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Based, also checked

>dogs are the best people

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muh aninals u can kill peple idgaf but if u touch an anminal ill kill u

>gets btfo and banned from Jow Forums
>decides to spam his pathetic copypasta on Jow Forums instead

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Dog life is actually worth more than human life.

What kind of mental illness is this?
OP the rope is waiting for you

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Fuck dogs
Seriously, going out to parks and shit looks like a lovely time but everyone in a 10 mile radius has to ruin it by bringing their uncontrolled vicious beasts with them

can you sound more like a faggot? cuz i don't think you could if you tried

>be libtard
>import millions of barbaric niggers
>crime skyrockets
>"why is humanity so bad?"
>put dogs on a pedestal because they don't steal

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But crime is lower now than in the 70s and 80s. :think:

OP is confirmed asian

Not in Sweden

Attached: 1920px-Sweden-crime-1976-2016-robbery-sex-murder.svg.png (1920x1080, 121K)

The definition of zeta cuck is
>abortion is a womans right. People who hurt animals should be executed

and take a T supplement

...in White Murica
Go to Da Bluff and tell me crime is down

both correct, why don't you kill yourself now to save us the trouble, your thread sucks and you're obviously some subhuman piece of shit who's into homoerotic asphyxiation

When I see an adult human get hurt, I can very easily imagine the 200,000,000 different ways in which it's probably that human's fault.

When I see a pet get hurt, unless the pet was vicious none of those 200,000,000 reasons exist. That means it's automatically the person who is in the wrong.

I can also pretty effortlessly dissect the mental state of robots who hurt animals, and in doing so instantly realize that you deserve to be hated. (This is one of the easy cases where successful cognitive empathy doesn't lead to sympathy, but leads to outright hatred instead.)

>unless the pet was vicious
So, fucking most of them? I walk to work and I get attacked by some pikey's mutt at least once a week.

>I walk to work and I get attacked by some pikey's mutt at least once a week.

No you don't.

Again, this is another example of the way in which being able to clearly and correctly identify the way your mind functions makes me have contempt for you. I can sit here and hold up your entire mind (as you sat to compose that post) between my fingers and roll it around like a marble, and what I see when I look at that marble fills me with disdain.

>14 posters
>thinks only OP mocks the moronic dog

>because girls will not kiss me I love animals more than people, a-bloo

Having more empathy for animals than for humans is very literally a symptom of mental illness, either from the sociopathy spectrum or
>most common
the narcissism spectrum.
Look at this fuckwit
Obviously a vulnerable narcissist who believes that people with more empathy for people than animals are morally and intellectually inferior. This sort of defensive narcissism usually indicates the person was emotionally stunted by neglect.

Holy shit the sex crimes

boofer is synonymous to nigger lmaooo

even the banner is saging

Attached: perfect.png (895x606, 103K)

>>because girls will not kiss me I love animals more than people, a-bloo

Girls do kiss me though. I'm an oldfag, and married.

It's actually the reverse: there is a variety of robot that hurts animals because animals are helpless. They justify this to themselves by saying:

>People hurt me because they can do it and get away with it. So I'm going to hurt animals because I can do it and get away with it.

These robots then fly into a rage when people don't approve of this:

>Fuckin' normies care when animals get hurt, but none of them care when *I* get hurt! Fuckin' normies!

There are those who will argue that because I understand that this is what is happening, I should have sympathy for the people who are doing it. I reject that premise utterly. The fact that I understand makes me hate you even more. If it were inexplicable, that might confuse me and make me hesitate to judge. But it's not inexplicable, so I don't hesitate at all.

>Obviously a vulnerable narcissist who believes that people with more empathy for people than animals are morally and intellectually inferior.

Which people and which animals? The fact that this isn't part of your statement is what makes you morally and intellectually inferior. Some people deserve sympathy, and some don't. The degree to which you deserve sympathy is inversely correlated to the degree to which your situation is your fault. Since people possess agency and animals (largely) do not, that means that BY DEFINITION in many situations it's more rational and moral to have empathy for a suffering animal than a suffering human; the animal generally can't be at fault, and the human can.

