Prove you're fucking white and post the title and author of any book you've invested at least an hour into in the last...

Prove you're fucking white and post the title and author of any book you've invested at least an hour into in the last week.

Bible is OK but must provide details of exactly which books of the Bible. KJV of course.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Scrawny ass here reading the chronicles of narnia by C.S. Lewis
>bedtime stories thread now

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KJV? are you stupid? i mean... that's ok for the NT but the OT? you're an idiot. stop posting on here like you know something.

New translations are OK if they have the same message. Unfortunately, none do.

Take for example how newer translations will say Jesus can heal people. The KJV says it'll make them whole. Making one whole and making one healed are two different things.

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>he still thinks the products of the publishing house jew are for white people
Grandpa Gutenberg, the old peoples' home is that way

It's fuckin epic. Chronologically takes you thru declassified KGB files and what was happening in his life in the real world. Pertinent to current events in the US

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Sorry. Forgot to rotate it

What's the best English translation of the bible?
I was raised atheist but I want to read it.

Superforcasting by tetlock, gardner

>"Masonry teaches that God is infinitely good. What motive, what reason, and, morally speaking, what possibility can there be to Infinite Power and Infinite Wisdom, to be anything but good? Our very sorrows, proclaiming the loss of objects inexpressibly dear to us, demonstrate His Goodness. The Being that made us intelligent cannot Himself be without intelligence; and He Who has made us so to love and to sorrow for what we love, must number love for the creatures He has made, among His infinite attributes." - Morals And Dogma

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read this last week it's eye opening to say the least. juden truly are soulless

Douay Rheims

Chapleau W, Al-khatib J, Haskin D, LeBlanc P, Cardenas G, Borum S, Torres N, abi Saad G, al Ghanimi O, Al-Harthy A, al turki S, Ali J, Allerton D, Androulakis JA, Arca MJ, Armstrong JH, Atkinson Jl, Ayyaz M, Baker A, Blake DP, Sallee R, Scruggs F, Bowyer MW, Brandt MM, Branicki FJ, Brasel K, Brighton G, Brown J, Bruna L, Burton RA, Bustraan J, Cabading V, Carvajal Hafemann C, Castagneto GH, Castro Cl, Chaudhry Zu, Chehardy P, Chennault RS, Chua WC, Chrysos E, Coimbra R, Collet e Silva F, Cooper A, Cortes Ojeda J, Cothren Burlew C, Chetty D, Davis KA, Domingues Cde A, di Silvio-lopez M, Doucet JJ, du Plessis HJ, Dunn JA, Dyson R, Dason M, Eastman AB, Elkholy AT, Falck larsen C, Fernandez FA, Foianini E, Foerster J, Frankel H, Gautam SC, Gomez GA, Gomez Fernandez AH, Guillamondegui Od, Guzman Cottallat EA, Hancock BJ, Henn R, Henny W, Henry SM, Herrera-Fernandez G, Hollands M, Horbowyj R, Hults CM, Jawa RS, Jover Navalon JM, Jurkovich GJ, Kaufmann CR, Knudson P, Kortbeek JB, Kosir R, Kuncir EJ, Ladner R, Lo CJ, Logsetty S, Lui KK, Lum SK, Lundy DW, Machado F, Mao P, Masood Gondal K, Maxson RT, Mcintyre C, Michael DB, Misra MC, Moore FO, Mori ND, Morrow CE Jr, Murphy SG, Nagy KK, Nicolau N, Oh HB, Omari OA, Ong HS, Olivero G, Pak-art R, Parry NG, Patel Br, Paul JS, Pereira PM, Poggetti RS, Poole A, Recalde Hidrobo M, Price RR, Primeau S, Quintana C, Razek TS, Roden R, Roed J, Romero M, Rotondo MF, Sabahi M, Schaapveld N, Schipper IB, Schoettker P, Schreiber MA, Serafico EC, Serrano JC, Siegel B, Siritongtaworn P, Skaff D, Smith RS, Sorvari A, Sutter PM, Sutyak J, Svendsen LB, Taha WS, Tchorz K, Lee Wt, Tisminetzky G, Trostchansky Jl, Truskett P, Upperman J, van den Ende Y, Vennike A, Vikström T, Voiglio E, Weireter LJ Jr, Wetjen NM, Wigle Rl, Wilkinson S, Winchell RJ, Winter R, Yelon JA, Zarour AM.

one book.... those are the authors.

