
Here you go, you lazy fucks

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Le (((Roman Empire)))

Thanks for hosting OP, I fucking love this one map

United Arab Republic

Oh hello

Hold on, buckos

Purple Jew Eaters


any where
any color

You'll be pink.


Attached: 00.png (2820x1424, 330K)

Niggas, join the official Risk discord server.

discord gg/msBwqc

Fill Iberia

Fill in Egypt, then go spill to Syria.


Conquer Italy

Perkele > Focus on getting all of Finland and Scandanavia

fill germany pls

Name: Ottoman Empire
Color: Orange
Place: Istanbul

update 1

Attached: 01.png (2820x1424, 334K)

keep on eating them jews in germany

defend if attacked

Moar Italy

Take over modern-day turkey

Take all areas around the white sea

Repeat my last roll.

Fill Iberia

Watch out for Ebola, guys

Attached: 02.png (2820x1424, 337K)

Take Italy

Fill Iberia

Keep filling north eastern Russia


Continue taking over modern-day turkey

come on jewlad and UAR

Attached: 03.png (2820x1424, 338K)

Fill Iberia, spill west French coast

keep filling northern russia and the baltic coast

fill germany still lol

expand Africa/Middle East

March towards Croatia

10 minutes is when i will start posting unless everyone else posts

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nab denmark while we're at it
spills go east

I know I'm a barbarian, but I'll help you some if it means we're protecting the continent. Fight off 'em Ottomans, European brother
Fill Iberia, spill west France

Attached: 1314125412351.jpg (414x603, 55K)

expand Africa/Middle East

Fill baltic coastline

March Towards Greece
You are clearly a Civilized Barbarian

Expand towards Greece

Oh, I see a challenge!


Attached: 05.png (2820x1424, 341K)

>Fight off 'em Ottomans
>Iberian peninsula
After I'm done with Rome, I'll make sure there's room for Moors

We have two edged swords and advanced archery technology; leave half of Sicily and I'll see if I can sail myself to aid you in the east when needed.

Attack Ottoblob before they have the chance

Fill that one French tile, then into Cornwall. After Cornwall, start going into Sardinia and Sicily, sail to the east

Go to battle with Rome and get Greece secured

finish killing UAR

invade germany

invade finngolian cunts for encroaching on lebensraum


oh no no no no no

tOtAl WaR

Attached: 06.png (2820x1424, 342K)

Keep invading Germany

Just put post as my reaction

Go into more of Cornwall, then Wales

Keep invading Rome

finns get out reeeeeeeeeee

kill greens

oh fuck

push all the way up baltic states

are you still aiding rome?

I'll get on that soon, I suppose

Invade Ottoblobs

>then gets 2

C'mon man you've got to get your stuff together


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This is amazing, a Syrian refuge somewhere is finding this extremely sexy

Reclaim Iberia, invade Morocco

Stop those Ottomans and push them back (((they))) wont like this

Go for Rome


Oh shoot you got the good numbers


Meant to post to

keep pushing up baltics

Can I use these numbers to invade Rome with?


Fair enough

keep invading germany

Attached: 08.png (2820x1424, 342K)

Push ottomans

Fuck me

capture finn baltic coast, then keep pushing north

kill greens

Push the Romans back
Are you angry yet?

Kill off the Ebola cunts for even thinking they can take healthy celts on

>Gets dubs immediately after
Are you angry now?

Did not even notice

>And then a zero
you're getting all the right numbers in all the wrong places

Kill Germany

Attached: 09.png (2820x1424, 343K)


wait, my bad ottoman

Attached: 10.png (2820x1424, 343K)