in the meantime, sure, it's possible. Find me one that will accept being institutionalized for a decade though.

Oh right. That's one thing. Reparenting has been proven to work mostly on convicts. I guess there really is no hope for BPDs.

Don't give me hope and then leave the thread my obsessive qt yandere gf

DBT works and takes less than ten years. I did about a year or so of DBT and attended a DBT group after, and it was really helpful in getting my BPD under control. Don't act like borderlines are a lost cause, because we're not

Except it's not.
Anyone who's actually dealt with someone with bpd will say the same