A bit of a tight situation for me, my dudes

A bit of a tight situation for me, my dudes
>be me
>really tall (~6'2")
>have short asian friend (whom of which is female)
>she's like 4'7"
>we're good friends
you can tell where this is going so i'll now tell the story
>she is a weeb
>i am not
>she keeps talking about anime so i just listen silently most of the time
>she seems to like me beyond the average friend and i have seen the signals
>i don't swing that way though
>she looks like a kid
>i look like im in college
>one day she says something that left a bad taste in my mouth
"i'm like a loli"
>i know little of anime but i know a bit about law
>bigus nopeus
"and you're like the tall quiet guy in anime"
>holy fuckles stop
"it's fun to watch those characters in anime"
"wouldn't it be funny if we were together"
>fuck she said it
'i don't swing that way, i'm afraid.'
>she only gets more excited
i wish i never said that
end part 1

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fake and gay

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who are you quoting?

hmmm odd there was a due like that in my high school

>gay dude on good terms with popular kid becuase he is so edgy
>asian girl orbits him watching gay anime porn all the time

but in general i think asian girls orbit guys like that its just thier thing

>you dont want to date her

holy shit this has to be fake

Part 2
>her eyes light up when i say that
>i can hear the gears grinding in her head as her smile only widens
>she changes the subject
>i know i'm not in the clear yet but i feign relaxation
>this is a good time to mention my social anxiety, so be aware of it
>a few weeks pass
>at home with friend doing homework
>get phone call
"hey user, i'm outside. me and some friends want to see if you're up to hang out"
>dear lord it's her
i never told her my address nor phone number
>i would have said no, but my friend says he has to go now, his mother will have a fit if he doesn't get there soon
>the fucker didn't tell me that
>he heard the call so he asks if she could drive him
>and that is how i got into the car with her and her 3 friends
>one with long dyed pink hair. one with some cosplay of something i don't recognize, and one wearing a headband
>they're all short asians, don't know what i expected
>i tell the story about my friend's needing to get home dilema
>after dropping him off they ask if i have anywhere in mind to go
'hey, you're the one that wanted me to come along'
>they go to one of their houses
>my tension is near audible, but that's just me
>they go to their basement
>dear god don't let it be a dungeon
>it's a fairly cozy place, but still i'm not at home until i'm alone
>beanbags, not chairs
>they all sit just fine in them
>i look like noodles that don't fit in a cup
>they start watching anime
>am i being indoctrinated?
>can't pay an ounce of attention to it because anxiety
"hey user, this is the guy you're like"
>the fuck?
>this dude has less muscle than an emo 13 year old
>he's just tall
'gee, thanks.'
>nononono, not physically, personality wise
>don't buy it, so i try to figure him out
>the guy has like 3 minutes of screentime in the season
'so how is this guy like me?'
>i really don't get it
>pinky chimes in
"well he's mysterious"
'just ask and i answer, i'm not mysterious, just quiet'
>cosplayer adds to the conversation
to be continued

>cosplayer adds to the conversation
"well you're tall"
>this angers me
'yeah, but this dude cant lift a paperweight if he tried with that muscle'
>realize i brought attention to my corporeal body
>anxiety intensifies
>no one says anything for a while
>realize it's dark out
>plan is hatched for escape
'hey, i should get going. it's getting dark out'
>if only it were so easy
>shorty responds with haste
"it's only 4:30 user."
>fucking february sunlight.
>stuck there still watching anime
>i can predict everything
>i look over at them
>they're totally absorbed in it
>i'm sure any other guy would love to be here in my place, but i'm not most guys, i swing the other way
>pinky asks what i think of the series
'uh, not quite sure what to think of it'
>they look at me funny
>headband girl visibly angry at my response
"are you kidding me? this is the best anime in the world!"
>it was a neutral response, and still got a negative reaction
>idea forms
>execute the escape
'well if i have offended you so badly, i will take my leave'
>fuck yeah i'm out
>headband's expression changes drastically
"i didn't mean to be so mean!"
>it's a game of manners chess
'i still struck a nerve, and wouldn't it be a good idea for me to leave before i annoy you more and ruin the night?'
"yeah, i guess your right"
>walk out
>go home on foot
>use all my phone's data for google maps to get home
>realize how rude i was
>remember it's saturday, and i need to face them again on monday
shall i continue this story fellow anons? quite a bit happens, but it's fucking stupid

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Im reading

what anime was it?

