Eastern european fag here ,ask me anything

Eastern european fag here ,ask me anything ,

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is eastern Europe really as much of a shit hole as the whole world says it is?

What is your hardest struggle during the day?

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yes are you looking at that architecture?

do you live in that apartment? Is your life stressful?

Well ,kinda. The largest cities and capitals are kinda okay,but they are few and far between. Every smaller town or city is a death sentence .especially for older people and teens. There are a lot of cool and real people here ,but the majority of them will move out to the west. The only people who are left here are with a iq of 70

I used to live in a fucking huge house in a small town until i was 19 ,now i'm studying in the capital and i live in a very similar building,while renting a single room.I honestly think that after finishing the uni year i will drop out and try to study abroad .My life is not that stressful actually ,my dad is upper middle class+ i have relatives in sweden so i'm thinking of going there to study next year.

Where are you from in an original manner?

Privet pedrila

i wanna live in a khrushchyovka, that's my dream or just mnogoetazhka. depressing eastern europe and kvartiri are perfection

Bulgaria ,the whole of Eastern Europe is pretty much the same. I now live in Sofia ,which is a shithole.

Dude, wanna change places ?

cool but no

Same orig orig

Dude I'm desperate to live there, Russia or Ukraine. I'm born in Asia and I'm tired of this warm weather, colourful views, people smiling, and their overfriendly fake personalities

Which country in a original matter?

I live in Philippines

Mi a fasznak vagy buzi, op?

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Yeah ,not too great of a place .Escape to Australia or something ,idk.

I don't understand a single word ,wtf is that

He's speaking Hungarian.

I prefer Eastern Europe, I'm obssessed with the slavic culture, the abandoned places, depressing atmosphere and the people. What's good in Australia anyway?

Yooo, I am from EE, I live in the same house as is in OP, very depressing, hoodies and people mugging each other as soon as you step out, needles on the ground, last week a boy aged 15 got his head smashed in for 10 right before my apartment building, all in all very depressing just like you wanted, and I got yellow fever! I will switch houses in a heartbeat, if I can get by with english where you live, lemme know.

So you hate yourself ? The EE aesthetics are fun for movies and stuff like that ,sure .Living 24/7 in such conditions is not.I would move to california/australia in a heartbeat

mi mast lehetne varni a magyaroktol

mind buzik vagyunk verjem a anyadba

I don't mind, I just want to move there as soon as possible

it is paradise for me

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Titeket meg ki a fasz kerdezett?

tudorakod legyen

Cool, lets swap houses. You got telegram or something?

Dude, Philippines is literally hell on earth.

A kerdesre valaszolj te roman geci

why tf would you want to come to this depressing shithole? you live in a paradise country geographic wise

What? The climate is absolutely horrible there, it's living in a fucking sauna all year long.

dude this place might have an aesthetic appeal somehow but the reality is that this is a boring, depressing place

that's it? the weather is hot? I think that's a positive rather than negative

I love the winters here, it can be nice sometimes

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No, it's not just hot but also very humid. There's literally nothing worse.
You're always sweating, sticky and suffocating.

Hello from mental hopsital from russia.

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I know twin girls from Sofia going to medical school or did looks like a dump there

How much does it cost to live in a Commieblock? Free or close to free?

Would you go on Grindr and get TOPPED?

Hey stick your dick on the window and take a picture

Would you call Czech Rep eastern?
Also would a burger have for fun moving to poland or russia

tell us your story user, how did you get there?

living anywhere (including commieblocks) has gone up and pretty expensive in cities where I live

Are you that tranny jew from Pidorsburg who got molested in childhood and has his documents stolen by dad?

Not really much to say, I am hiding here to escape military conscription. It's shit place to be though, personnel is rude and dumb, they beat patients and yell at them all the time. What's worse though - they torture them. They use neuroleptics as a punishment instrument, without doctor's prescription.
They don't touch me, though, because I am here only to be diagnosed, not "healed".

You will learn to appreciate your tropical weather once -30 C winters hit you, ph is paradise compared to eastern europe. I even online "dated" a girl from ph a couple of years ago, really made me want to go.

>Also would a burger have for fun moving to poland or russia
no you retard, that's the opposite of fun

what are you there in for? depression, schizo?

