Chinese cartoons

>Chinese cartoons
I hate mandarin now after watching this show

what is the worst sounding language, or worst sounding accents from people who try to speak your language?
I personally think chinese sucks as a english speaker, but the worst sounding english speakers are french.
what's r/banter's opinion?

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I don't know about worst, but I always hated the french language and french accent. I have no idea why anyone considers it "beautiful." It sounds like a bong, a german, and an italian all got together and grunted and whined until their accents came together and then scoffed at people who walked by their ugly, hairy orgy.

Vietnamese and Korean are pretty uneasy on the ears. Fuckin hate the Georgia accent

Georgia country or Georgia state


Agreed, sorry french anons, but you sound like spanish with too much nasal and mucus sounds.

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The worst would be Turkish people. They can't speak english.

fai' mi an-own aintchee no wutchee duen' ye nee' tuh get gown' er ahmma faichee rai'ere



nah jus' plain' alown' ah ain' care too much

*still mad

wait you can't read what I'm saying? I thought you knew my accent

I said I was just playing along and that I don't care too much

northern mandarin accent is the most obnoxious thing ive ever heard
south mandarin accent turns me on

don't get me started with you

Sichuan hua?

Oh I can read, hence why I'm pouting right...doesn't help that my balls are itchy

both of you are proof that having more than one official language is worse than having none.

wale uh goo luck witchee balls

nah, guoyu. is sichuan hua even considered mandarin?
lol you mean singlish? yeah its pretty jarring to the ears
what do you mean?

singlish is getting better, but its fucking hard to understand someone who can use complex english in a bastardized accent, 2nd one was mostly a jab at canada's french

usually deal with a lot of asians where I live so I've grown to hate their accents more than anything else. It's usually fine when they're speaking their own language but more often than not that's the only one they know.