Oxford Annotated Bible is good. Lots of notes. Read it while listening to lectures. The Great Courses have several good ones. Be sure to put the books in their historical context, get multiple perspectives, and make up your own mind after critically thinking about them.

Luke 13 22-30 The Narrow Door

Robert O'neill - The Operator

Go ahead, insult me

I don't read books, I only play vidya.

Necessary reading for every white male out there.

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Basic Tactics, Mao Zedong.

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I don't have the attention span for books anymore.

here you go OP

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Sun Tzu's art of war

Reading a book on medieval science and technology, by a woman. She likes brining up the "Arabic saviours of philosophy" whenever possible. I'm probably wasting my time.

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Picked up Nicolo Machiavelli’s The Prince at my library’s new bookstore, is it meme status or does it bring up some good points?

Trump's "Art of the Deal".

The Gulag Archipelago and began rereading LOTR for the umpteenth time.

Might Is Right and Mein Kampf

spent an hour reading the iliad this week, bros.

bronze age mindset, mein kampf, storm of steel

This week? Moby Dick

Rhythmic Gesture in Mozart, Wye Allanbrook

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Rereading The Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien.
With all the degeneracy of the modern world, I like to read about higher ideals of living.
Feanor did nothing wrong.

Southern Folk Medicine by Phyllis Light
Catholic Manual of Civility, translated and edited by Marian Horvat

Twin Towers -JR tokens

The Jews and Their Lies by Martin Luther

Negromania by John Campbell.

Is this enough?

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Does anyone else enjoy a book, and then promptly forget everything about it bar the bare minimum?

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Chapterhouse Dune

Starship Troopers.

Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible, Old and New Testament.

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you might need to read better books if the ones you read aren't worth remembering

The Bow and the Club, Julius Evola

Arthur Schopenhauer - The world as will and representation

I've been making my way through the complete works of Plato

>90 minutes at entebbe

No, I enjoy the hell out of them and am interested in the subjects, but I have trouble remembering the details that you read a book for in the first place. The Looming Tower, the rise of ISIS, and A History of the Ancient World are some that come to mind. It might be because they're dense.

Brothers Karamazov
Origins and History of Consciousness
The Red Book
The Constitution and other writings of the founders

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300 year rule by one family - then came the commies.

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I got through most of the Socratic Dialogues last week, but Herodotus I honestly find is the much more entertaining read.

I used to read a lot more and I understand the importance it but im lazy. I need to clean my room.

-Saint Augustine

Just finished the book on time and eternity.

And I'm Black.

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Check out Galapagos by the same author. It made me realize im going to die some day. Good shit.

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Starship Troopers is a good read if you haven't read it yet

Nice try (((Cardinal)))
KJV is the one that's had the greatest cultural and historical impact in the English world. It's the translation that the US President places his hand on to take the oath of office. The wording is a bit antiquated which will require a dictionary at some times (I recommend an online version of Webster's 1828 edition) but the fact is every Bible translation will require you use Google now and again. You'll Google definitions no matter what
This one will convince you of the reliability of the KJV over other translations. You can use this one but I'd recommend using a KJV alongside it.

The KJV uses ye/thee and thy/thou as pronouns because ye/thy are singular, thee/thou is plural. The Oxford Annotated Bible uses the word you in every instance the KJV would say ye/thy, thee/thou. If you're looking to get anything spiritual out of the Bible, this would matter.
The NKJV doesn't own up in one area of this section which the KJV does.
>And indeed there are last who will be first, and there are first who will be last.”
The KJV it's "there are last WHICH SHALL be first, and there are first WHICH SHALL be last."

