How do I become a charming af, confident af, alpha male af? No wikihows plz...

How do I become a charming af, confident af, alpha male af? No wikihows plz. Show me how you got to be so chad on average looks. I want a practical idea of how to get dis shid done

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Bed early like 9/10 pm

Eat real food every day, veg, meat, fish, some real dairy, no fast food or sweets and other crap

Get your weight down to whatever it was in your teens, dont lie I know all that weight gain was fat

Thats literally it, doing this is enough to get about as Chad as you can be

I already have a good body and sort of decent face but I still put people off. That's not what I'm looking for.
read my OP again: I want to be
I want this shid aight? I already got the physical criteria down

Do coke and x.

its not going to happen. might as well ask how you can grow six inches

You need more experience with people I guess, theres plenty of videos and books out there where guys chronicle their experiences and wisdom, they've already made the mistakes so you don't have to.

Practice is how you get good at everything.

why? originaliele

link me some boi

Stop giving a fuck. Really. The rest comes natural.

You have to be physically attractive. Your public perception is entirely based on what others see. So if you're short, narrow shouldered, and have a recessed chin, you cannot become alpha without hitting the gym and the plastic surgeon's office.

What if you are physically attractive, but that is at odds with your personality?

Watch some videos by Alpha Male Strategies or something, don't be put off by the name, guys like that have a shit ton of experience in dealing with women, friends, social situations and it's actually quite invaluable. The reason why humans advance in general is by using tried and tested knowledge.

But I am physically attractive. I have good pecs abs and face and got many compliments from hoes

Don't give a fuck .do drugs get neck.tats getur swgger up always make sure toquick flex on the haters keeps emgoing gives them a reason to live...

Then invite them over, fuck their brains out and commit to one.

You'd have to be literally retarded if you have women telling you that you're attractive yet being unable to seel the deal with them.

If you're asking on r9k you've already lost

I am retarded, socially retarded. Sure bitches are attracted to height and shit, but once they find out you're weird it's over

>be a normie
>be attractive
That's literally it

dont listen to all these loosers, charisma is enough to make anyone like u (I dont mean sexually, but what's it matter). just gradually expose yourself to social situations, it gets easier each time, that's how fears work. try and fully realize the fact we will all die including yourself and that therefore how could anything scare you. start overcoming your fears in every aspect of your life, just for the sake of overcoming them, and realize how satisfying that is. but right now, just start with one thing you fear, if you ask yourself whats something you're afraid of that you could be doing, you're bound to find something, just dont brush it off and make excuses but go and actually do it.

If you can't get laid when bitches are literally complimenting you, it's fucking over.

At least I'm not conventionally attractive, so it's out of my control.

I've had girls buy me drinks and ask me to kiss them. Still a kv.

So why didn't you kiss them, dum dum?

She approached me at random. I would've liked to get to know her first. She was very attractive.

You sound dumb. Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

I also panicked a little.

Become jotaro from jojo.
And call women bitches.

>no wikihow
You need wikihow tier articles to get the basics down user. At least that's how I did it.

Watch some comedies too. Sitcoms, stand up. If you watch enough, you'll begin to internalize the comedy. Eventually you'll be funny. I like using kratom too. It lowers my anxiety. The main thing keeping you from being your ideal self is anxiety. You're afraid people will judge you for it. Once you behave like your ideal self, you'll see that people like you better and it'll be easier to do it over time.

I remember when I first started changing and people responded differently to me. They seemed less annoyed. I wasn't as much of a burden, it seemed. People started inviting me places instead of me inviting myself because I wasn't boring anymore.

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alright, first of all? make this the last time you start a thread on Jow Forums. this is one of the last places you ought to be going if you really want to be these things.

second, understand that there is no easy route to what you're after. there's no formula, for it.
if you go seeking to become charming, you will fail. if you seek to be confident, you will fail. these are not things that you can achieve - they are not goals. they're consequences.

consider a coin flip. if you had never flipped a coin before, didn't understand a coin, didn't understand probability, you might recoil when you flip, guess, and fail. you guessed heads, and it's tails. you're wrong. you're a failure. your ego is shattered, your confidence wanes. you doubt yourself. what else am i going to get wrong?

but if you deny failure and try again, and again, and again, soon, you'll understand the coin. you'll know what to expect next time you flip it. it won't just be that first failure - you'll carry with you the weight of your actions and experiences. you'll understand the place you're in, you'll understand the task before you. this is confidence - you weren't looking for it, but it arose, because you are storied. tempered.

ask someone out. apply to a better job. ask for a raise. make a new friend. develop a new skill. try something new. grow.

if you fail, try it again, or something like it. don't let it beat you. failure is just more experience, and once you understand your odds of failure and your odds of success, you'll have nothing to fear. it will be a known game. you'll be confident, because how could you not? you've done it all before. charm comes the same way. connect with people. keep an open mind. give a shit about something, and accept failure.

being a dominant person, a natural authority, is the consequence of charm, confidence, wisdom, knowledge. it builds upon itself.

if you go looking just to be these things, you'll miss out on what creates them.

I think your best bet would be to simply not give a fuck and let RNGesus take the wheel.

You can start by shitposting to build confidence

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