Anyone else here proud of being trans?

Anyone else here proud of being trans?
Tfw proud to be trans
>pic related
Feels amazing man!!

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What the FUCK did you just call me?

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im not proud to be anything; feels absolutely hrorid man

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i hate this board tho because its so transphobic

I hope with every fiber of my being you are painfully tortured and executed for your crimes against nature and God himself

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Yahari, saisho no poosuto ichiban poosuto da.
I don't hate them, I just feel bad for them. I don't hate people with schizophrenia or cancer, so why would I hate people with a different mental disorder? The annoying ones, in the other hand, I can't stand. However, that's because they're annoying, not because they have gender dysphoria.

Disgusting tranny freak. I wish I could put a bullet in your head.

pic related is why you dont post your actual face, or a tranny without any fucking filters on it to smooth out the manly imperfections in skin.

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R9k doesnt allow self pictures u dummy!!

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pink pillers be like
boing boing bam kaboom DOINGGGG honk honk slip noise running noise

I hope I feel that way when I start doing hrt

thank god, otherwise you would have to reveal how disgusting you look

i hate being trans
it's shameful
it's unfair
it's a cancer
it's nothing to be proud of, i don't know how people can be proud to be trans

>it's shameful
>it's unfair
>it's a cancer
Why do you feel this way? Do you not think you pass?

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i dont pass user
i hate being a spectacle for people even though i boymode since everyone knows
not getting to be who i want to be potentially ever is literally torment
all because my dumb fucking brain thinks i should have been female and refuses to accept that im male
i literally would not wish this shit on my worst enemy

Are you taking steps to begin passing or will it never work out for you?

it will never work out most likely, unless i find like a rich sugar daddy with the very specific kink of spending thousands of dollars on FFS for an ugly tranny but other than that no
i'm hopefully starting laser before the end of the month though so that's always something

Yea I guess getting that man hair removed will help out. Lots of makeup/fashion and some surgery will go a long way. If you take proper steps things could work out. My only advice to you would be to pass on the bottom surgery. Unfortunately modern medicine simply cannot give you a vagina. The results are grim and far worse than having a girl penis. You're headed down a long and difficult path and I wish you the best of luck, TranAnon.

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im gonna kill myself before im 30 thanks to this so dont worry user
or i mean thats still 9 years but i dont want to live when i legit never will be happy so

Being an old tran in a coffee shop somewhere is much better than being a dead tran. I hope you don't leap into the chasm that is trans suicide rates.

its not worth it if i legit never will be happy user
end of discussion

>end of discussion
That sounds pretty defeatist. You're just going to kill yourself because you don't think you look good? There are hundreds of millions of ugly people out there who manage to be happy. I'm sure you have at least a few positive qualities. And even if you don't, you could still achieve happiness if you're ugly. Suicide is only a good choice when you life is irreparably fucked. Being ugly isn't a good reason to kys in my honest opinion.

its not about being ugly it's about being male
and i literally cannot deal with it, it's literally the entire point of being trans user

I've often wished I was trans, then I could get hormones and turn myself into a girl. But unfortunately I'm cis so I'm stuck in this boy body.

Why would someone be proud to be trans? Aren't you supposedly born that way? Are people proud to be born male? Are people proud to be born female? Are people proud to be born straight? Born gay? Born in a certain country or from a certain ancestry?

Only losers are proud of the things about themselves they had no control over. They're proud of these non-accomplishments because they have no real accomplishments to call their own.

nice bait post tranon

Genuinely, wanna talk user? I'll hit you up on discord if you want.

I know, but isn't that what it boils down to? You dislike being biologically male because of the way it makes you feel: ugly. I get there's other baggage like not being able to give birth and whatnot but I doubt thats the main issue because there are (again) millions of infertile people that manage.

>Proud to be born in a certain country or from a certain ancestry?
>Only losers are proud of the things about themselves they had no control over
>they have no real accomplishments to call their own
"I, the president, am a proud American. Not because I value what it means to be a citizen the the USA, but because I have achieved nothing in my own life"- Abraham Lincoln

no im gonna go to bed now
no it's not about being ugly, it's literally the concept of being male
this shit is a mental illness and calling it anything else is lying, im glad transitioning works for people but there's no hope for me

>transitioning works for people
So it can work for you. Even the ugliest of men can successfully become ugly women (a reality that hundreds of millions of ugly women live with daily). Don't give up so easy.

Can I at least get your discord(if you have one) before you go please? I just wanna talk.

theres a difference between passable ugly tranny and nonpassable ugly tranny
i guess, theres an emoji in it so i cant copy paste it but its picrel

Attached: discord.png (231x107, 10K)

>theres a difference between passable ugly tranny and nonpassable ugly tranny
Then can you show me some examples? I don't believe that there is.

Send you it in a second.

I don't want to mic talk to you, but I would be interested in exchanging messages. For the record I'm a straight biological male, I'm not looking to fuck you, I'm not looking to convince you of anything. I'm just interested in talking to trans people about whats going on in their heads.

>Anyone else here proud of being trans?
No but I'm not ashamed of being trans either. It's just another part of who I am.

Sent you the request, good night for now user.

I was iffy about troons until i saw hunter schafer (pic) doing an interview

she's my goddess and it would be my dream to be in a lesbo relationship with her

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