Only countries with 11 official languages may post here

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kot id

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your country only speaks the gay

worlds official language reporting in

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Chinese ?

Sweden doen't have an official language.

False, we speak three different gay

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swedish is the main gay right ?

what about arabic ?

Yeah, then we have Finnish and that northern mongoloid language

Xav ē'n tqoloph ob ra nōp mōphxok op ra Zapēvof Tvōvt pā. Cohep Ophmoy-tqoloph gehb.

nice try burger

America claims all languages as official.

seems fair you wont have any border soon anyway

Your country doesn't even have an official language.

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oh nononono HAHAHAHAHA

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klingon isn't a real language


The majority of states have English as their official language.

oh sweety (they count if you extincted the shit out of them right) (this chart is actually speculative anyway these languages were supposed to be mutually understandable so they're more like dialects really?)

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Only countries where whites are majority allowed to post

dialects DONT COUNT

Jō, vōl revv cel! Rot ob paroph mēl Lmophep!

Attached: Klingon.gif (220x216, 14K)


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i agree
fucking aboriginals

>has no official language
>makes fake language

top koek

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Ov't pev Klingon!

>bortaS blr jablu'Dl'reH QaQqu' nay'.

>Sawipk ob a foy citv taswf lumf.

Rō es lmosmo foggosopv!

Klingon ≠ Puwephmol

32 of them, and it's just a movement with no federal approval.

None of your States have an official language approved at Federal level.

A language that less than 0.00001% of the population speaks? Not likely.

Judeo-German Yiddish is even less, and look at them go.

Reminds me of Norman knights in England. There were just a couple of hundred of Norman Knights and a million of Englishmen.

Englishmen submitted to sheen.
And French language.

more like 5%