I have experienced both and those winters are preferable. Just put on some clothes, dry winters are easy to deal with and all commieblocks have central heating.

I am simulating schizoid personal disorder. But actually I do have SPD and depression, and I'll probably suicide myself anyway.

Then lets swap dammit, let me live in your disneyland of a country

Phillipines is very dirty and dangerous.

I literally grew up on sidlisko, I am well used to dirty and dangerous dont worry.

That sucks. I always thought that "yeah the Commieblocks are probably like pre WW2 housing projects but at least they are cheap to free".

mama nasrala mi do ryja a tata wchodzi mi do wanny
cool czesc szalom cymes

I'm from Bulgaria too. I live in Plovdiv though.


How are the girls there? Where I am from Russian and Slav girls get a reputation for being the most beautiful but the only hot ones I saw were in the internet.

I can see that you are a man of culture as well

@ZGVhdGgg my telegram

dude only the beaches are the only good thing in the Philippines everything is a shithole

are u fucking retarded or something? the point is why go from shithole to shithole?

>that Japan photo in the mix

because I'm tired of the hot weather here and people being too friendly and smiling. I hate most of the filipino's personality, no originality and they are not based just fucking hypocrist and christcucks

*hypocrites typo

you pinoy faggots are not welcomed here.

I'm not a pinoy faggot, I'm a slavaboo. If there's a russophobes, I'm a pilipinophobes or flipsphobic

Jesus christ, from an Americans perspective that sounds like an actual dystopian hellhole. Have you ever considered getting out of Russia?

you just want some slav girl. nothing more.

no, actually I want someone like Vladislav Roslyakov

It's always Pidorburzji, every single time

how ironic because it happened in my city. but i was away when this autistic fag went full retard

damn, i still cannot understand why he did it if he was not bullied, no clear motives

another eastern euro user here
i personally have lived most of my life in a rural area,its pretty beautiful over here,but in a weeks time i gotta go to the city and live 6 years there because i ve got college and,to be honest,i am terrified
the city in question is the capital of my country,and its a shithole,the mere thought that i ll have to spend the next 6 years stuck here brings back suicidal thoughts

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You do understand that the commie block aesthetic is in the suburbs or small town right?

City centers don;t look like that, and as more modern building are built in the suburbs, they start looking like any other modem day city as well.

Sofia is way better than any other city I've ever visited.

I mean have you been to places like Targovishte? Most depressing shit Iv;e ever seen in my life.

Other big cities are OK as well, but Sofia is best.

yes, i know that in the center you cannot see those commieblocks. but i still adore the mnogoetazhkas even if they're modern looking, the thought that they look the same and carbon copy is overwhelming

IDK, here that's just normal.

But also there is a degree of doctoring when it comes to pictures like these and the feel they evoke. First, oftentimes they are taken in the fall or winter where the leaves have fallen and there is no greenery - in reality all spaces between and in the "backyard" of the flats are full of gardens, trees etc.

And the angles from which these pictures are shot are not the angles you experience when you walk about, they are shot in a more claustrophobic, brutalist fashion.

I'm sure most people if they go to one such place, they would feel in a way "disappointed".

still i would go and visit eastern europe to fulfill my fantasy before I die

The same as anywhere else.Some are great personality and looks wise ,some are not,some are average.The majority of girls are much more materialistic than the ones in the west.

For Bulgaria ,sure .I'm originally from Shumen , which is pretty much the same

Yeah ,kinda.A bit better than the Balkans and ukraine and russia.

About half or more of your average salary.

Russia is best example
Two largiest russian sity are best europian city, but another cities are fucking wastelands

>The majority of girls are much more materialistic than the ones in the west
>implying that's even possible
There's nothing about western culture that isn't pure materialism, so you can only be as materialistic as them, not more

I don't know how it's in the states ,but in scandinavia (i've been there many times because relatives) the majority of people just don't care that much and have very simple lives.

How do I get qt Slavic bf who drinks and beats me?

Why did he even an hero? Dude was a Chad. I would have given him the succ.,

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sore bor minden kor bora sor meg jutor
i learned that in hungary kek

Nah, no chances for a depressed neet to get anywhere else.