I’m not reading this entirely made up story that ends with you not fucking some gook

Keep going mate

btw i have no fucking clue what the anime was, i watched like 3 minutes of it
>monday comes
>they see me
>they begin approach
>use crowd to delay them
>get to class
>realize i'm cornered
>the class begins
>the four rush to class
>don't see them for the rest of the day
>waiting for bus home
>feel a presence
>shorty knows where i normally stand to wait for the bus
>go to a new spot
>as i go to my bus is see them searching
>i'm on the bus
>as it pulls away they see me
>give them a friendly wave
>this game of chess continues
>but they are just as resolute as i
>days go by like this
>i begin to enjoy this game of hide and seek and run
>it takes a month for them to get close
>it was pinky who found me, she was alone
"hey user, are you still mad about what happened?"
>mad? no.
'i'm not one to hold grudges'
>she seemed relieved at those words and left
>she stops
>i begin my escapade
>she would need to run to catch up with her short legs

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who am I quoting lol?

it was here i began to worry for my life
>i may have lost a pawn, but now i know their intentions
>i see little of them for a long time
>once more on a saturday i am called but it's cosplay girl
"hey user, shorty gave me this number, i wanted to know if you were still mad about what happened"
>so they aren't communicating?
'no, i'm not one to stay mad'
>she seems relieved
>she's not done yet though
"shorty wants to know if you want to hang out again"
>not this time, this trick only works once
'sorry, i can't. i got homework'
>complete lie. i'm farming in warframe all night
"but don't you do your homework when you get home?"
>how the fuck...?
'what makes you say that?'
>she stammers for a minute
>i've caught on to the ruse
"uh, well uh, shorty told me"
>nice try
'i never told shorty what my homework schedule is'
>she hangs up fast
>peek out of my shade
>their car is there
>the light from my window alerts them
>i see movement in the car
>close blind and try to remember if i locked my doors
>fuck the backdoor isn't
>practically fly through my house to lock the door
>decide to play warframe later than usual
>hear the sound of locked doors shaking
>i fucking knew it
>look out window, like actually open window and look down
>it's shorty
>keeps staring silently
>two can play the game of horror
>she looks up
>sees me and runs
>no sleep tonight, only dreams of fitful fear
>sunday arrives
>i rise from my bed
>wonder if last night was a dream
>check my phone to see if the call really happened, it did
>check back door. it's metal
>there's dents
>how much fucking force can a short weeb dish out?!

>"really tall"

jesus dude i was 6'2 in 10th grade and i just felt average where did u go fucking kim jong un high

y'all act like 6'2' isn't tall. and yes, a lot of short kids were at my school.
>this game of chess is not over, both queens still stand, but now the pawns are gone
>time for my rook
>call shorty, this game is now in my hands
>she picks up like she was waiting
"oh hi user! i wanted to talk to you today-"
>i cut her off
'there was someone at my back door last night'
>she doesn't respond for a while
"really? sounds scary! if you need somewhere to stay you can stay at my place"
>i need to think my next move carefully
'nah, i'm just telling you so if i get murdered you'll be first to know'
>she laughs
>a little louder than i would expect, a hint of relief to it
>and her bishop falls
>i hang up after
>spend the rest of the day inside like usual
>play the fuck out of warframe and skyrim
>nap for like 3 hours
>wake up in dread
>i at this point realized i was toying with this girl
>a pang of guilt quickly replaced with the memory of the back door
>maybe it wont be too bad to swing both ways
>or at least act like it
buckle up nerds and geeks, the end is soon.

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6'2 is tall, yes

6'2 isnt "REALLY TALL"

my friend is 6'5, he's the beginning of really tall

6'2? no, we're just tall

>my "plan" is written out in my crude handwriting.
>it's a step by step plan on my next sunday, but i won't follow it true. it's a trap
>leave it near an open window
>lets see if my suspicions are right
>go out for walk to walgreens and buy a steamcard
>come back home
>"plan" is still there
>the next sunday comes
>instead of going to walgreens like the "plan" says, go to nearby store
>the four are at walgreens loitering
>go to park and into woods ahead of schedule
>the four arrive a minute after i would have
>go home
>call up shorty
>cosplay picks up
>dance around the mines, get to the queen
'yeah, it's me, i need to talk to shorty"
>there's a fumbling on the phone
"Hi user!"
>here we go
'hey, where are you right now?'
>she's quick to respond, but stutters
"i'm at the park"
'i know'
"really? are you here?"
'i was, i was also near walgreens earlier'
>a risky play but i needed answers
"really? we were there too! we didn't see you!"
'so what'd you get at walgreens?'
>she's silent
'what are you doing at the park? i'ts winter'
'you read the plan, didn't you?'
>she begins crying
>shit i didn't want her to cry
"i just wanted a boyfriend"
i think the story should end here, it gets no better

fake and gay because youre a ugly manlet that women are repulsed by

Who quot?

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Fake and gay but pretty good read nonetheless


I'm 6' 2" and I'm below average here, it's not tall

also who are you quoting op

okay gayboy, psot the rest of the sotry. also gimme shorty's number fag