'Murica appreciation thread

Thank you for this.

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Look at all that delicious lettuce and the juicy tomatoes.

>Shows us McDonalds burger
neglects this fine pic

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I fucking love burgers. They are tasty as fuck.

burger here, that looks gross.

Go drink s.o.y and eat an avocado you unamerican bitch

Thank you America, for being the best big brother in the world

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>tfw cooking pork noodles rn
Kinda comfy.

>Implying that is actually lettuce.
>On a mcdonalds ad
Burger pls.

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>Thank you America for flooding my country with nonwhites and make the Jews our puppet masters

thanks for the internet murica !

Thank you for separating families, invading poor brown countries, installing an orange-colored dictator that's gonna start a world war, bringing back 1960s-style racism in the 21st century, and for contributing nothing of value overall

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>and for contributing nothing of value overall
But all those things you listed before this is valuable?

this is acceptable

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Yeah, thanks a lot for losing the space race in every way, shooting some cunt onto the moon in a rush and then claiming it was actually a moon race the whole time.

>Eating someone who eats poo.

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We didn't just land on the moon once.
Who else has bothered?
Oh, that's right. No one. Because they can't.

When your country can put a man in the moon but can't cook for shit.

>hides country
oh ho ho ho ho

Come to my country kraut, come to Atlanta Georgia, and go to the Vortex.

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Red robin is nigger tier

why does american food look so disgusting?

americans like to pretend that their bastardized version is somehow superior but truth is all your fucking taste buds are ruinied by all the sugar in the food. ffs you guys even dumb a huge load of sugar in the bread wich is the reason why you guys are all so fat in the first place. aren't you guys ashamed of what you do to foreign food? aren't you guys craving to eat something healthy and delicious for once? something that isn't bastrardized and oversugared but comes straight from the origin country?

you may ask "why is this satly eurofag posting this shit?"

well the reason i'm posting this here now is for collecting all the apologizes that are overdue.

if you feel guilty then reply with "sorry and post a picture of your fatass to make other yet still healthy americans aware of the dangers of unhealthy american "food".

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>Having 100 million nonwhites and a nigger president is based
>Having a president who sucks the dick of Israel is based
>Having whites be a minority in both births and schools is based
>Flooding other states with “Texan and Californian” degeneracy is based
>Pushing anti-white propaganda is based
>Going to war against Europe and killing your own ancestors is based
>Bombing Middle eastern countries only for sandniggers to live in Europe is based

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you are nigger tier if you prefer op pic, nigger

Why should you be thanked for the moon landing? It may have been a great feet (if it happened) but no one on earth today has got any value or rise of qol out of it.

thought you couldn't eat pork.

>Not buyng the double

That's because hes a bong. Fried eel with curry, anyone?

I posted a burger from the vortex

>America is McDonalds
>German flag

fucking kill youself.

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We planted the American flag, we essentially own the moon. So maybe, in your ventures, you could thank an American for providing you Eurofags with moonlight. On behalf of Americans I say, you're welcome.

Looks tasty! How are McDonalds in Germany?
Yall leafs are cool with me. Sorry about your current leader.

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Yeah, lol no major technological advancements there.

Your food looks nice but it's all chemicals and other cancer shit there's a reason why there exist thousands of videos from americans trying euro food and always say it tastes much better and like actual food

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I worked at a McDonald's for a couple months
You don't want to go there
I'm serious

because most people have no standards.

>We planted the American flag, we essentially own the moon
The flag has been bleached due to radiation exposure and is now a French flag.

>believing in that jewish hoax

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Never reply to EU flags, not a single one of them is serious in what they say.

>burger vortex
now I am intrigued.

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cheers guys

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Thanks for this burgers.
I dont drink the shit now but I've got great memories of being a kid and I always remember this

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. . . Wow, this was actually very kind of you, OP. There are some things I simply never expect to see here, this is one of them.

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You've never put a fired egg on a burger before?
Have you ever cooked before?

my fault, wrong pic.

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nigger, I literally said that's an acceptable burger.

Get fucked, Kraut. Youbpostd a chilli dog and an abortion of a pizza to represent what 350million people eat. Kys or just wait for your new neighbors to get around to it I guess, you sauerkraut-sucking faggot.

