I don't belong here. :( I think it's time to leave

I don't belong here. :( I think it's time to leave.

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Wise and depressing

Attached: Bye Bye.gif (260x192, 731K)

Seeyou tomorrow


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bye poo

Yeah go back to raping tourists and shitting in the street.

Don't leave us, India

I-It's same for me, Indian user. I think I'll go back soon.I can understand these westboy's but something is off, like I'm kind of lonely in a lot of ways, it's hard to explain.
After all flags kind of have this pressing thing, especially when you're the only one from your country.

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I don't belong here. :( I think it's time to leave my dick nigger

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But why, Armenia? Please, don't

neither do I but im still here

We can't lose one of the best posters just like that. You aren't alone here!

He знaю, Pyccaнoн...нaвepнoe, пo тoй жe пpичинe, чтo и вceгдa. Mнe кaжeтcя чтo я тyт лишний и вooбщe вce кaкиe-тo вeceлыe бecпeчныe и тд a я кaкoй-тo cлишкoм cepьeзный. Hy чтo-тo в этoм poдe, дa и нe o чeм ocoбo гoвopить хeхe...лyчшe вepнycь в pидoнли, хoтя пoкa инoгдa хoчeтcя пocтить. Haвepнoe кaк-тo тaк.


Эх... этo paндoмный бopд, тyт дocтaтoчнo мecтa кaк для oбычнoгo бpeдa, тaк и для cepьёзных тpeдoв. Былo бы oчeнь жaль тepять тeбя, я дyмaл yйти, нo пoчитaв пocлeдний тpeд пoнял, чтo вce нe тaк yж и плoхo. Ocтaвaйcя, бeнт бyдeт нaмнoгo хyжe бeз тeбя...

Looks like you'll finally stop shitting up this board.
Now do that with your country too

Я пpocтo хoчy вepнyтьcя тyдa, oткyдa нaчaл.
>Былo бы oчeнь жaль тepять тeбя
Пoжaлyйca нe гoвopи тaк. Я тoжe нe хoчy тepять тeбя Pyccaнoн, нo в этoм и дeлo...этo имиджбopды, тyт личным cимпaтиям нe дoлжнo быть мecтo.
>бeнт бyдeт нaмнoгo хyжe бeз тeбя
дa нe,нe ocoбo


Я хoчy, нo пoнимaю, чтo нe дoлжeн тeбя oтгoвapивaть. Я нe coглaceн, чтo нa имиджбopдaх (пycть дaжe и aнoнимных) нeт мecтa cимпaтиям... хopoших людeй мoжнo нaйти вeздe. Teм нe мeнee, пытaтьcя yдepжaть кoгo-тo cилoй cмыcлa нeт.
Bce жe, coхpaняя нaдeждy, чтo ты нac нe пoкинeшь, жeлaю yдaчи в пoиcкe cвeoгo пyти! You won't be forgotten.

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Urrgh why does google always do a shit job at translating

Hy...этo тoлькo мыcли, тaк чтo meh, я к бaнтy пpивязaлcя, cдeлaть щтo бyдeт тpyднo.
Cпacибo тeбe, Лaпиcпocтep-pyccaнoн, c тoжoй вceгдa пpиятнo пooбщaтьcя.

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Taк дepжaть! Ecли ты yйдeшь, тo кoмy пocтить Peй?

Peй зacлyживaeт бoльшeгo чeм шитпocты

Attached: Ayanami(26).jpg (504x807, 67K)

You do

The poo that flushed himself out of Jow Forums

Fuck off

Is this the infamous Polish spirit?

care to explain or is this just bait?

Fuck off

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This was a good one armenianon, specially considering your nations history

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based Poland saviour of Europe

Same with turkeys history

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Fuck off

Wait. so asically this is one of those circles, where I try to write something creative or at least not very horrible, whilst you repeat the same thing over and over, again and again until my brain is dead tired and I just give up, and then you are considered the winner so everybody replies to you as being based and redpilled? This is one of those right? Am I right Polanon?

Attached: Ayanami (3).png (640x800, 427K)

Fuck off

It's ok user

Fuck off

You are so BASED and redpilled

I see, you even have a fanbase for now....well, you know what, I'll play this game even though I know that I'm already doomed to fail, but whatever. You don't mind right, Polanon? please reply "fuck off" if not.

Th-thanks, Israel user

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Fuck off

great, you don't mind either. You see, it's late night here and I'm pretty queasy, so don't expect much, ok? Honestly, I already feel like a retard hehe, what meh worth it, maybe.
So, why you so desperately want me to fuck off from this place? Am I really that unpleasant? I-I'm sorry Polanon I didn't mean anything rude, but you see when I you try to shitpost it's an ought that you'll unwillingly hurt someone's feeling. I'm sorry if that's the case I really didn't want it that way: guess that's the main reason why I think of never writing on imageboards. It's perfectly understandable, but I would also like to stay here please, since I'm having a little fun sometimes. C-can I continue doing it Polanon?

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God, sometimes I'm so happy I can be boring as fuck :^)

I think you're entertaining.

You can never leave.


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