What if I think both make you a piece of shit. The first because I hate women and the second because I like cats. I don't have a good reason for either and I don't give a shit

>The fact that I understand makes me hate you even more. If it were inexplicable, that might confuse me and make me hesitate to judge. But it's not inexplicable, so I don't hesitate at all.

I thought the OP was funny but you're 100% correct. Nothing irritates me more than the trite aphorism that that which is truly understood must be loved.
"They hate me because they don't understand me!"
"They hate me because they don't have any empathy!"

Sweden is the rape capital of the civilized world, we're talking Africa levels of rape here.

Attached: rape_in_sweden.jpg (1327x1481, 317K)

I bet you are pro-choice, too, right?
You probably watch rest videos with your dick out.
>kill babies, yeah! Beat that whore, yeah!
Then a sad puppy appears and you blubber like a girl on her period
>cute pupper, a-bloo
Look at you here! Pure idiocy
>I hate you because you value humans over animals
You are too intellectually & emotionally stunted to grasp that
>loving humans
Does NOT demand
>abusing animals
You would need to improve before you would rise to pathetic
What a fucking train wreck

Healthy people
>humans are more important than animals
Your retarded ass

>you are correct, sir

A zeta cuck brave enough to embrace his fate.

>>I hate you because you value humans over animals

I just explained it to you. The post was very clear. Are you an idiot?

I value humans when they are morally in the right, and don't value them when they are morally in the wrong. So if your misfortune is your fault, I don't have any sympathy for it. This divides the "bad events happening to humans" in the world into two piles: the ones that matter to me emotionally, and the ones that don't. The "I feel badly for you" pile, and the "Tough fucking shit" pile.

Because animals lack moral agency, their "Tough fucking shit" pile is much, much smaller. It would have to be, by definition.

When I *do* value a human, I value them much more than an animal. But when I *don't* value a human, I don't. And when you demand that I value all humans over all animals, you are in effect demanding that I refrain from negatively morally judging the people from whom I am withholding sympathy. That adds you to the set of people I am negatively judging.

And to prove that, all you have to do is prove that it's not rational and moral to refrain from having sympathy for people who are at fault for their own situation.

Go ahead. Knock yourself out.


I was reading OP's post as mockery of people who get angry when humans deliberately abuse animals. So I was reading it as:

>"How dare you get angry at me because I hurt that animal?"

After all, the post contains the text:


This is clearly written from the perspective of the person doing the killing.

But none of you brainlets understand stand that
>caring more for people is good
Does not mean
>I beat dogs

>doubling down on his own idiocy
Married my ass.

If it's so idiotic, it should be very easy for you to rebut it.

BTW: Randomly assigning arbitrary and content-free labels from a pseudoscience is not a rebuttal.

>hurrr prove dat dose peepul what made mistakes deserve empathy duuurrrrrr cuz if peepul make mistakes I hates dem duurrrrrrrrr cuz I never make mistakes hurrrrrrrrrr

First and second generation immigrant do less crime on average of the population,at lest in the USA. Don't confuse them with the well established nigger who's brain have been fried by prolonged lead exposure

No, confirmed fucktard, OP is pointing out a fact:
Kill all normies thread?
>ha ha
Kill all women thread?
>ha ha
Rekt/gore thread?
>ha ha
This dog was hurt by a truck image?
Lurk moar

>duurrrrr prove dat people I do not like deserve empathy hurrrrrr
Protip: people make mistakes; they still deserve empathy.
Even someone as retarded as you.
The fact you think
>dat makes no sense
>psychology is not real
Is a shitshow


Attached: angry-pepe-transparent-5.png (900x900, 476K)

Yes, exactly. And that's entirely appropriate, rational, and correct.

>Read story about children abused in foster care system

Those children didn't cause their misfortune. Gosh I feel bad for those poor children!

>See video where some robot has a dog trapped in a garage and throws rocks at it

That dog is helpless and did nothing to deserve this. Gosh I feel bad for that dog!