Franken-food. Fatties eat this shit on a regular basis and wonder why they’re always getting head colds and fluid leakage from their ears...

Get a lb a flank steak, cilantro and other veggies, throw them into a slow cooker, wait a bit and have quality meals for the next 72 hours that are less costly and contain actually nutrition that mcnasties does not.

We put a man on the moon. Your country's biggest claim to fame is yeast spread. Be quiet.

>Euros will never be allowed to experience freedom to the tune of 6,000 rounds per minute

Hang in there bros, annexation soon

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im jealous
mcdonalds menu in canada is so fucking boring, we never get any of this shit.

Google the triple coronary bypass

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Yes. From the ancient American city of Hamburg.
OP must be one of those that drag our mean IQ down to 99.

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Just come live here. Downtown Kansas City is a great town; clean, upscale, and affordable luxury lofts and apartments. Pic related, I just moved into one last week. Took this shot of the skyline from the roof.

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Well, they are actually quite good. Of course they don't come close to a real American burger restaurant, but I think they improved a lot recently. At least in my town, the product almost always looks like in the ads.
Well, I have heard this before and it's kinda true, yet heavily depends on restaurant location. Also, if I really want to eat healthily, I'd not go to McDonalds in the first place.
Oof. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamburger

You're not a real American gtfo

wait so who was recording that
were there mechanism to do that back then?

I think its just wrong that you have to actually look out what you buy to get real and clean food instead of making just regulations like we did and ban all the shit... fat people are retarded and don't now any better

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Best of the Burger Chains. Well, its only competitor is Burger King. The food is very good in general. All of the hate about the quality I see on the Internet doesn't apply to German McDonalds. Never have I seen atrocities like some pictures from American McDonalds convey from time to time.

Only the new delivery service is stupidly overpriced.

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OP should have posted a Frankf....I mean hotdog instead.

Remote-operated camera left to record the liftoff.

Fuck you. Our forefathers were busy fighting for our freedom and all we have is the dollar menu.

Thanks, Hans. McDonald's being nigger tier quality is for sure a meme because people will post up a Wal Mart McDonalds McNasty in the same way people bitch about Safeway Starbucks ruining their venti iced vanilla s.oy macchiato no foam extra hot extra caramel drizzle. Its not an accurate representation of the true business and their items.

>yet heavily depends on restaurant location
true, how do you know if you're at a decent place or a bad one tho?

Ok this is just about hygiene stuff, the way management acted and working conditions were terrible in themselves but it's irrelevant.

Nobody checked if we ever washed our hands. There was an alarm every hour supposedly, but people just ignored it (managers included)
fresh stuff stayed out in the open way longer than it should have.
Everything came in contact with everything and everyone else. You don't eat pork/meat/fish/fat african lady dead skin? well, tough fucking luck pal.
we used the same rags to "clean" everything. Cleaning up was more about moving shit out of the way than actually killing germs
At best, early in the morning, your food is infused with detergent, at worst, it is infused with employee sweat and bacterias
I know this is unique to the place I worked at but it tells a lot about how bad it can be without anyone doing anything:
at the time I worked there, the piping in the kitchen was fucked and literal sewer water came up and covered the floor of the burger making area
They didn't close the place until a plumber came or something. We had to deal with the stench and step in shit all day long for A MONTH.
And thinking about the poor fuckers who had to eat the fecal burgers make me fucking sick
As far as I'm concerned, I'm not going to Mickey Ds ever again
There are billions of indie owned burger places that are a billion times tastier and serve better quality shit in a cleaner environment

I actually prefer the Whopper from Burger King over much of anything from McNigger's. Also, the Rodeo Burger from BK is fucking amazing.

The system is designed to fuck your shit up. Smart folks will make informed decisions about what they’re putting in their bodies, and stupid fatties will continue eating whatever tastes good and spikes their insulin up to astromical levels.

It’s not that hard to eat good, user. Don’t be a lazy fuck.

>the new delivery service is stupidly overpriced.

Do they have their own delivery service?

Here in Amsterdam there are numerous delivery companies and I think they all deliver McD.

Why are food portions so fucking huge in America?,
They have to easily be the largest on the planet, What made you fuckers so god damn hungry?