In the KJV, the words "which shall" signifies a change in time. "The last which shall be first", means, those who come to Christ in this world last, people like reformed criminals, will apear to be getting the most in the next world, because they weren't as holy in this world. Those who came to Christ first, those that never were criminals or degenerates, will appear to be last in the next world because they received less a reward than reformed criminals.

But all will receive the same reward. When everyone gets the same reward, the first shall be last.

"The first who will be last" doesn't carry the same ring. Because "who will" doesn't signify a different time period the way "which shall" does.

Do yourself a favor and invest in a physical reference version of a KJV. Pic related

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Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski

Fuck niggers.

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Yeah I definitely find this to be the case as I get older. Could be because I'm consuming so much information now, too. I will review a book from time to time if I want to remember what's in it

>want to read Jow Forums recommendations
>but also want manga
>dont have cash for both
life is suffering

>"The God That Failed"

Good book, teaches a lot about the horrors of communism and the nasty side of the corrupt government of the Soviet Union. Written by 5 ex-communist citizens of the USSR.

I write down some quotes from the books I read to help me remember. Sometimes a small reminder can be very effective.

Go to a used bookstore mate
>checks flag
assuming your town has one

Dune by Frank Herbert.

Fuck white people.

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The Forgotten Soldier, Guy Sajer

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Got started on the Saxon series by Bernard Cornwell

There can be only one, you booknigger!

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Meditations by Aurelius

Bible but im just reading straight through again

HP Lovecraft stuff

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Nice, thanks.

I'm thinking of investing in a typewriter to keep track of notes. This is my "history but not really history" section where I keep my books that were written on current events when they were current. They're not history books because the subject matter didn't pass into history before the book was published

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I'm not "white", I'm European.
Jason and the Golden Fleece by Apollonius of Rhodes.
De Anima by Aristotle.

I finished The Looming Tower then immediately started it over, waited a few months, then read it a third time. Yeah, it's dense.

Read None Dare Call it Conspiracy.
Read "The Politician" by Robert Welch.

I pay $2200 in rent and get Amazon grocery delivery.

Glamorama by Bret Easton Ellis.

cant find the author but a book simply titled "the international monetary fund" explains how africa got fucked over. blacks were actually catching up rather well in the world until the jews set up a bank and offered the politicians money. money to "feed the hungry". so black politicians, being black and not understanding interest, accepted. years later the bank demanded their money. african politician didnt wanna pay up because african politicians are greedy. at this point the countries became dependent on the free stuff. so the bank simply offered to "write the budget" and in exchange they will keep loaning. okay said the nog king. the budget slashed education funds, instead having the money pay interests, and blacks have been stuck ever since

Wait, really? How so? I loved these as a kid

Also right now im reading 3 books, jordan Petersen (morning), starship troopers (bedtime), and louis lamour (only when bonfire is lit)

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There are a lot of free options for keeping notes online but if you prefer you could use a typewriter. You seem a fan of history in particular so it may be a fun exercise and would possibly help you remember things even better.

Damn, that's a huge book on Hillary.

By Hillary

Rot and Ruin

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I love this book. I read it once every few years.

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To have and have not ernest hemingway

What I'm reading

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Generation Identity by Markus Willinger. Just read it tonight.

you have to read as many translations as you can, and use a concordance. Compare the passages, spot the liar. They all mistranslate in places to fit dogma.

absolute garbage that goes completely off the rails at the end trying to explain how feudalism came about


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Trump: The Art Of The Deal
Pretty entertaining.
This book has a good brief (2 pages) explanation of feudalism's origin, attributing it to Diocletius

Praise the SON OF GOD

You're reading Jewish propaganda?

They're abundant around here. And thrift stores always have something. How's your used book market?