>See news story where murderer is hanged

Wild applause! I feel immense satisfaction that justice was done. Not only do I feel no sympathy for the murderer, I am glad he's dead.

>See post from femcel complaining that because she's fat Chad doesn't want to fuck her

Feel no sympathy at all for femcel. Feel a certain degree of contempt, because she knows what she wants but won't put the fucking fork down. Also feel disdain, because she is asking people worse off than her to offer her sympathy.

Does this set of reactions count as "valuing animals more than humans"? If so, sign me up.

I know guys like you
Earthquake kills millions? Guy like you
>fuck them, you chose to live in an earthquake zone
Guy gets mugged?
>fuck him, walking in a bad neighborhood
Guy loses his job & then loses his house?
>fuck him, he should have a better resume
But YOU fuck up and lose some money?
>Why does no one care that I had a bad thing happen?! This is a tragedy!

normies deserve to die
women deserve to die
dogs are good and comfort the lonely

kys catposter

Attached: dogdisapointed.jpg (240x250, 18K)

Look at you!
>I have no empathy for people I do not like
Is an argument or defensible!
I bet you are master of the tfwnogf thread, too

>dogs don't steal
user, I...

Your post exposes very nicely why psychology "is not real."

It has always been nothing more than a sad and cynical con game, where the type of charlatan who used to become a witch doctor and offer to interpret the king's dreams now goes to try to gain an unearned living.

Psychology wants to pretend to be a science. As part of that pretense, it wants to try to find justifications, outside of moral reasoning, for what people prior to the foundation of the "science" would have unabashedly described as moral conclusions. "Empathy" is a really good example of this - it's a desperate attempt to redefine, as an automatic faculty of the mind, the application of sympathy.

>"If your mind is "normal" and "healthy", you will feel sympathy in the situations where we think you should! And you will do this automatically!"

The fact that this is all a big con becomes obvious when, in a discussion like this, someone tries to *apply* that concept. As soon as you do it, you do it morally. You're morally indignant about the fact that I don't subscribe to what is supposed to be a completely extramoral concept. In practice, you can't be bothered to keep up the pretense that you're just clinically applying a scientific discipline - you just REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE while using the jargon that your pseudoscience supplies you.

stop responding like you have to save the world from that idiot, he is antisocial you don't need to worry about him changing anything in the world, let him be.

>>I have no empathy for people I do not like

I have no sympathy for people I do not like.

That is perfectly defensible in any context not marked by complete nihilism.

Is it your position that we owe the same amount of sympathy to everyone, regardless of their actions?

>This is the part where the pseudoscientists retreat into the gap between the definitions of the words "empathy" and "sympathy", even though in practice they never acknowledge that gap

All these nifty statistics, you can pat yourself on the back. But at the end of the day, you're still the same mentally ill incel, so how exactly are these statistics helping you cope with the fact that you're bottom of the barrel trash? I'm all ears

>I hate women
>I like cats
Kill yourself, you failed redditor trash

>Earthquake kills millions? Guy like you
>>fuck them, you chose to live in an earthquake zone
>Guy gets mugged?
>>fuck him, walking in a bad neighborhood
>Guy loses his job & then loses his house?
>>fuck him, he should have a better resume
>But YOU fuck up and lose some money?

Well, no.

I would feel sympathy for the first two people, but either would or would not feel sympathy for the last person based on factors not included in your description. I'd have to know more about his situation and how it unfolded.

In fact, I'd turn it around and say that this is EXACTLY what enrages me about people like YOU - that you try to elide the difference between random misfortune (what used to be called "Acts of God"), misfortune arising from crime or malice, and misfortune arising from incompetence, poor planning, lack of effort, or other things in an individual's control or potential control. They aren't the same, and demanding that I react to them as if they *are* the same is immoral.

when people talk about erasing the cancer cells that have metastasized in our species, they mean you

kys moron

Tbh much of that comes from a change in law regarding sex crimes

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