I have adhd. i feel like a medication would help me focus and function better in general...

i have adhd. i feel like a medication would help me focus and function better in general. in the past my doctor has sent me to therapy which didn't work at all. i have an appointment soon, what should i say to make them consider medication over therapy

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Say you want some addies cause they make it better when you nut.

1. lol
2. adderall isnt prescribed in the uk ritalin is the stimulant choice you can get

ritalin makes you retarded

>be bong
>have to go do lesbian medicinal dance therapy before you can get ritalin

glad to see you're all being helpful

you could take therapy sessions and fake a negative reaction

>mfw I’d “trip” on adderall by doing schoolwork and playing MMOs
The crash could be brutal though.

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no fake needed the therapy sessions make me uncomfortable and agitated

would you rather be hyper or braindead those are your choices bitchb

You know what else is good for concentration?
Licking my butthole!

>only one medication for stimulants
>saying it's a choice

there are non stimulant medications for adhd which are apparently not as good

adhd doesn't make everyone hyper lol it makes me have extreme focus problems

do you want to kill your brain to fix that y/n

it doesn't kill your brain you fucking dumbass
it's a stimulant it does the opposite of what you're describing

ree all drugs are bad

how would you know if you've never taken it retard
god you don't even need it to be stupid just believin whatever mummy nanny state pharma says huh bitt hc
smack your head against a wall several times does the same shit as ritalin makez you f(((((ocus)))))) by being unable to multitask at all

i know people who have taken it
jesus christ you really are the majority of this website

You're better off without it. I was on Ritalin from the time I was 8 until I was 16. Shit fucks you up man. Pretty sure it's why I'm trapped in the body of a 15 year old.
Learn to focus on your own and build some discipline.
Otherwise enjoy the meth.

yeha and they're too fucjing STUPID to know better so they nod and say everything is fine

ritalin is closer to cocaine chemically you haven't taken it get the fuck out of here

fuck y'all no one answer the question i'm out


if you can't get addy in the uk get dexedrine

ritalin gives you a very different "high" than coke
my experience with ritalin/addy is that it makes me feel somewhat tired but excited at the same time, as well as making me very talkative and work-oriented
though I only took adderall for like 3 years throughout my childhood so ymmv

Was on Adderall for a little while but my parents didn't like that I didn't want to eat and was losing weight.
Please tell me more about the medications I've taken.
You gonna tell me about lithium and risperidone next? Why don't you tell me why I couldn't nut on Sertraline since you're so well versed on psychotropics and are foremost authority on who's taken what?
Punk ass bong.

squirm around and don't focus on anything.

shit yourself during the evaluation and don't seem to nootice or care.

You can still get different sorts of medications, if you don't want such a major stimulant. Drugs do exist in which they release in proportions. Also it depends on the severity of your behavior, for me I have ADD not ADHD so stimulants are much more manageable for myself.

Personally for myself, I found stimulants much better for myself and any SNRI's really didn't do anything but just made me tired.

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Amphetamine (speed) is easy to get in the UK. It comes in a yucky paste that you could clean a bit yourself. Could give it a try, just be responsible.

>It comes in a yucky paste
whats the deal with that shit anyways last time I was shopping in the funionlands all the euro speed was all some strange ass white paste

I mean sniffing or banging that stuff sounds like infection waiting to happen

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