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>What made you fuckers so god damn hungry?
What do you get for the nation which has everything?

$7 for 20 piece mcnuggets? Did you see what the chicken meat looks like? It's looks like pink soft serve ice cream.
$5 for a whopper? wtf? fast food is supposed to be cheap!!!

>what made you fuckers so hungry?
Abundant prosperity.

>country literally has to kill itself to beat us in one thing
Oh no, my feelings

Typical american muuh freedom thinking but at the end it's the normal people who have to pay the healthcare and welfare for these freaks with their taxes....

By the way, (and you can verify my claims by attending the annual food manufacturers conference in the states), the big, scary truth is that a company can fill a good with as much garbage as they want and have no obligation to list it on the nutrition label because a Jew lobbyist worked to classify certain things as “food products” and not as “ingredients”: food products don’t have to be listed on the label like ingredients do.

TLDR: food companies legally add tons of shit to your food and don’t have to list it on the label.

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he seriously needs to be executed. when i lived in germany i noticed the mcdonalds were nicer, on-par with starbucks as far as public image, and attracted the most normie norms who ever normed.

the moon is a dead rock, the 'moonlight' is light reflected from the sun.
>american education

America is about greed and power. It will corrupt you.

It genuinely is a shame their PhobosGrunt lander failed a few years back, I would have liked to have seen that be successful. Meanwhile in burgerland, we're sending a second Curiosity rover to Mars with a new suite of instruments. Sure feels bad to have lost the space race.

In america yes in europe we have so many regulations against such things and that's really one of the few things i like about the EU/our government

I hate nuggets, say what you want about them.
I think 7€ is fine for a menu with a burger + fries + soda (1500kcal). Especially in the city center.

Forgot, when did you guys go to the moon?

Back in the 90's, when my dad died, my mom lost the house because she was a normal wife who stayed home with the kids, and so didn't have any skills. We wound up living in a Dodge Caravan for a bit while she waited tables; the only thing she could afford to feed us were Whoppers, which were just a dollar back then. We had Whoppers every single night for about four straight weeks. Somehow, I got reverse taste aversion from it, and I love those burgers so much they're the only variety I'll accept pickles on.

he's 100% right.
the free market rules in the US, so the philosophy is if you are willfully ignorant, or if you dont look at the ingredients, if you dont have a meaningful relationship with your food, you deserve to be given cancer, driven into debt, and turned into a slave.
at least in germany they have significantly higher standards for milk, meat, eggs, etc.
The fanta in germany is a different color than in the US, because the dye used in american fanta is literally listed as a known human carcinogen by the WHO.
I really implore germans to come to america to see how fucking shit is compared to your country.

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facts are facts user, no matter your sensitive feelings.

Kek, we’re actually arguing for the same points. Yes, the whole system is connected and poor food quality perpetuates the cycle. Big
Food execs have a revolving door thing going with pharma positions and trade shares on the epidemiological studies documenting the rise of the average BMI as a metric for potential profits. Eerie shit, my kraut friend.

They might've if we hadn't nabbed their top rocket scientists. Sorry Germany no space for you.

I know. The question is really how many "conspiracy theories" aren't true, and not the other way around.

>being this assblasted about American superiority
Smoke a bowl, you'll feel better.

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Whopper for sure

That is why socialized healthcare is bad. If you want to put yourself into an insurance pool, fine, but don't force that on everyone.

You're from a place nobody thinks or cares about, has achieved nothing, and you can't get the US out of your head. Please, cry more.

other countries and continents are doing the same user.
the moon landing was an epic achievement no problem, but the endless 'we won everything' is getting tedious, just like the US 'winning WW2' after it was already done for by the time you guys came.
Americans are just full of shit all the time.

Damn straight. Nobody is force feeding double cheese burgers and debbie cakes into these type-2 river hippos. Personal responsibility and intelligence > government regulation. These folks know it’s bad for them to be fat fucks. If they’re too lazy to sort their shit out, fuck em.

Facts like the collapse of the USSR, or facts like Russians using 60 year old hardware to get into space while America is streamlining rocketry and making launches more efficient?

we where the reason you guys have so much black folks in the US. U mad?
oh and thx for the monies, made us one of the richest countries in the world.

lol the netherlands have a richer culture and history than you mutts ever will